Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1232

"Step on..." In the demon fire, there is a deafening sound, a huge Unicorn battle will come out!

The battle formation is yellowish brown. Two stars like the sun and the moon shine the space like the eyes of a unicorn. On the head of a unicorn, an ape demon with an iron bar is standing there fiercely!

"Qing Green ape Li Boyi couldn't help but snore and exclaimed, "it He came here in person? "

"Not the ape!" Xiao Hua's face remained unchanged, and his figure soared, but his figure expanded again, 700, 800, 900, 1000

But it just touched a thousand feet, "boom..." Strange light and shadow appeared all around, strands of gray white dark light flickered, space instability began to collapse.

Xiao Hua quickly stabilized his figure, 999 feet!

"Wu Xiao..." Xiao Hua stood still in mid air, held out his wishful stick, raised his hand to the green ape, and said, "I didn't expect that you could survive under a certain attack of Xiao on the first day of the year. Don't you come to give the first prize this time

"Xiao Immortal Xiao? Ha ha ha... " Hearing this, the green ape raised his head and laughed wildly. He scratched his ears and said, "it's really hard to find a place without breaking iron shoes. It doesn't take any effort. I never thought I would meet you here!"

With that, the green ape did not move. The light and shadow of the Yellow Unicorn flew towards Xiao Hua. As the unicorn flew close, the other four battle formations moved at the same time.

"Buzz..." Xiao Hua's 49 eight trigrams make a roaring sound, countless lights and shadows are broken, countless interface rules are integrated, and a fierce air rushes to Qilin!

Xiao Hua knows that Qilin is the leader of the five elements Yuanling battle array. When Qilin rushes in, the four elephants will blend in, which is the time when life and death are separated!

Xiao Hua is a little nervous. Only he knows in his heart that his Xuanyuan immortal array is empty and can't be called a strike. Even now, the momentum of fighting back is deliberately urged by the disciples of Zaohua sect!

"No!" Xiao Hua's body shape flies out with the breath of breaking the sky. Ruyi sticks in the air and says, "you are not Wuxiao!"

Green ape saw that Xiao Hua's battle was so fierce, but he didn't realize that his eyes were different, because the message he got was that all the immortal soldiers who were hunting were crippled by the interface storm. As long as he came over, he would be swept away, and there was no suspense at all.

But But now the situation is obviously different. Forty nine strange Yin Yang eight trigrams block all the immortal soldiers and immortal generals, and there is no specific situation at all. Moreover, these eight trigrams have infinite power, which is much more powerful than the demon array they set up!

The green ape didn't dare to rush forward. It signaled the Qilin battle to stop and urged his body to fly to Xiao Hua's head!

"Ha ha..." Green ape laughs. Arms to the top of the head of a probe, like a stretch, "hum..." But see his whole body green light and shadow suddenly a flash, that demon body soars to thousand Zhang!

"Damn it Qin Xin was shocked and called out, "this This is a green star high-level demon clan, which is comparable to the later stage of the true immortal! "

"Immortal Xiao..." Green ape look at Xiao Hua, smile more thick, but this smile how to see is ferocious ah! Green ape said, "you are wrong, I am really not Xiao!"

Xiao Hua nodded with a smile and replied, "yes, I'm really wrong. You are the real Wuxiao! In other words, I killed It's your part

Xiao Hua has practiced the separation skill of the demon clan in the world. Wu Xiao has a separation in the green star realm, which is nothing!

"Yes, yes..." Wu Xiao nodded with a smile and said, "that Wu Xiao is my part! I still want to thank immortal Xiao. If you hadn't killed that person, I wouldn't have broken through the bottleneck, and I wouldn't have seen the light of the green star... "

"Yes Xiao Hua hit the nail on the head and said, "if it wasn't for Xiao to smash your green star core, how could you have Nirvana and light?"

"In that case, how can I thank you?"

"Oh? You must have Xie Yi now? "

"Of course, of course..." Wu Xiao raised his head and said, "as soon as I saw you, I intend to thank you very much."

"How would you like to thank him?" Xiao Hua felt his nose as if he were chatting with an old acquaintance.

"Come on, come on..." Wu Xiao couldn't restrain his anger. He raised his iron bar and said, "break your immortal body, crush your immortal baby, and help you step on the real immortal!"

"Ha ha, don't worry about it!" Xiao Hua also raised his wishful stick and said with a laugh, "Xiao has already set foot on a real immortal!"

"Ah?" Wu Xiao was shocked, but he immediately patted his own door and said, "boom..." A column of green light burst out of the air, and immediately a green and complicated star spots appeared on the surface of Wu Xiao's body!

Well, Xiao's power is rising!

"Damn it Seeing that the rules of the surrounding interface are broken and the space vibrates, Xiao Hua scolds him. He knows that Wu Xiao wants to test his big array with the help of the annihilation of JieChong!

How can Xiao Hua make him do what he wants?

Xiao Hua also patted himself on the top door, "boom..." Xiao Hua's body shape has also broken through thousands of feet!

"Fight..." Xiao Hua pours at Wu Xiao with a low roar. He wants to be as close to the demon army as possible and let JieChong's annihilation force attack the demon!"Well come!" Wu Xiao shouts and pours on him. He is fighting with Xiao Hua.

Fifty years ago, Xiao Hua was not Wu Xiao's enemy. Fifty years later, Wu Xiao's real body came over and was a little inferior to Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua's strength is no less than Wu Xiao's after fighting for a stick of incense. His stick technique becomes more and more exquisite. It seems that there are new changes under the wind. Wu Xiao's heart is shocked!

"Damn, I heard from my father that this guy might have a special chance. I didn't expect that this chance was so deep. How long has it been? I can even compete with him!"

Qin Xin and others were also overjoyed. They had seen Xiao Hua fight with Wu Xiao before kuiguan. At that time, Xiao Hua was not Wu Xiao's enemy. Now, Wu Xiao was beaten by Xiao Hua and retreated more and more. The broken boundary rush spread like a cobweb to the demon army, and even forced the demon army to retreat as well.

"Immortal Xiao is a God and a man!"

All immortal soldiers and immortal generals are in awe!

"Boom..." When the immortals were thinking about it, they heard a huge roar. With the help of Ruyi stick, a huge wind tunnel came out, which directly made them fly thousands of miles backward!

"Well, Xiao! Eat Xiao's stick again! " Xiao Hua's silver light suddenly twinkled with golden light, and there were new changes in his long-time familiar stick technique. The place where the Ruyi stick was waved was like a halo of stars, and the halo caught up with Wu Xiao with the shadow of the stick and the meteor of the moon!

"Poof..." The sound broke the interface space, hit Wu Xiao!

Xiao Hua's stroke was three points faster than before, far ahead of Wu Xiao's estimate. He held the stick to meet him in a hurry.

"Keng..." With a loud noise, Wu Xiao's iron stick was bent, and the shadow of the star like stick came out of the body, "boom..." The sound hit Wu Xiao again!

"Ah Wu Xiao screams, half of the demon body is smashed!

Immortal Xiao is powerful!!