Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1228

"Ha ha, Qin Xianyou!" Xiao Huachong, Xiangqing, etc. wave their hands and fly up, while flying between immortal body, the edge is enlarged!

"Sure enough..." Looking at Xiao Hua's silver light, he suddenly became as tall as Qin Xin and so on. Xiangqing chuckled, "master Xiao loves to play this hand. It seems that he is afraid of being beaten when he is in the world."

Jiang Meihua was even more brilliant in her eyes and said in secret: "my Taoist master, it's only fifty years old. How has Xiao Hua's realm changed so much? This It's all turned into immortals! "

Jiang Meihua was surprised, and Qin Xin and Li Boyi were even more surprised. Xianqing and Luo Yimeng were so contemptuous that they flew to the temple and said, "it's immortal Xiao. I saw immortal Xiao's power before the skeleton temple. Now it's really an honor to see immortal Fang."

"You are welcome..." Xiao Hua had no choice but to say his humble words casually. When Xiao Hua finished, Qin Xin said with a smile, "Mr. Qin wants to congratulate Mr. Xiao. As long as Mr. Xiao's name was erased from the seal of Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin knew that Mr. Xiao must be promoted. Previously, he thought it was the accumulation of military achievements. Now, looking at the strength of Mr. Xiao, it's really a thousand miles in a day, and we can't catch up with him!"

"Yes, yes!" Chuanbo, dressed in red armor and white as jade, echoed: "fifty years ago, my Lord was seriously injured. Now it must be the nirvana of the Phoenix to go out of the pass, and the realm will be even higher! This is the real name. Chuanmou admires... "

Zhang Jiancheng is a thin cheeked general with triangular eyes. Dressed in blue armor, he looks at Xiao Hua's intact immortal armor and the ten or so immortal generals who just followed him. He asks, "isn't Mr. Xiao also tired by the interface storm and trapped in it with his team?"

"So it is." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I can't lead the soldiers in my military position. I didn't take part in this war. I'm just looking for the previous tiger education team. I'm passing by here and unfortunately I'm affected! "

Qin Xin's eyes brightened when he heard this and said happily: "since Diqiao 240 regiment has been rescued, then Then... "

Qin Xin wanted to ask if there was an exit to rescue the team. But if Xiao Hua was here, she would know that she was happy.

"Well, yes!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Xiao is lucky to live up to his life. He rescued Xiangqing! Unfortunately, that place has been annihilated and there is no way to escape. "

Zhang Jiancheng paid attention to the first half of Xiao Hua's words. After hearing this, he was relieved and said in secret: "he's just a Dragon Rider, but he's not afraid to help Qin Xin!"

Therefore, he said: "Qin Longqi, with Xiao fulongqi back, we are like a tiger, but we should discuss as soon as possible and choose a commander, otherwise we can't fight the enemy together..."

"To fight the enemy with one heart?" Without waiting for Zhang Jiancheng to finish, Xiao Hua sneered and said, "when Xiao just came in, he had already heard that, but he was just the commander for a while. You and others have discussed for several days! JieChong is going to be annihilated here. Maybe you can escape. What about those immortal soldiers and generals? "

"Shut up Zhang Jiancheng scolded, "Xiao fulongqi, we respect that you are the hero of the war. Let you sit side by side with us, but it doesn't mean that you have any right to speak. There is no need for us to listen to your opinions on the matters we are discussing. If there is any more noise, we should expel it! "

Qin Xin was displeased and cried: "Zhang Jiancheng, you and I have been discussing for a long time. You don't want to hand over the military power, so it's meaningless to discuss again..."

"Why do we hand over military power?" Zhang Jiancheng said coldly, "we have four dragoons here, but you can't wait for two. Why are we and why aren't you?"

Li Boyi retorted: "Li and Qin Longqi's eight million immortal soldiers are the same as your four immortal soldiers. How can we hand over the military power? Unless Xie Xi breaks the hunting order... "

"There is a seal of Xie lielei here..." Xianqing waited for a long time, just waiting for this. He did not wait for Li Bo to finish. He patted the beast on his waist, took a hunting seal in his hand, and said, "Li Bo, listen to the order!"

"Ha ha..." Li Bo was stunned for a moment. He immediately laughed and said, "Xianqing, you don't pee to take care of yourself. You're just a Dragon Rider. You think you're a hunting base with the seal of Xi Xie's hunting base? First practice to be a real immortal, and then give orders to Mr. Li! "

Zhang Jiancheng scolded: "jielielei has fallen. His old man has passed down a military order. Xianqingxianlongqi will take a temporary photo of the military position of lielielei. The order team, Li Boyi, dare you not listen to the order?"

Qin Xin looked at Li Boyi. They looked at each other and said faintly, "we haven't received the military order to release the hunting base. I'm sorry we can't obey your orders!"

Li Boyi was even more mean. He glanced at the seal and said in a low voice, "but the jielielei has fallen. Who knows if you are waiting for a fake story..."

"Damn it Xianqing, Luo Yimeng, etc. were all furious, but Chuanbo said, "well, it's not like drawing lots..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for Chuanbo to finish, "boom boom..." Five successive roars of earth shaking and mountain shaking sound from all parts of the aura. We can see five huge cracks in space spreading like lightning. They not only tear the boundary apart, but also annihilate the light!

"Damn it..." Sichuan beat low scold, "demon clan unexpectedly use plan......"

Qin Xin was also in a big hurry. She patted the beast on her left shoulder in a hurry. Meinujiao showed a faint pink shadow, but at this time, meinujiao's face was full of fear and her body was shaking. She couldn't even speak clearly!"Generals..." Luo Yimeng is a female immortal in red armor. She said in a fierce voice, "send the order quickly and form an array!"

"What's the result? How to form a battle? " Zhang Jiancheng said coldly, "how can we cooperate with six dragon riders and tens of millions of immortal soldiers?"

At this time, Xiao Hua took out Han Yu's HuJiao seal. After being inspired, he heard it for a while and said faintly: "generals, you don't have to worry. Although the demon alliance and demon soldiers have already formed an array, there is still half an hour to go. This celestial phenomenon is just the law of their starting interface!"

"You..." Qin Xin looked at the seal in Xiao Hua's hand and said with a sneer, "what a Xiao HuJiao! Well done!"

Li Bo said in a hurry: "Xiao HuJiao, when you came here, you had the immortal soldiers investigate, right? What's the difference between the demon soldiers? "

Luo Yi dream also urgent way: "how about troops?"

"There are five Pang Da Bing formations all around. It seems to be a big formation surrounded by one..." Xiao Hua raised his hand and showed some vague light and shadow. He also learned from the immortal soldiers that he couldn't be completely sure, but that was enough. "It's estimated that there are about 20 million troops..."

"20 million?"

The Dragon riders turned pale. They looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

"Let's go..."

Zhang Jiancheng didn't even want to think about it. He urged his body first and cried, "get out of here before they get together!"

Zhang Jiancheng is looking for death!