Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1239

"And a greater credit!" Su min pushed the atmosphere to a climax every sentence, "when immortal Xiao flew out of JieChong 1741, he successfully rescued 16 million seriously injured immortal soldiers under JieXi jielielei with more than ten space immortal weapons..."

After su min's words, there was no sound in the seal. His military contribution was greater than that of heaven!

"Generals..." Su min smiles a little and says harshly, "immortal Xiao's contribution is in the front. Do you want to wait for GaN Ren's back? Listen to my command, kill, kill, kill


Bu Yao's seal only made a sound, which startled Su min and Chen Jin. With their eyes closed, they could see the morale of all the generals under their command!

"Brother Su is really good at Xiao lielei!" Chen Jin said with a smile, "in order not to let Xiao lielei's military achievements fall by the wayside, I really took great pains!"

"Is there a little surprise that Xiao lielei brought to Chen Buyao in the battle?" Su Min said meaningfully, "in this war, Xiao lielei gave it to su It's not just a surprise! Brother Chen does not think it is appropriate for Su to do so? "

"Although it's appropriate, I'm afraid the tree will catch the wind!"

"With that grown-up, are you afraid of that?"

"Ha ha..." Chen Jin said with a smile, "that's right!"

Su min looked at Xiao Hua and said, "Xiao lielei, you can send out those dragon riding generals and tiger teaching generals. I want to ask them in detail!"

"If you are seriously injured, other immortal soldiers don't have to send out first..." Chen Jin reminded me carefully.

Xiao Hua takes out the Kunlun mirror. Under the shock, Qin Xin, Li Boyi, Xianqing and Chuanbo all fly out. Xiao Hua hesitates for a moment, and Luo Yimeng also shows his figure.

"Ah?" As soon as Luo Yi's body had fallen, Qin Xin exclaimed, "this How is that possible? When do you... "

Luo Yimeng's expression is calm. She had been told by Xiao Hua that she had a jade ultimatum. She only said with a smile: "after you enter the immortal space of master Xiao, the general is also regretful. When you turn around, you meet Master Xiao. Thanks to master Xiao, regardless of the past, you still save the general!"

People naturally don't know whether it's true or not. It's a lucky chance to escape from death!

"I've met two adults Bu Yao..." Qin Xin and others were calm, and rushed to Su min and Chen Jin to bow.

Xiao Hua sent out all the tiger teachings, and simply hid himself in the side of the cross knee meditation.

Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua, after saluting at two Bu Yao, stay on both sides of Xiao Hua and never go anywhere.

Su min, with a smile, greets Xianbing to come and record. He asks JieChong what happened on 1741.

What Xiao Hua said is true. Su min asked that the blush appeared on his face. The fierce battle of JieChong 1741 and even the accident could definitely leave a record in the history of the battle of the Taichong team. With Xiao Hua's heart, the leader of this battle has become himself. How can su min not be excited?

After that, the immortal soldier handed the ink immortal pupil to Su min. after su min looked at it, he handed it to Li Boyi and others with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "wait and see, but it's consistent with what you said? If it's the same, leave the mark of each mind! "

All the generals knew that they were going to report to the top of the team. They didn't dare to neglect them. After careful reading, they left a sign of their mind!

After finishing this, Su min looked at the generals and said, "I have something else here. I want to ask you some advice..."

"Tell me..." Xianqing and others bow themselves in a hurry.

"You are saved by Xiao lielei. He has just told me that he wants to bring you all under his command..." Su min explained, "of course, I didn't agree. The team doesn't have this rule! He should have saved you, but Xiao lielei has only one tiger to teach immortal soldiers. Now he has made great achievements. It will be inevitable for him to lead soldiers to fight against demon soldiers in the future, so I think... "

Without waiting for Su min to finish, Xianqing and others immediately bowed to him and said, "we are willing to fight for Xiao lielei's command, for our team, and for the peace of our fairyland!"

Su min's reaction to Xiaoxiao and Xianqing has long been expected that Xiao Hua is now a rising general in Taichong's team. His team has not yet formed a team, so it's definitely the best chance to join now. As long as he is a brain warrior, he will never miss this opportunity.

"OK..." Su min nodded and said, "you wait to get the seal. I'll row you under Xiao lielei's tent."

"My lord..." Qin Xin said with a smile, "Lord Xiao has already cast the last general's seal in 1741 of JieChong. Otherwise, Lord Xiao can't set up such a huge immortal array according to the deployment of Lord Xiao!"

"Ah?" Su min was stunned and looked at Chen Jin. Chen Jin shook his head slightly.

Su min seemed to understand something and said with a laugh: "it seems that I'm a little bit of a snake in my mouth. Xiao lielei Another chance, your choice That's right

Su Min said so, how can Qin Xin and others not be shocked again? They thought that the things Xiao Hua used were given by master Bu Yao. So, there are other higher-level adults behind Xiao Hua!

"Invite Xiao lielei..." Su min thought for a moment and told him to wait for Xiao Hua to come. Su min handed Xiao Hua a token and said, "this is Xie Xi's former residence. Now that he has fallen, the residence will be given to you!""Thank you, my Lord!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and took the token to express his thanks.

"And..." Su min looked at the generals behind Xiao Hua and said, "according to the organization of our chuchong team, there are three sub bases, twelve dragon riders, 720 tiger teachers and 72 million immortal soldiers under the command of lielei. There was no auxiliary hunting base under Xie Xi's command, only six dragon cavalry and 50 million immortal soldiers. He went to JieChong 1741 with 20 million immortal soldiers, and there are still 30 million immortal soldiers in the station. You should be given the 30 million immortal soldiers, but you are not qualified enough. I don't suggest you take over the 30 million immortal soldiers! "

"Yes..." Xiao Hua quickly bowed and said, "at the end of the day, more than 10 million immortal soldiers have been satisfied!"

Chen Jin said with a smile: "although 16 million immortal soldiers are nothing, if you really train them well and make your array well, it's better than anything!"

Su min also nodded and said, "Xiao lielei, don't worry. I'll see your growth. When you have the ability to command 72 million immortal soldiers, I'll make it up for you!"

"Thank you Xiao Hua is more happy.

"Longqi already has the power to appoint or remove his military posts, and you can be a hunter..." Su min reminded him again, "the immortal under your command will give you the promotion. After you accept your life, you can report it to me here!"

"Thank you..." This time, it's not only Xiao Hua, but also Qin Xin and Xianqing.

"OK, go back to the station to have a rest..." Su min raised the generals with a smile and said, "wait for the end of the war, and the military achievements will be issued!"

When the generals left, some immortal generals had already offered sacrifices to them and invited Xiao Hua and others to fly in.