Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1233

Xiao Hua's stroke is not only speed, but also strength!

"Roar..." Wu Xiao roars, the broken demon body blooms out the enchanting green light!

"Brush..." The light flashed seven times, and a Wuxiao flew out of the light, but this Wuxiao didn't have an iron rod in his hand, and he was holding a hammer!

"The art of separation" Xiao Hua's eyes are fiery. He has practiced the skill of separating the demons. He hasn't used it for a long time. Now I'll see you in the fairyland. I can't help but have a longer heart!

"Brush..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to think more, there are three parts flying out of the light!

"Ah?" Li Boyi and others were surprised. They took a look at each other and said, "the split of the demon clan is fierce. It's not that I can resist the split of fairyland. The strength of the four splits is not much different from Wu Xiao. We can't let Xiao lielei be five by one..."

However, without waiting for Li Bo and others to fly out!

"Boom..." Xiao Hua's backhand is on his own top door again, and the golden light comes out from his top door!

The golden light in the air, a cross knee turned into three lotus, and lotus fell into Xiao Huaxian body!

"Puff, puff, puff..." On the side as like as two peas, the two heads were born, and with the skull showing, the other two bodies also had the same four arms.

"Xiao lielei, good means!"

Not to mention Li Bo and other dragon riders, even the generals can clearly perceive that there is no difference in the power of Xiao Hua's other two parts!

We can't help but be overjoyed!

"It's just the fairy art of your Terran. How dare you be arrogant in front of me?"

Although Wu Xiao was surprised, he was still contemptuous. Five Wu Xiao roared in unison and jumped at him with swords and halberds!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua's three heads laughed together, his six arms protruded into white bones, stretched out or danced Ruyi stick, or danced Fangtian painting halberd, etc., and the flying general got up and cried, "then Xiao will let you taste the mystery of our human fairy art!"

What a fight!

Although Xiao Hua used three heads and six arms for the first time, he didn't fall behind with the help of the technique of separation and the supernatural power of heaven and man!

Well, Xiao is more and more frightened!

Not only is Xiao Hua's skill of three heads and six arms not inferior to his skill of separation, but also his other weapons are not inferior to Ruyi stick!

What scares Wu Xiao most is that shirtless fighting is the specialty of the demon clan, and Xiao Hua is even more powerful than him. Who is the real demon clan??

If we let Xiao Hua use the means of human race, that would be great?

Wu Xiao split up slightly, and Xiao Hua's eyes were cold. He roared: "take another hit from Xiao The stars shine

On the weapons such as Ruyi stick, Fang Tianhua halberd and so on, Xingyao appeared at the same time, and three Wuxiao could not be avoided, "boom boom..." The sound of, the whole body green star was smashed, the demon body also collapsed!

"Damn it The remaining two Wu Xiao, in a low voice scold, coincidentally turn around and fly!

Xiao Hua looked up around, the interface space has been full of holes, countless broken interface rules in the void like bubbles burst!

This interface space has reached the edge of collapse!

"Kill Xiao Hua is well versed in the law of space, so he can feel it naturally. But others didn't know that when they saw Xiao Hua roaring after him, Qin Xin and others all cried out in unison, "Xiao hunts, Wansheng!"



As Xiao Hua flew, he was thinking about how to save 16 million immortal soldiers!

Of course, there are banners everywhere. Now when the interface is broken, the rules are messy, and the banners can no longer be used as immortal soldiers!

Xiao Hua gave a cold smile and said to the disciples of the Zaohua sect: "disciples, the space here is going to be annihilated, but you don't have to worry about it. I'm sure I will bring you into the immortal space. But There's nothing I can do about these immortal soldiers, so you'll be ready. At my command, I'll immediately let you and the other 700 immortal soldiers swear! It's the only way to save them, and it's also the only way to survive... "

Since Bai Annin came out, Xiao Hua had a little ability to control the crystal divine personality, and it was easy to send messages to the disciples of Zaohua sect.

"Yes, sir!" Qi Qi, the disciples of the various schools of nature, agreed.

As soon as Xiao Hua finished, he saw that the two Wuxiao had fallen before the Qilin battle. They looked around at the same time and seemed to be aware of the annihilation of space.

But at the same time, there was a fierce light in their eyes!

Xiao Hua really let Wu Xiao hate, don't kill Xiao Hua, Wu Xiao feel no way to cultivate! Well, Xiao certainly has other means, but he can only put all his eggs in one basket and kill Xiao Hua first, and then urge the army to take the demon soldiers away!

So the two Wuxiao roared, arms together for a while, green light and shadow all over them, and then they saw their hands lifted, and the two stars embedded in the Kirin array were taken out by them!

"Immortal Xiao..." Well, Xiao roared, "this thing was meant to kill your immortal soldiers. Let you taste it first..."

With that, Wu Xiao demon's body turned into a green star, and the green star rotated to drive the two stars!"Wuwu..." The two stars whirled around and smashed at Xiao Hua!

The strong wind of stars has already locked Xiao Hua's escape angle!

Xiao Hua has to fight if he doesn't fight!!

Not only that, where the stars fly, JieChong space inch by inch annihilates, and radial cracks spread rapidly around!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed, raised his hand, pointed to Wu Xiao, and said arrogantly, "these are all bad methods used by our Terran, and they are showing off in front of Xiao. They are really laughing!"

Xiao Hua's big teeth can't be lost, others don't know.

But Qin Xin and others know that their eyes have fallen down!

Who is comparable to the real immortal!

Xiao Hua? Or not??

Xiao Hua seems more arrogant than Wu Xiao!

In full view of the public, Xiao Hua waved his big hand and held the purple bell in his hand!

Strange is, purple bell appeared, Xiao Hua's three heads and six arms can no longer adhere to, are retracted in the body!

"Ha ha..." Two Wu Xiao also laugh, say, "technique stops ear! But so... "

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua is smiling. His eyes are full of compassion. His left hand holding the purple bell is introverted!

"Nanwu is merciful and merciful, Avalokitesvara Buddha..." Xiao Hua's heart silently read, purple bell slightly trembled, but see dazzling purple light and shadow, such as the scorching sun, two stars fly out!

"Ha ha..." Seeing that the two stars were more fierce than his own, Wu Xiao was frightened. However, he pretended to laugh wildly and said, "a fairyland clan dares to make a alliance with me..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for Wu Xiao to finish, Xiao Hua's two evil stars from Taichu suddenly speeded up, "boom..." It's the two stars that hit Wu Xiao.

Well, the two stars of Xiao disintegrated instantaneously, just like a mud ball!

Immortal Xiao is powerful!!