Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1236

"No!" Seeing that he wants to escape from the light, Xiao Hua's secret way is not good, because he knows in his heart that beyond the light and shadow of the stars is the depth of annihilation. Even if he is physically strong, he can't fight against the power of heaven and earth, and he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die!

At the moment when Xiao Hua came out, there was a flash of gold next to Xiao Hua. A golden object like a drop of water was transferred into the space!

"Dream of Roy? Water drops? "

In front of Xiao Hua's eyes, he suddenly appeared in his mind that he had just entered the white annihilation!

"Great goodness!" Xiao Hua was so happy that he called himself Shanjian. His whole body was shining again. In the light and shadow, his body quickly decomposed into 13200 light spots!

These light spots are still in human shape, but they tremble slightly and merge with the light and shadow of the stars

In JieChong, Chen Jin's and Su min's black and white Dao have reached the middle of the game. I don't know whether Su min's chess power is insufficient or his mind is upset. He has fallen into a disadvantage when he takes charge of the black!

"Brother su..." Chen Jin raised his hand and grabbed it. A column of stars and moon condensed into a huge white crystal and fell on his fingertips. Although the white crystal fell on one place, he reminded him, "you I'm afraid I'm going to lose... "

Su min frowned, looked at the blocked dragon and said with a bitter smile: "Su now even wants to give up..."

Without waiting for Su min to finish, his Bu Yao seal gave off a glimmer of light, and Jin Yuhan's voice came from inside: "my Lord, the last general There will be an urgent message at the end of the day... "

"Say..." Su min raised his hand and grasped it. It was dark and out of thin air, as if the darkness had condensed!

"At the end of the day, I'll get the message, green ape sect Wuxiao..."

"Well, didn't Xiao fall?" Chen Jin was stunned and said strangely, "when I was born, I was killed by immortal Xiao in front of the skeleton temple..."

"I don't know..." Jin Yuhan hesitated and said, "this is the message!"

"Go on..." Su min's eyes did not leave the chessboard, urged the way.

"Wu Xiao led 40 million demon soldiers to march to 1741..."

"Silk..." Chen Chin's teeth were in pain and he said, "well, Xiao, I want to fight with Xie Xi

"Yes Jin Yuhan's voice came again, "besides JieChong 1741, there are 60 million demon soldiers in the array. It seems that they are going to block the entrance of the end general..."

"What do you suggest?"

Listen to Jin Yuhan want to talk and stop, Su min asked.

"General Mo is willing to fight to the death as ordered by Lord Buyao..." Jin Yuhan said for a long time, "but the end general has already planned. Xie Xi's immortal soldiers are attacked by the demon alliance. The end general and Xue mingbai also have some subordinates involved. The power of this interface storm is great. It's good that those immortal soldiers can survive for 30 million. Moreover, most of these immortal soldiers are injured, and it's very difficult to recover when they don't have enough vitality... "

"Get to the point!" Su min sounds a little impatient and asks.

"The end will feel It's not worth the loss... "

"You want to give up on 1741?"

"The end will not dare!" Jin Yuhan replied in a hurry, "the last general is just a

Jin Yuhan just said this. In the dim light and shadow in the distance, two blue lights like a disk flickered. Jin Yuhan lost his voice and exclaimed: "no, it's It's two positive and negative blue stars spinning! What does the demon League want to do? "

"Hey, hey..." Su min was not surprised. He sneered, "green ape wants to destroy JieChong 1741, and use the power of space annihilation to drive the blue star to spin. Blue Star whirl will be crazy expansion, sweeping thousands of miles of space, kill our team immortal soldiers

Chen Jin also woke up, stood up, looked at the distance and said: "before the blue star whirl, the core of the star whirl is the most vulnerable. Wu Xiao leads his soldiers to enter the boundary and rush to 1741 Obviously, I want to kill Xie Xi, for fear that they will destroy the star spin! "

"Then, my lord..." Jin Yuhan was a little impatient and said, "the last general..."

"Withdraw..." Su min ordered decisively, "JieChong 1741 has become the core of the war, and the green ape absolutely does not allow immortals to come near..."

"Yes, my lord..." Jin Yuhan was overjoyed. Just after saying a few words, Su min ordered, "but you don't have to stay far away. After you withdraw from the star spinning coverage, stay nearby. I've long expected that the green ape's hand will fall in a moment. Protect the battle array, and I'll drown the star spinning!"

"My Lord, the layout is marvelous, and I will admire you all!" When Jin Yuhan finished, Su min's seal faded.

"Brother su..." Chen Jin listened to some worry, reminded, "Yuanlang Jinshui is your backhand, at this time flooded the star spin, two battlefield demon soldiers?"

"What about the immortal soldiers on the two battlefields if the star spin is used?"

Su min asked, then raised his hand, black crystal fell on the chessboard, word by word, "would rather be broken than broken!"

"Boom..." The black crystal fell, and the space trembled.

Su min was stunned and suddenly looked up at the light and shadow in the distance

"My Lord, my lord..." Jin Yuhan's voice came out from Bu Yao's seal again, "JieChong 1741 was annihilated ahead of time!"

"Why What's the matter? "Su min was overjoyed and said, "how can you annihilate the 40 million demon soldiers at this time?"

"Go and have a look..." Chen Chin shed a chessboard, body shape of light into the far air, said, "there must be a change!"

Chen Jin and Su min can't be near dejiechong 1741, but with their magic power, they can see clearly from a distance, just like the green ape in the distance!

"What's the matter? What's going on? " Green ape furious, angry way, "well Xiao is what to eat? How can we rush the boundary to 1741 at this time... "

Green ape's words have not yet come to the ground, "hum, hum..." In the collapse of JieChong space, there are a series of magnificent space storms rushing out in a ring. This space storm is so fast that the demon alliance battle array surrounded by JieChong can't evacuate and is immediately affected!

"Brush..." The space storm is like an endless attack on the battle array. It soon breaks the battle array to pieces, and tens of thousands of demon soldiers are torn up by the space storm!

Huqi also showed his figure beside the green ape and urged: "hurry up, it's not too late, turn the blue star together..."

"NND, if you say close, close!" Green ape angrily scolded, "this is the star spin that can fuse the power of space annihilation!"

"Even if they can't merge, they have to close first..." Hu Qi took a look at the rapidly expanding annihilation space and cried, "if the annihilation scope of space is larger than the core of the star spin, the annihilation of space will devour the star spin too!"

"Close up!" Green ape helpless, raise a hand to signal!

"Hum..." The blue stars whirl and roar. There are a lot of demons around. The stars of these demons twinkle, and countless stars and moonbeams fall, which push the two blue stars to spin together!

Su min's eyes narrowed slightly in the distance, and inspired the seal to say: "listen to my command, when the stars are closed and the space of annihilation is confined, release the golden water of Yuan Lang......"