Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1240

Five or six yuan after the Xianzhou flight, there was a military road in Japan. When the Xianzhou landed on the military road, Xianqing reported to Xiao Hua about Xie Xi's camp.

However, Xianqing also made it clear that since the 30 million immortal soldiers left in the camp were not left to Xiao Hua, the whole camp must be empty. What Xianqing said just gave Xiao Hua an impression.

Sure enough, Xianzhou had been flying on binglu for another half a month before he got to his destination. Except for Xianban, the whole camp was gone.

Xiao Huafei fell in the center of the camp and offered the seal of hunting base, "boom..." A military flag came out of thin air. It roared and spread out to cover the air!

At the same time, a huge golden tent also slowly rose. When Xiao Hua and the generals flew in, the seal was placed on the military case. Around the golden tent, countless barracks also appeared!

"I'd like to invite Mr. Xiao to raise his salary..." Li Boyi and others bowed their faces.

"Good!" Xiao Hua was very happy and took a picture of the military case In the sky above the golden tent, there are Taowu virtual shadows, roaring and rushing around the camp, and the four immortals are also excited by the light and shadow!

"Congratulations on your new achievements..." Li Boyi and others once again congratulated, "new military power!"

Li Bo Yi and others were envious. After all, there was a big difference between the hunting bases with soldiers in charge and those without soldiers in charge. But Xiao Hua just laughed and sat down. He raised his hand and said, "there's no need to make so many empty headed rituals. Let's all sit down!"

"Ha ha..." Qin Xin said with a smile, "in your military account, we can't sit casually, or we will be criticized!"

"Whatever, whatever..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Qin Longqi must know the origin of Xiao most clearly. Xiao knows very little about the rules of the team. All along the way, it depends on luck."

"My Lord is modest!" Qin Xin said in a hurry, "is it possible for a new immortal to be able to sit in the hunting base that controls the life and death of 70 million immortal soldiers in more than a hundred years?"

"You'll know about it later!" Xiao Hua is still not satisfied.

Qin Xin said with a smile: "you don't know about other aspects, but you don't have the means to earn military merit that you can't match!"

"So..." Xiao Hua took Qin Xin's half joking words and said, "you don't have to worry about the three auxiliary hunting bases mentioned by Su Buyao. As long as you have military achievements, you have opportunities."

Xianqing said with a smile: "you think so much. We almost fell in the battle of 1741. How can you think so much if you have to save us?"

"Well, Xiao knows all about it..." Xiao Hua didn't want to say more, "as long as you are loyal to the team and make military contributions, there are many auxiliary hunting bases here, even hunting bases What is it? "

"My lord..." Luo Yimeng frowned and said, "our camp is empty. Are those immortal soldiers released first?"

"No hurry!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Xiao was injured by the green ape. He can't completely activate the immortal weapon for the time being. More than 10 million immortal soldiers have been released one by one. I don't know when to send Xiao's tiger education team out to be on guard first. Other immortal soldiers will be in the space immortal weapon for quiet cultivation!"

"My lord..." Chuan Bo a listen, eyes a bright, small voice way, "adult, the end will have a merciless please also ask adult to promise!"

"What kind of invitation?" Xiao Hua's wonderful way.

"The immortal space is full of vitality, which is several times stronger than that of JieChong. If you want to, you will want to meditate in the immortal space..."

"The end will also go..."

"The end will also have this intention!"

Cried the five dragon riders.

Seeing that everyone was going, Qin Xin said with a smile: "if the adults think it's not good for the immortals, they can go in in turn..."

"Ha ha, there's nothing wrong with it!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "16 million immortal soldiers are OK, you can also wait!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Five Dragon riders are very happy.

"My Lord, my lord..." The other tiger teachers quit and yelled, "I'm willing to wait..."

Xiao Hua is very happy. It's all his own team. How can he disagree?

"OK, ok..." With a smile, Xiao Hua sacrificed the Kunlun mirror and said, "I will not only let you heal your wounds, but also teach you new skills..."

"Really Really? " Qin Xin was shocked, but she witnessed with her own eyes Xiao Hua's transformation from a Juyuan immortal to a real immortal. In just over a hundred years, Xiao Hua's practice was naturally extraordinary.

"Of course!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "otherwise, how can Xiao be worthy of your oath?"

"Thank you Qin Xin did not hesitate to kneel down on one knee, "the end will be willing to entrust life to adults!"

"The end will be the same..."

All of a sudden, he fell to his knees in the army tent.

"OK..." Xiao Hua pointed to the Kunlun mirror and covered all the immortal generals with blue light. He said, "you can go to practice until the end of the war and the military merit is awarded."

After white annihilation, Xiao Hua's cause and effect pierced the space, and the role of crystal divine personality had begun to appear. Xiao Hua released his mind slightly, and was not afraid of Qin Xin's struggle, so he immediately sent them into the space.This time, it was different from the previous time. Although it was still a confined space, Xiao Hua's mind and spirit entered, turned into the form of a jade ultimatum, and then separated into tens of thousands of people to explore the realm and cultivation of each immortal soldier one by one, ready to get out.

At this time, yudie Huangtong flies out of the demon alliance space, with a trace of loneliness on her face.

"Why are you so depressed?" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, asked knowingly.

"Don't you need to say that?" Yudie Huangtong said with a bitter smile, "I've tried my best to get 20 million demons. Who would have thought that most of them are practicing the power of the stars and the moon, and I have no chance with you! Alas, Taoist friends should not have let them take the name of poor Taoist before... "

Just said here, yudie Huangtong Leng for a moment, look at yudie Xiaohua said with a smile: "I understand, what are you guarding against?"

"Not on guard!" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "be careful! Space annihilation is very likely that some demon clan will survive. In case Fengwu's name is leaked, something may go wrong! "

"It doesn't seem to be Daoyou's style! Too careful... "

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'll come to you as soon as I want to, and I'll come as soon as I want to..."

"Daoyou is a great harvest!"

"Hard to say!" Xiao Hua shrugged, "these fairy soldiers are numerous, but they are difficult to handle."

"has the final say in life."

"How can we see through people's hearts at a glance?" Xiao Hua shook his head, arched his hand and said, "I want to heal my wounds. Goodbye!"

Xiao Hua was forced by the situation to send 16 million immortal soldiers into the fairyland space. But his space is his biggest secret. The origin of these 16 million immortal soldiers is ten thousand times more complicated than those of the disciples of Zaohua sect. How could Xiao Hua let them out of space at will? How can we teach them the skill of stepping on the Shenque at will?

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