Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1245

But for a moment, the jade wizard flew out with Pangu axe, handed it to heaven and man, and said with a smile, "thank you

"How?" Yu die Xiao Hua asks tentatively.

"I'm lucky to live up to my life!" The witch turned to look at the space and replied, "this is the tenth heaven, Xuanyuan heaven!"

"Xuanyuantian" Xiao Hua lost his voice and said, "it's really xuanyuantian!"

"Daoyou?" The jade wizard looked at Xiao Hua and said, "I have just learned from the bones of the thirteen gods that the triple heaven is beyond the Ninth Heaven of Lingyuan. Do you know that long ago?"

"No, no!" Xiao Hua looked at the wariness of the wizard and said with a smile, "xuanyuantian is the spiritual space to be opened up in the fairyland of our human race..."

Speaking of the yudie, Xiao Hua passed on the cultivation methods of the true immortal and the immortal to the yudie witch!

"I'll go!" After seeing it, the jade wizard said with a bitter smile, "you are human Will copy! Isn't that the one who started heaven just like me

Xiao Hua was a little embarrassed. The witch hit the nail on the head. The cultivation method of Taoism really has such a characteristic!

"Learn from, learn from!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it can't be said to be plagiarism!"

"Whatever you want!" The witch ignored Xiao Hua's embarrassment and asked, "what happened to xuanyuantian?"

"I don't know..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'm just a little fairy!"

"Well..." The yudiewu said, "after xuanyuantian, there are zaomiaotan and juezhentian."

"Juezhentian? "Good luck"

Xiao Hua suddenly felt that the cultivation above the real immortal had something to do with the opening up of Wushan space!

So Xiao Hua asked, "is this the triple heaven outside Heaven?"

The jade wizard hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't know this poor way. I don't know so much about it. But it seems that the nine days of Lingyuan plus the three days fit with the Twelve Gods..."

"Alas..." The man sighed and said, "there are so many mysteries in this world. How can we explore them one by one with our power?"

When he said the jade ultimatum, heaven and man looked at the jade ultimatum, and Xiao Hua said, "I'm going to disappoint my friends. Up to now, I haven't got anything more useful..."

"Maybe these will help Daoyou..." Xiao Hua's heart moved, and some messages in the golden crystal were sent to the heaven and man of the jade ultimatum. The heaven and man of the jade ultimatum looked tight, and then he was pleasantly surprised and said, "ha ha, thank you, Taoist friend. I've already had a happy idea. Goodbye!"

Looking at the figure of yudie, the witch said with a smile: "I'm going to start the cultivation of Xuanyuan heaven. Goodbye!"

After that, the yudiewu returns to Wushan space, and then flies into the newly opened xuanyuantian in the shape of a dragon head.

The cultivation of the sorcerer and Taoist is similar to that in Lingyuan Jiutian. It seems to be dancing. There are mysterious tracks and fluctuations between the dances. In particular, there are weak gold wires falling in the Honghuang divine space!

"I have to work hard too..." Xiao Hua smiles and gets out of space.

Looking at the 49 immortal babies still engraved in his body, Xiao Hua, who is returning to his original position, doesn't realize that the five flavors are mixed.

At this time, he had basically understood the origin of the cultivation method of real immortals. It must be that the elders of the immortal world knew the mystery of casting souls, but they did not have the method of casting souls, so they created Zhenqi with the help of some immortal marks. It is not easy for the fairyland to develop up to now.

"I don't know what happened in ancient times. How could the fairyland be broken?"

Just as Xiao Hua thought about it, something happened to the seal on the military case. When Xiao Hua flicked his middle finger, a voice came from the inside: "my Lord, the reward and punishment envoy will come right away, he will summon Please meet me outside the camp. "

"OK..." Xiao Hua also didn't think much, promised, stood up and flew out of the army account.

In addition to the tent, all the immortal soldiers and generals had already formed a battle. When they saw Xiao Huafei coming out, they all bowed themselves to salute, and then surrounded Xiao Huafei out of the camp.

Xiao Hua thought that he could meet him head-on, but he didn't know that this was the time of burning incense. Xiao Hua was a little displeased. Didn't it delay his cultivation?

"Qin Longqi..." Xiao Hua turned his head and asked, "why did it take so long?"

"My lord..." Qin Xin said with a quick smile, "the end general is not clear, the end general I haven't seen any reward and punishment envoys... "

Just then, a drum beating was heard in the distance, but three fire dragons pulled a flying General of the red crystal chariot. Xiao Hua's eyes fell on the chariot and saw more than ten unarmed immortal generals, or beating drums, or holding immortal weapons. He was awed by his heart and welcomed them with all the generals.

"Roar..." Three fire Jiaos raise their heads and roar, stop, a station in gold armor will fly out of the chariot!

The general didn't use silver light to cover his body. He looked dignified and dignified. His face was as handsome as a rock, with a touch of pride!

However, Xiao Hua's eyes were slightly frowning, and the immortal general was just the realm of spirit!

"Which is immortal Xiao, Xiao lielei?"

Fairy eyes fall on Xiao Hua body, can still open mouth to ask a way.

Xiao Hua was angry and funny, but he didn't have to wait for him to speak. Qin Xin immediately flew up and said respectfully, "it's easy to teach punishment. This is my lord Xiao!""Lord Xiao, what a big shelf The immortal general said with a smile, "I represent Wei Yue Xiao to come here. Do you only let a little dragon ride here to see me?"

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua flew out and said, "my husband, immortal Xiao..."

"Under Maobing..." Seeing Xiao Hua flying out, the immortal general said faintly, "it's the reward and punishment envoy under Wei Yuexiao's command. Today, on behalf of Wei Yuexiao, I'll issue the reward and punishment order, and I'd like to ask Lord Xiao to raise his salary!"

With that, Mao Bing took out an arrow engraved with fire and sea water!

"This guy is too proud..." Xiao Hua is not happy that Mao Bing doesn't give gifts, but for the sake of the reward and punishment order, Xiao Hua doesn't want to care about anything. He just mutters in his heart and says, "generals, please raise the bill, and let the reward and punishment order enter it!"

"Mao Xianyou, please..."

Xiao Hua raised his hand.


Mao Bing didn't even mean to be modest. He promised to fly directly to the Central Military account.

Xiao Hua asked: "Qin Longqi, the emissary in the team Is it all this style? "

"I haven't seen you before, but I've heard that these messengers represent the adults who sent them, so in terms of etiquette, they should be treated as those adults!"

"All right!" Xiao Hua nods and urges her body to accompany Mao Bing.

Who knows, Mao Bing into the military account, more direct than just, has been flying to the military case, holding an arrow standing there.

Xiao Hua can only stand under the military case!

Seeing general Gong Li, Mao Bing frowned and said, "Lord Xiao, why are there so few immortal soldiers in your camp?"

"Do I need to tell you?" Xiao Hua said coldly.

Lingyuan nine days away, goodbye three days!

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