Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1229


In a rage, Xiao Hua stood in front of Zhang Jiancheng and scolded: "the enemy is at present. He doesn't think how to meet the enemy, but he escapes. His crime should be punished!"

"Get out of here!" Zhang Jiancheng waved to Xiao Hua and scolded, "how dare a little tiger teacher stand in my way?"

Xiao Hua saw that Zhang Jiancheng's hands were spiraling and shining into a net. He was not timid and didn't mean to retreat!

"Flash, immortal Xiao!" Seeing this, Qin Xin quickly reminds her that she knows that this is the end of her life. Any meritorious official or military position is useless. Zhang Jiancheng wants to break through alone with his subordinates. No one can help him!

Xiao Hua stands in front of him, only to die!

"Ha ha..." With a faint smile, Xiao Hua raised his left hand and stretched out his index finger to Zhang Jiancheng!


Seems to be light and shadow, also seems to be fluctuations, a mark fell on the palm of Zhang Jiancheng!

"Pa pa pa..."

As soon as the impression came out, there was a sound like a firecracker. Zhang Jiancheng and Qin Xin were silly. They saw Zhang Jiancheng's ten foot silver palm burst into pieces!

"Ouch..." Then, Zhang Jiancheng wailed and the immortal body trembled. The broken body was like a spider like crack, and the water flowed towards Zhang Jiancheng's immortal body. Where he went, the silver light was broken and the immortal body was annihilated!

"Silk..." Qin Xin and other five dragon riders, as well as all the immortal generals in the light curtain, took a breath of air!

What a means it is!

"Immortal Xiao, how dare you..." What did he say as like as two peas? He looked at him like a dog. He took a picture of a beast, and it was like a jade. It flew out of the same seal as the Indian seal in the idle green.

Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, and the seal fell under the flag!

The seal gave birth to a silver light, and the flag glowed in the silver light At the epicenter of the great earthquake, the military flag has risen several times, more than several times!

A huge "Xiao" word, in the flag above the mighty military power, the flag of the sun condensation of Taowu is roaring around!

It's amazing!

"Hunting "The general of the hunt"

Qin Xin and other dragon riders dropped their chins. They opened their mouths and didn't know what to say!

Xiangqing, Jiang Meihua and Han Yu are also silly. They think Xiao Hua has reached the top of the sky when he arrives at Longqi, but I didn't expect him to be a hunter!!

"Lord lielei, Lord lielei!"

Outside the light curtain, tens of thousands of immortal soldiers saw Tao Wu's roar, and their lifelessness was swept away. No matter they were healing, they flew up from the ground and roared: "yes There's an adult Hunter coming. I'll wait for help! "

"The team didn't forget us. They sent Zhenxian to save us!"

With a shout of cheering, even the light curtain could not resist, and it was introduced into the ears of dragon riders and tiger teachers.

What a fairy??

Yes, if it's not a real immortal, how could it be a hunting base?

Thinking of this, Qin Xin feels that his life is limited to the dog!!

It's a fake immortal!!

How can it be!

But 50 years, into the achievement of true immortal? From juyuanxian to Zhenxian, I don't know how many bottlenecks and dangers there are!

However, when they look at Zhang Jiancheng, who is annihilated in the silver light and has never escaped from the immortal baby, there is no doubt in their hearts!

If it's not a real immortal, how can you kill a dragon knight with one finger?

"Save Help... " Zhang Jiancheng's head has been broken, only the immortal trace flickers, it seems to be going to ashes!

Xiao Hua's body swayed and landed on the flag. Tao Wu was very close to Xiao Hua's body!

"Generals..." Xiao Hua looked around and raised his left hand. The hunting base seal reflected the eyes of all the immortal soldiers and generals. "I'm immortal Xiao. I've made a little contribution in the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. Three Bu Yao of the Mongolian army won't give up and jointly recommended Xiao as the hunting base general! Today, Xiao saved his own team back and mistakenly entered the world to storm. It's the way of heaven that gives Xiao the chance to lead you out of the world. It's also the chance for you to escape from the heaven. Now Xiao is in charge of the hunting base and seals, and is in charge of the generals. Would you like to wait? "

"I will..." Tens of thousands of immortal soldiers will be ecstatic, yelling and bowing, "we are willing to follow Mr. Xiao behind, fierce battle demon clan!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed. Then he raised his hand and brought Zhang Jiancheng, who was struggling, to his eyes. He said coldly, "when Zhang Jiancheng, a fairy friend, came, the demon soldiers didn't want to join hands with other dragon riders to defend the enemy. Instead, they wanted to run away alone. I'll kill Zhang Jiancheng with the order of hunting base, as an example! This battle If anyone dares not to obey my orders, I will kill him! "

Zhang Jiancheng, who is almost invincible, howls at Xiao Hua's feet like a clown. Not only the immortal body is broken, but also the immortal trace is burning. All the immortal soldiers are afraid!

Seeing that the immortal trace was about to be annihilated, Xiao Hua's heart and spirit rolled up and urged the netherworld force to put Zhang Jiancheng's ghost into the shadow of the space. Then he roared: "Hu Jiao, long Qi, organize your troops immediately. I want to see a good battle array after a stick of incense!""Yes Where do Qin Xin dare to be slighted? Qi Qi answered, each with tiger teach will fly down!

Jiang Meihua picked up her eyes and looked at Xiao Hua. He was so awed that he didn't dare to fly near him. Just as he was about to fly away, Xiao Hua said, "Xiangqing, I'll teach you to be a tiger and lead the Diqiao 240 regiment! Jiang Meihua, I ask you to help Xiangqing, vice Hu Jiao, etc Take the team around Xiao! "

"Yes, my Lord!"

Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua are very happy. They have a big tree on their back to enjoy the cool. It's true, but in a word, both of them have been promoted to military posts.

Then Xiao Hua looked down at the light curtain and tore it to pieces!

Xiao Hua's method of killing chickens and monkeys is really good, but after half a pillar of incense, the team has assembled!

Looking at Qin Xin and other five dragon riders standing respectfully in front of him, Xiao Hua said faintly: "where is the seal of Xie Xi and Xie lielei?"

Leisure green dare not neglect, rushed to Xiao Hua in front.

Knowing Xiao Hua's background, Qin Xin quickly whispered: "you are also a hunting base. You can't inspire the seal of the hunting base, or transfer the leader to your seal of the hunting base..."

"NND, and this prohibition!" Xiao Hua couldn't help cursing.

"My lord..." Although Xianqing didn't know Qin Xin's voice, he also said in a hurry, "we are willing to listen to the Lord's deployment, and the Lord only needs to give us orders!"

It's true what Xianqing said, but it's just a temporary measure, which is not good for Xiao Hua's deployment!

"Well!" Xiao Hua thought about it for a moment. He patted the beast swallow with his left hand and took out his punishment order. Of course, under Xiao Hua's heart, no one could see what was in Xiao Hua's hand!

The order of execution falls on Xie Xi's seal of hunting base. With a flash of red light, Xianqing's face changes slightly, because their seal of dragon riding also gives birth to red color. The connection with Xie Xi's seal of hunting base disappears!

"He What's in his hand? " Xianqing and other dragon riders were shocked again. They said in secret, "is it true that immortal Xiao's military position is higher than that of hunting base?"

Hunting base Xiao Hua wants to show the prestige of a famous general

Taowu, also known as Aohao, is one of the four evils in ancient Chinese mythology!