Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1226

The fierce battle lasted for several hours. Under the layout of Xiao Hua, the immortal soldiers of the team were very difficult to kill the besieged demon soldiers!

Xiangqing himself was also injured, but he still felt that the arrangement of demon soldiers was also very cunning. Apart from the besieged demon soldiers, there were also hidden demon soldiers in other places. If Xiao Hua had not used ten thousand immortal soldiers to lead tens of thousands of demon soldiers away, it would be hard to say whether this battle would have won or lost.

As for the ten thousand immortal soldiers, when Xiao Hua took control of the war and sent other immortal soldiers to rescue, more than half of them had fallen!

"Maybe that's the price of victory?"

Xiang Qingzheng wants to face several extremely embarrassed immortal generals flying from afar!

Seeing a female fairy in front of him, Xiangqing's face brightened and said, "is it Han Yu and Han HuJiao?"

It's not that Xiangqing is not familiar with Han Yu, it's because the immortal's body has been broken, and there is mottled silver light flashing on her head, so she can't see her face clearly. Xiangqing is just in the silver light and dark, and she can see the clue from the cold beauty on Han Yu's right cheek!

"Xiangqing?" Han Yu was quite surprised to see Xiangqing. He said, "you Why are you here? "

"Mr. Han..." Xiangqing couldn't explain. He just said, "I'll talk about xiangmou later. The situation is critical at this time. I'd better see my tiger teacher first!"

"Your tiger teacher?" Han Yu is even more strange, trying to say, "is it real Xiao?"

"Yes, it's Mr. Xiao!" When Xiangqing talks, he takes Han Yufei to Xiao Hua.

At this time, Xiao Hua was whispering orders to several immortal generals to clean up the battlefield in an orderly way. Seeing Xiangqing and others coming, he said with a smile, "I don't know which immortal friend is trapped here?"

Han Yu looks at Xiao Hua with mixed feelings. In the early days, this real man Xiao was just a long sky under his command, and a tiger education selection made him equal to himself.

As for the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, he is far less famous than himself. On the first day of today's day, he was saved by him. Everything was just fifty years apart!

"Lord Xiao..." No matter how much emotion Han Yu had in her heart, she did not dare to neglect her. She quickly bowed herself and said, "thank you, Mr. Xiao, for coming to save Han Yu."

"Han HuJiao?" Xiao Hua was also stunned for a moment. He quickly lifted Han Yu up and said, "Han HuJiao is too polite. Don't say that Hu Jiao has a history with Xiao. Even if he is someone else, how can Xiao sit and watch him?"

"Mo Jiang and others thank Xiao HuJiao..." After Han Yu, several other stations will also bow.

"You are welcome..." Xiao Hua picked up the other station generals and said, "this is not the time to talk about the past. It's better to reorganize our troops first. You and I will cooperate in one place. I feel that it's better to break through the encirclement!"

"Good!" Han Yu replied without hesitation, "the last general is seriously injured, so he can't dispatch troops with all his strength for the time being. The two soldiers will cooperate in one place. Please give orders to Mr. Xiao!"

With that, Han Yu hands Xiao Hua his HuJiao seal.

"Well!" Xiao Hua took the HuJiao seal, slightly increased the sacrifice and refining, and immediately urged the commander to say, "all generals, listen to my command, understand the rest, count the casualties, and join the Diqiao 240 team!"

Han Yu's face changed slightly when she heard that she wanted Xiao Hua to take charge of the team, but she didn't think Xiao Hua would directly incorporate her team into Diqiao 240 team!

"My lord..." Han Yu did not speak, next to the general urgent way, "this is not familiar with the practice, not very appropriate!"

Xiao Hua took a light look at the general and said: "Han HuJiao's team is incomplete and morale is low. Even if he is recuperated, how can he fight again? Xiao's team is not full, but the morale is high. At this time, it is the best to combine the two into one! You don't have to say much. Go to preach the order quickly... "

"Go on!" Han Yu thought for a moment and said, "Xiao HuJiao is just an expedient. Let's stand out from the encirclement."

When several immortal generals return, Han Yu says in a hurry, "Xiao HuJiao, the general will get the military order of Qin Longqi. He wants to get to a gathering place as soon as possible. Listen to Qin Longqi's meaning, after preparing to gather, he will break through with all his strength!"

"Can you still receive the military order from Qin Longqi?" Looking at the HuJiao seal in his hand, Xiao Hua has no other information except that he can contact the Xianbing Xianjiang nearby!

"Qin long is careful..." Han Yu careful way, "I just encounter the interface storm, she passed the message and location, and then there is no way to contact!"

"Great goodness!" Xiao Hua listened to fuzhang and said, "Xiao is worried that his troops are too weak to rush out of the border. Since Qin Longqi has plans, that's the best! Xiangqing... "

"The end will be here!" Xiangqing bows quickly.

"Give me the order to have a rest and set out!"

After all, her injury is quite serious, and she can't repair it completely with a stick of incense. So she takes elixir inside, and hurry up.

Sure enough, after burning incense, Xiao Hua got up and ordered: "let's go..."

Han Yu and other immortal generals dare not despise him either. They fly behind Xiao Hua while they are carrying Gong.

Han Yu is stunned to see the immortal soldiers form a battle array not far away. This battle array is not the same as the battle array used by the team! She hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Mr. Xiao, this How will these immortal soldiers look strange at the end of the array? It doesn't seem to be the usual battle array of the team! ""The battle front was too simple before..." Xiao Hua light answer way, "Xiao Mou has already changed it, several times fight already see effect!"

"But..." Han Yu said again, "we tiger teachers are not allowed to change the array of immortal soldiers without permission."

"Xiangfu HuJiao told me that this is an expedient measure. Let's wait until we get out of trouble."

Looking at Xiao Hua's disapproval, Han Yu can only shut up.

Looking at Han Yumo's silence, Xiangqing is not surprised. He knows this cold faced tiger teacher very well. Even if Xiao Hua is her life-saving benefactor, she won't give face if she doesn't agree.

Looking at Xiao Huafei observing the battle in front of him, Xiangqing whispered: "Han HuJiao, there will be something I want to ask you..."

Han Yu coldly replied: "what's the most important thing about Xiangfu HuJiao? Do you need a voice?"

"Haha, it's nothing..." Xiangqing said with a smile, "it has been more than 50 years since the end of the general fell into the space storm. During this period, a lot of great things must have happened in JieChong. We already know about my family's prestige. We just don't know what reward my family has received? "

"The reward of your master, you ask him is, why ask me?"

"My family's grown-ups are very humble to you. You won't show off such things..." Xiangqing explained, "I can't wait to ask!"

Han Yu didn't want to pay attention to it, but Xiao Hua's commanding power was far from the previous one. She couldn't help sighing in her heart and whispered: "Lord Xiao has made great achievements, but he was seriously injured in the war and was sent away before the end of the war. Since then, there has been no information about his reward for meritorious service. I don't know exactly what reward he will receive. But... "

Speaking of this, Han Yu hesitated for a moment, and then said, "we have discussed privately that although Xiao HuJiao has never killed the enemy, he has promoted the morale of our people, aroused the morale of hundreds of millions of immortal soldiers, and played a role in reversing the war situation. This is a great contribution. At least he should be given a vice Dragon Rider. If he is lucky, he can directly ride the dragon!"

Xiao Hua's hunting base Can let the eye bead of Han Yu fall down!