Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1231

Xiao Hua's request sounds strange, but none of the tens of thousands of disciples dare to say a word more, and they rush to practice under the flag of Qiao Huanhui.

"What do you mean, big brother?" Yuji hears inexplicably, and follows Xiaohua to ask.

Where does Xiao Hua have time to explain? Heart read a move to pass his mind to the jade die kill!

"Empty city plan? What do you mean

Jade die kill Leng on the spot!

Xiao Hua is out of space. Qin Xin and others have also reorganized the immortal soldiers and generals under his command. Xiao Huayan's thoughts fall on the seal of hunting base. He has clearly seen the situation of nearly ten million immortal soldiers and generals.

There are more than 16.3 million immortal generals in total, but most of them are wounded and can't bear to fight!

"My lord..." Xiangqing said in a low voice not far away, "there is a message from the patrolling immortal soldiers. The demon army formation has been formed and is advancing step by step. It seems that they want to kill with one strike!"

"Listen to me Xiao Hua slightly thought, raised his hand on the seal of the hunting base, and said, "break up each team, seven hundred people in a group, and wait for my next order!"

"This..." The other immortal soldiers did not dare to say anything. They split up the battle array according to Xiao Hua's words. Qin Xin and other dragon riders looked at each other and said cautiously, "do you have any other battle array to lay? At this time Is it too late to be familiar with the battle array again? "

"Not too late!" Xiao Hua's body soared and turned into a thousand feet. Looking at the demon soldiers flying in the distance like dark clouds, he said faintly, "after all, this is a hopeless place. These demon soldiers may not stay much..."

After a meal, more than 16 million immortal soldiers formed a new battle array according to Xiao Hua's seal, and also flew to the position Xiao Hua said!

Xiao Hua looked around with satisfaction, took out a flag from the beast swallow, waved it, Qiao reincarnation and other disciples flew out in a team!

"Disciples..." Xiao Hua said, "according to the previous drill, each disciple will lead a battle array and get familiar with it quickly. I'll give you a cup of tea time!"

"Yes, sir!" Tens of thousands of disciples agreed that they would fly everywhere with the flag of Qiao reincarnation and other orders. When they each took out the token given by Xiao Hua, they would have controlled the battle of more than 700 people!

After a cup of tea, Xiao Hua ordered: "all the generals, obey the command of my own soldiers, and form a big battle..."

More than 16 million immortal soldiers are divided into more than 20000 battle formations. It doesn't seem to have any prestige. Even if Qiao reincarnation flies down, it doesn't show that the mountain is not dew!

However, with Xiao Hua's order, the tens of thousands of soldiers joined together, and a fierce murderous air began to condense everywhere. When the flag was waved everywhere, the murderous air condensed together like a huge sword. Although it had not been urged, it had the momentum of piercing the border rush!

"What kind of battle is this?" Xianqing and others are shocked!

However, without waiting for them to speak, "Wu..." There are hundreds of whirlpool like eight trigrams on the left and right, and they collide with each other!

"Boom..." The whole army began to break up, revealing tens of millions of immortal soldiers!

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua's expression does not change, light ask a way.

"Master..." Li Yi's voice said, "there are 237 formations running in obscurity, resulting in the collapse of the formations..."

"Hum..." Xiao Hua snorted coldly, clapped the seal of the hunting base and scolded, "generals, life and death are on the line. I only give you one chance to wait! If there are any more problems, we will not be lazy! "

Then the battle array began to run again, and the murderous spirit began to condense again. I don't know whether it was nervous or how. This time, the huge sword hasn't been formed, and the battle array collapsed again!

"Kill Xiao Hua didn't dare to be soft hearted. With a single order, more than 300 immortal soldiers were destroyed!

Of course, Xiao Hua released the netherworld force, and also brought the spirits of these immortal soldiers into the space.

Seeing that Xiao Hua was like this, he did not dare to have immortal soldiers any more, and his heart was slack. The third battle urged him to "hum, hum..." The surrounding space gives birth to a roaring sound, and countless interface rules flow towards this broken mountain peak!

Qin Xin's eyes were wide open. She could see clearly that although the interface rules were pouring down to the whole battle, they were actually falling to 50 places.

Moreover, although the interface rules are chaotic, they can be divided into 50 vague Yin Yang eight trigrams!

The eight trigrams are gradually formed, and the soaring sword Qi becomes sharper and sharper! It seems to be able to pierce the boundary directly!

"It's going to be the number of Dayan." Qin Xin is also a spirit changing immortal. He can see the essence of the battle at a glance. "No wonder hundreds of eight trigrams have just gone wrong!"

Qin Xin thought that the fifty eight trigrams had begun to be clear!

Now that it's clear, the eight trigrams begin to swim in the chaotic interface rules of JieChong!

At the moment of eight trigrams' wandering, the soaring sword Qi begins to converge!

No, it should be called hiding clumsy!

The sword is hidden in the eight trigrams!

"Wonderful Qin Xin can't help but praise it secretly, because Qin Xin can see clearly. In the moment of fifty eight trigrams wandering, one of them has disappeared!

"The number of Dayan is a very mysterious number between heaven and earth. One more or one less is impossible! The battle array of Xiao lielei defends with the number of Da Yan. It is extremely difficult for the demon clan to break the mystery. If the battle array is defeated by the demon clan, the sword hidden in the battle array will stand out and defeat the enemy in one hit! "When Qin Xin and others were surprised and admired, Xiao Hua frowned slightly again.

In his opinion, there is no need for eight trigrams. Forty nine swords are the best. Unfortunately, it is difficult for each disciple of Zaohua sect to command more than 700 immortal soldiers. Only by using eight trigrams can he easily dispatch them. Moreover, in JieChong's place, the law of fairyland competes with the law of demon alliance. The eight trigrams of yin and yang are just the way of balance, which is beyond Xiao Hua's control.

Here comes the demon soldier!

The five element spirit condenses in the distant sky and besieges the JieChong place where Xiao Hua and others are.

Circles of boiling water like ripples flutter in the sky. Originally, there are huge cracks in the darkness. Now, more dazzling lights are falling, the unspeakable confinement of heaven and earth, and the indescribable breath of death is sweeping like a chain.

With the light of heaven and earth, Xiao Hua squints at the strange five elements spirit.

The five element spirit is really different from the five element spirit commonly seen in the fairyland. However, in the east direction of the green dragon, there is no scale around the green dragon. Instead, there are huge black spots with black fire rolling inside. Countless demon families show their bodies in the black fire.

In the north, Xuanwu goes out to sea. The water light around Xuanwu is red. In the water light, there are more fish like demons in Xuanwu's body, and the broken interface rules are born and die in the water.

In the west, the white tiger is spraying gold. Hundreds of thousands of long and short sharp spikes come out of the white tiger. They pierce the darkness and the interface. Xiao Hua can see clearly that there are strange demons in demon armour, like the roar of a dragon.

In the south, the rosefinch spreads its wings, and the dark demon fire will burn through the cracks of space! This place is the most powerful. The space is burned and twisted. Even Xiao Hua can't see how many demons there are

Empty city plan, against the demon array, the wind of famous generals!!