Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1238

Su min was a little stunned for a moment. He glanced at Chen Jin with his eyes. Just as he was about to speak, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "didn't the end general tell you that he wanted to go to JieChong 1741 to find the end general's Diqiao 240 regiment? Your secret order is that you should pay attention to the trace of the demon soldiers in the demon alliance. Although you are ordered to go, unfortunately, you happen to encounter an interface storm, and you also fall into it. There is no way to send a message to you! "

"Ha ha..." Chen Jin laughed and said, "what a su min, Su Buyao. You've already played this game I really admire Chen

Su min is really grateful. Xiao Hua went to JieChong 1741 to find Diqiao 240. He did know and told Xiao Hua to investigate the enemy's situation. He didn't dare to reveal a word to Xiao Hua. After all, this is an important task of military aircraft. But Xiao Hua said that, but he put the great credit in front of him. Who can say it's not his arrangement? Who can say that Su Min has never told Xiao Hua?

Especially at the beginning of the war, jichong's troops were in danger. Su min didn't know how to explain to the adults above. But Xiao Hua just let Su min reverse his decline in a word. It's very simple. Su min had the first hand, so he allowed the green ape to lay down strong troops and let the green ape make blue stars.

Su min is not afraid, because Su Min has the dark hand of Xiao Hua, and it turns out that once Xiao Hua comes out, the green ape is defeated, which shows Su min's great use of war!

After thinking about it, Su min sighed: "Alas, although Su let you go, but But the place of JieChong was annihilated. Su thought that you had fallen like other immortal soldiers! "

Seeing Su min pick up the steps, Xiao Hua said with a smile: "with the arrangement of adults, how can we fall!"

"You wait?" Su min was surprised and said, "congratulations to Xiao lielei. You actually found your team. You How did you do that? "

"My Lord, the last general is a lucky general!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "as long as you go, how can you not find the truth?"

"Alas..." Chen Jin seemed to be moved. He sighed, "Xiao lielei, if you had known this, I would have let you take the place of Xie Xi to rush 1741!"

"Ha ha, Mr. Chen..." Xiao Hua chuckled again, "as the saying goes, it's not too late to mend after a sheep has died! Although Lord Su never sent the end general to replace Xie lielei, didn't the end general also go? "

"What What What What do you mean

Su min and Chen Jin seem to understand something. They both stammer and stammer, "you You You... "

"Is this the seal of jielielei?" Xiao Hua raised his hand and took out a hunting base seal!

"Well, well..." Su min nodded, raised his hand and took the seal. He read it and immediately understood something. He exclaimed, "are you..."

"Yes Xiao Hua said with a smile, "after jielielei falls, I will meet jielielei's subordinates. Oh, there are Qin Xin, Qin Longqi and Li Boyi, Li Longqi and them..."

"He What about them? " Chen Jin asked.

"They are in the immortal space of the last general!" At this point, Xiao Hua can no longer hide anything, said.

Su min's tone was urgent, and he asked again: "that What about their men? You How much did you save? "

"Yes There are two Two million? "

Chen Jin's eyes are also excited.

"Ordinary space can't hold so many immortal soldiers..." Su min took a look at Chen Jin and said, "and JieChong was annihilated, and the space of immortal utensils would be affected. If there were no more than two million, there would be 800000. Thank God for Su!"

"Ha ha, I have to disappoint the two adults at the end of the day!" Xiao Hua laughed.

Between Su min and Chen Jin, Xiao Hua laughs. Their eyes are wide open. They can't wait to say, "quick Come on, you How many immortal soldiers did you bring back

"Don't..." Xiao Hua sold a pass and said with a smile, "before explaining to the two adults, the end general wants to ask the two adults first. According to the Convention, the immortal soldiers saved by the end general have the right to choose to belong to the end general?"

"Well, there is such an unwritten convention!" Su min didn't have any hesitation and nodded, "if Xie Xi has fallen, you can take over all his subordinates! As for Qin Xin and Li Boyi, there should be no big problem! Come on, how much have you saved? "

"It should be more than 16 million..."

"No way!"

Su min and Chen Jin said in one voice, "where is the space for immortal weapons to hold so many immortal soldiers?"

"Do you want to have it or not? What's more, can't there be more than one space artifact? "

Xiao Hua can't laugh or cry.

"Immortal Xiao..." Su min was so ecstatic that he pointed to Xiao Hua and said, "you have saved 16 million immortal soldiers. Your military contribution NND, I don't know what to give you! Chen Buyao, is there no problem with one tunteng? "

"The military service is not enough, and he may lack the power to lead the troops, right?" Chen Jin is not sure!

"My lord..." Xiao Hua said, "if you don't want to kill the green star's high-level Wu Xiao, and use the interface storm to kill more than 20 million demon soldiers?""What What? " Chen Jin felt that his eyes had fallen off, and said, "you killed Wu Xiao?"

"Yes, I killed him with the previous star, but the last general didn't get his head. Only his iron bar, oh, Qin Xin and other dragon riders can testify!"

“nnd!” Su min thought he got too many surprises today. He scolded again and said, "you killed more than 20 million demons. Jin Yuhan got the message. Wu Xiao led 40 million demon soldiers to kill Xie Xi. You annihilated an interface and killed 40 million! That's enough credit! "

Xiao Hua is telling the truth, there are 20 million demon soldiers in his demon alliance space! However, since Su min returned his military contributions, why didn't Xiao Hua?

"Su Buyao..." Chen Jin thought of something and said, "Xiao lielei killed more than 40 million demon soldiers!"

"Ouch!" Su min patted his forehead and realized, "yes, Xiao lielei came out from the Imperial Star, which caused the blue star to spin and collapse. At that time, he involved thousands of demon soldiers in the space storm! 50 million demon soldiers! "

"Kill 50 million demon soldiers by one person?"

Su min grinned bitterly, looked at Chen Jin and said, "Su has never heard of it!"

"It's nothing for a golden immortal to kill 50 million demon soldiers, but Xiao lielei killed them as a hunting base. It's in line with the rules. It's rare! Immortal Xiao is really a lucky general

Su min narrowed his eyes, raised his hand to pat the seal, and said with a smile: "general, Su told you to wait for a good news! Under the arrangement of Su, immortal Xiao has just rushed 1741 from the boundary. He not only killed Wu Xiao, the high-level General of the demon alliance green star, but also triggered the interface storm, involving 40 million demon soldiers! "

"My God!" Li Sheng exclaimed, "is immortal Xiao so brave?"

"No! Since Wu Xiao dares to go in, he naturally has a perfect plan to withdraw. Immortal Xiao's killing Wu Xiao and triggering the interface storm is a great achievement in killing 40 million demon soldiers! "

"Not only that..." Su Min said with a smile, "according to my plan, immortal Xiao triggered the annihilation of JieChong 1741 ahead of time, disrupted the layout of the green ape, killed thousands of demon soldiers around, and affected the whole war situation!"

"Immortal Xiao is powerful!"

"Immortal Xiao Wansheng!"