Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1227

"Ah? Dragon Dragon riding? " Xiangqing was so stupid that he called out, "a big fight is dragon riding! This Isn't that amazing? "

"No way..." Han Yu said with a bitter smile, "this is the chance! In that case, Han, as long as he doesn't die, will be a Dragon Rider! "

Xiangqing understood, no wonder Han Yu will shut up, because she knows Xiao Hua may be Longqi adult. And her team has been saved by Xiao Hua. If there is no accident after the war, it will be assigned to Xiao Hua. She will not easily offend her boss!

Xiangqing feels incredible at the same time, but also has a kind of proud feeling. Xiaoxianying, whom he met in those years, has become a Dragon Rider!

Xiao Hua has become a Dragon Rider. What about himself?

"Roar..." Xiangqing roared, "zhuerlang, follow me to kill the enemy..."

Looking at Xiangqing's sudden ferocious flying out, Xiao Hua is shocked. She doesn't know how Xiangqing draws wind. Han Yu is bitter and astringent. She knows Xiangqing's mind. With Xiaohua, not to mention HuJiao, Xiangqing can be expected even if he is a vice Dragon Rider!

The generals were soon summoned by Xiangqing. They knew that Xiao Hua had been promoted, which was a great morale shock. The momentum of the whole battle array was virtually 30% higher. As for the other immortal soldiers, they also know their interests and know that they should be the veterans of Xiao Hua's Dragon cavalry team, so they all deliberately show themselves.

In this way, the 20-year-old immortal soldiers are powerful and invincible. It's not enough that two yuan days and another 50 thousand immortal soldiers on the right side can reach the scale of 300 thousand.

Seeing a ring hanging like a huge sun in front of him, the mountains piled up with space debris all around him were broken, and some immortal soldiers came to report. A large group of immortal soldiers gathered about 100000 miles away. If there is no accident, it should be the place designated by Qin Xinqin Longqi in advance.

Xiangqing and Han Yu are overjoyed and want to urge them to go. But Xiao Hua laughs and says, "since there are immortal soldiers in the sky mending team in front of us, it's no danger to come here. Unfortunately, the immortal soldiers have just come to report. They have been exploring all the way, but they don't see any other immortal soldiers patrolling. If we go, we will have another demon alliance and demon tribe ambush. Isn't it sad? All generals, divide up 30% of the troops and look around! "

Han Yu's eyes are more colorful when he hears it. He is really a famous general!

Xiao Hua gives orders again, and some immortals will explore. He takes Xiangqing, Han Yu, Jiang Meihua and others to the front.

As they flew closer, immortal soldiers appeared gradually, but most of them were injured when they sat across the mountains, or took elixirs, or recuperated.

There are also a few immortal soldiers around who patrol and protect. Seeing that they are Terran generals, they seem to turn a blind eye to them. They bow down from a distance and continue to patrol.

Although there was no groan, the morale of the team was extremely low.

Xiao Hua led the team to fly by, which did not attract too much attention from the injured immortal soldiers. Some immortal soldiers even showed vigilance in their eyes.

The broken mountain range has a chaotic prohibition, and a large group of immortal soldiers fly over it, causing distortion and not crowding. Xiao Hua is the first to pass the mountain range, facing a huge basin.

At this time, the basin was surrounded by immortal soldiers and generals. Although they were in disorder, they could form a battle array.

As for the sky, there was a huge light curtain with several dragon riding flags on it.

The flag is no longer as powerful as it was before, but when the wind blows and clouds surge, you can still see the writing of the flag: Qin, Li, Xian, Luo, Chuan and Zhang.

Xiao Hua looked at the messy battle array, frowned, and said to himself, "so slack, if there are demon soldiers attacking, isn't the whole army destroyed?"

Just now, there is a noise in the distance. It seems that some immortals are rubbing with each other.

"Han HuJiao..." Xiao Hua frowned and said, "you can show the generals around to see if there is a place to rest. If not, I'll leave here!"

"My lord..." Han Yu was in a bit of a dilemma. He pointed to Qin Xin's Dragon Qi flag and said in a low voice, "the last general still belongs to Qin Longqi..."

"Well..." Xiao Hua answered and said to Xiangqing, "go and ask what they are doing up there."

When Han Yu finds the resting place, Xiang Qing flies back to tell him: "my Lord, there are Qin Xin, Qin Longqi, Li Boyi, Li Longqi, Xianqing xianlongqi, Luo Yimeng, Luo LUOQI, Chuan Bochuan and Zhang Jiancheng. The six dragon riders are with their tiger teachers to discuss who will command them..."

"Go..." Hearing this, Xiao Hua sneered and waved to Han Yu and said, "I'll go and have a look!"

Xiao Hua and others flew to the sky. There were immortal generals guarding here. However, the immortal generals were surprised to see Xiao Hua and said, "Xiao HuJiao, are you back from injury?"

"Ha ha, yes, Xiao just returned to the team, he encountered a space storm, and his fortune was really bad!" Xiao Hua replied, "I don't know how Qin Longqi discussed with them?"

"Alas..." The immortal general looked back and said in a low voice, "at the end of the day, I can't see what's going on inside. But it's been several days. No one can convince anyone. I'm afraid there's some trouble!"

With that, the immortal general said in a loud voice: "please, my lord..."

Xiao Hua nodded and flew into the light curtain.

There were hundreds of generals sitting under the six banners. Most of these generals were just like Han Yu. They were injured, or in retreat or whispering.As for the central government, there are six huge military cases. Each of the six dragon riders is sitting behind one military case, blushing and talking.

"Xianlongqi's words are not so good. Now Li's four million immortal soldiers and Qin's four million immortal soldiers are no less than those of the four adults. Why do you have to listen to xianlongqi's dispatch? Moreover, the Dragon dragons were strategizing. As early as the beginning of the interface storm, the message was transmitted. I can wait here to gather here. If we want to say that we are concentrating on the assignment, Li will still listen to the Qin long ride. "

"Li Longqi, this is not about the number of troops. Our defense is around JieChong 1741. Naturally, we are in charge of all the deployment of immortal soldiers here..."

"It's just, it's just, it's been deliberating for such a long time, and there's no final conclusion yet. It's better not to fight separately!"

"No, no, our team has suffered a heavy blow. We fight separately and are more likely to be killed by the demon League. We can only cooperate in one place and win!"

"Win? Do you think too much about luolongqi? To escape the space storm alive It's just heaven's blessing! "


Xiao Hua flew in, which naturally attracted the attention of the Dragon riders. However, there were more tigers flying in these days, and the Dragon riders did not care.

Instead, Qin Xin stood up after the military case with a cry and said in surprise: "Xiao Immortal Xiao, why are you here? "

"Immortal Xiao?" Li Bo was stunned for a moment, but he also got up in a hurry. Although they didn't know Xiao Hua's current military position and strength, they couldn't sit there just by the name of "immortal Xiao"!

Some people, ah, need to care about some things outside their bodies at the moment of life and death!