Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1237

Everyone, all the eyes of the demon clan are on the spinning blue star, at this moment, "boom..." In the space of annihilation, a huge star rotates and rushes out. Compared with the star rotation, the star is still too small. However, the star flies out and collides with the core of the blue star rotation!

"Poof..." The sound of a star, the central spin was pierced!

"Wuwu..." Disordered rays immediately splash, star spin twist, and annihilation space by the stars fly out of the space ripple, such as water waves fall into this twisted star spin!

Therefore, the star spin is pulled by the suction of space annihilation!

The green ape was stunned. He looked at the stars and didn't know what to say!

All the layouts are perfect. Even if JieChong was annihilated a little earlier, it's nothing. But But this sudden star actually took a deep cut, directly destroyed the star spin!!

Is it intentional or unintentional???

Hu Qi's reaction was quick, and he quickly called out: "quick, steady..."

Hold on, Huqi didn't say anything, because he didn't finish his words at all, and the perfect reverse star rotation center also twisted, and the center protruded like a sword towards the annihilation of space

In the center of the star spin, the strange wave turns into a spiral and extends towards the surrounding area. When the wave passes, a more fierce space hurricane comes out, involving all the demon soldiers around!

"Withdraw..." Hu Qi didn't even think about it. He gave orders all around, and he himself was a drag green ape, turning into blue light and rushing out!

"I I'm going to put out... " The green ape flew out of the sky, with a big hand across the sky, catching the star that was flying to Su min and Chen Jin. It really wanted to swallow the star!

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Su min laughed and cried, "heaven help me! You don't have to pay attention to this place, generals. Yuanlang Jinshui.... "

In Su min's laughter, the stars burst out, and Xiao Hua's voice rang out: "ha ha, God helps me too!"

"Xiao Immortal Xiao Su min and Chen Jin are stunned.

But it was only a moment. Su min raised his eyebrows and said harshly, "green ape, dare you!"

"Brush..." Su min and Chen Jin reach out at the same time, two fists to meet the green ape's big hand!

It's a pity that they are still late. Before their fists reach, the green ape's big hand has fallen.

However, to everyone's surprise, the great hand of green ape "brush" the purple and gold light and shadow, the huge stars disappeared, and Xiao Hua's human form also disappeared!

However, Xiao Hua's figure only disappeared for a moment, and then appeared in the far distance. His body was staggering, his silver light was broken, and a faint cyan claw print was still in the night sky!

Su min's fist falls down and breaks the green claw print, while Chen Jin's fist blocks the big hand of green ape, but Xiao Hua is still injured!

"Damn it Su min grabs his fist and flies back with Xiao Hua. He can't help cursing, "how are you hurt again?"

Xiao Hua also had some helplessness. He didn't expect that the green ape would attack him!

"Immortal Xiao..." Far away, the green ape's voice sounded maliciously, "I'm not finished with you!"

"Shameless beast..." Xiao Hua was also angry. He turned his head and cried, "I've done it to you, too!"

There is no need for Xiao Hua to scold him. He has damaged the layout of green ape again and again. Green ape and Xiao Hua have long been immortal!

"Brother Chen Xian..." Su min can't say much. He flies back with Xiao Hua in his big hand. He turns to Chen Jin and says, "you come to protect immortal Xiao. Su commands the war!"

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Chen Jin laughed, raised his hand to Xiao Hua and said, "brother Su, Chen has said that immortal Xiao is the lucky General of our team! Look, if he doesn't appear, it will be a shock. The whole war situation will be reversed. At this point, you don't have to command at all. According to the previous layout, step by step, it is... "

"Ha ha, of course..." Su min also laughs and says, "immortal Xiao is our team's jade pillar of the sky and the sea. With him, how can we be invincible in the war? However, Su must let the generals know that the lucky star is back and the battle is bright.... "

With that, Su Min said to the seal: "all generals, listen to my command, just came from immortal Xiao to destroy the green ape and blue star, and destroy the layout of the demon League! Now that the green ape has withdrawn, you wait to set up the battle and kill the enemy as before! "

"Xiao Is immortal Xiao back? That's great. My team has taken good care of it again! "

"Congratulations to Su Buyao. Su Buyao's layout is thousands of miles away and his heart is full of ravines. As early as the annihilation of JieChong, he laid the ambush of immortal Xiao, who defeated the green ape in one fell swoop. Finally, he will be admired..."

"At the end of the day, I will follow orders and take tens of thousands of immortal soldiers to pursue and kill demon soldiers..."

"Su Buyao and Chen Buyao have two swords, and JieChong is unique..."


All the noise made Su min blush!

Chen Jin listened to it and kept it in mind. He looked at Xiao Hua with a smile and said, "immortal Xiao, what's the injury like? If you need anything, please tell Chen... ""Thank you, Mr. Chen..." Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and sat down with his knees crossed.

After a little visit, Xiao Hua frowned. The green ape was determined to take Xiao Hua's life, so there was a strange evil spirit like Taiyi Qingguang under the palm, which madly destroyed his immortal body. If it wasn't for Xiao Hua, the immortal body was different from the ordinary immortal, I'm afraid there would have been only immortal baby and even immortal trace left long ago!

Xiao Hua tried to refine or expel the green light, but the green light was extremely strong, not only hard to capture, but also hard to lock in a trace of the power of the stars and the moon!

"Just..." Xiao Hua sighed, knowing that he was going to spend a long time in seclusion, so he only used the skill in secret, and the light golden light around him was flashing, which imprisoned half of the immortal body.

Seeing the light and shadow of gold on Xiao Huaxian's body, Chen Jin's eyes were shocked. However, when Jin Guangning made a more strange Rune to imprison the immortal's body, Chen Jin's face appeared and said, "how about that?"

"Alas..." With a sigh, Xiao Hua stood up and said, "I'd like to teach you that the green ape is determined to die..."

Xiao Hua talked about the injury, but Chen Jin was in a bit of a dilemma. At this time, Su min also passed the order. Looking at Chen Jin and Xiao Hua, he said with a bitter smile, "immortal Xiao, it's not Su and Chen Buyao who are stingy. Our strength is close to that of the green ape. He is afraid that his green spirit is refined by his own Purple Star nucleus and the unique taigeng Qingguang of qingniu. We fight against the green ape in your immortal body ”

"the end will understand!" Xiao Hua said with a bitter smile, "I will deal with it myself after the war!"

"By the way..." Su Min said with a smile, "how do you come out of the world

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was stunned and said, "did Su Buyao forget? What did you do for me, Lord Buyao? "