Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1225

"I think so..." Jin Yuhan said, "the demon clan is charging 1741 in JieChong, burying their hands and leading one of my Horde hunting immortal soldiers to ambush. They want to besiege at least ten times their forces. And JieChong 1741 will be annihilated. They must surround but not attack. They just need to withdraw before the annihilation of space. In this way, the last general also led his troops to block their way and force them to fight... "

"Well, you have a good idea. Let's go ahead and act according to circumstances..."

Chen Jin didn't speak. After su min gave several orders, he reminded him: "green ape dares to ambush under JieChong 1741 cloth. There must be a back hand to prevent himself from being surrounded. It's better to be careful!"

Su min didn't speak either. He just squinted at the darkness. About a moment later, he suddenly hit the middle finger. A spark flew out, fell in the mid air and burst open, revealing a picture of different light and shade.

Chen Jin knows from a glance that this is the layout of the whole battlefield.

The shape of this picture is like a fairy bird spreading its wings. There is a shimmering light in the middle. It should be the location of JieChong 1741.

"Brother Chen Xian..." Su min body silver light convergence, showing a face of aloofness, he said faintly, "today's war situation, I make what kind of decision, you will be surprised?"

Chen Jin is one Leng, touch nose, frown a way: "give up boundary Chong 1741!"

"Well, not bad!" Su min nodded and said with a smile, "brother Chen Jin knows me!"

With that, Su min took up the seal again and gave orders again!

"Sue Brother su... " Chen Jin was silly. He held Su min by the arm and said, "you Do you really want to abandon JieChong to 1741? "

"Ha ha..." Su min turned to smile and asked, "do you think I'm joking?"

"You're not crazy, are you?"

Chen Jin stopped and said with a bitter smile, "in the layout of you and me, JieChong 1741 is the key. Abandoning this place not only means tens of millions of immortal soldiers fall, but also means the reversal of the whole war situation. Our immortal soldiers are divided into two, and the consequences are unimaginable..."

"The reversal of the war is not necessarily..." Su min pointed to the picture and said, "this place, this place You and I all have ambush. The green ape will divide our team as a whole and naturally think that I want to retake JieChong 1741, and it will not lay heavy troops around. In this case, why don't we let JieChong 1741 attract these forces and let us concentrate on attacking other places? "

“…… If so, our previous calculations will not be completely defeated, and the war situation is unlikely to be reversed. Even if the green ape has another arrangement, we will be able to do it with ease.... "

"Brother Su is so dangerous. It's true that his sword is on the wrong side, but it's beyond Chen's expectation. Even if the green ape has three heads, he may not be able to guess." Chen Jin thought for a moment, nodded and said, "it's a pity that tens of millions of immortal soldiers are trapped in JieChong 1741. They're afraid that they're more or less unlucky!"

"When we enter the world to fight against the storm, we have lost three percent of our hope of survival. Green apes use it as bait, but they also lose three percent of their vitality. If we save each other, we have to take on the lives of tens of millions of immortal soldiers, even the whole battlefield. In this way, we might as well give up!"

"I remember one of the black-and-white robberies was called abandoned son..." Chen Jin was somewhat helpless and said, "ordinary people give up one or two sons. You are giving up A big dragon

"I remember the old man's saying that..." Chen Jin's words seemed to arouse Su min's memory. He looked up at the dark abyss and said, "to win is the essence of black and white Taoism. In order to win, you must give up everything!"

"Alas..." Chen Jin sighed and said, "although his old man's words are true, it's normal to put them on the black and white road. But who dares to give up easily when it comes to war and cultivation? "

"In any case, that time really made Su quiet..." Su min closed his eyes and said with a smile, "without his old man's guidance, I could not have set foot in heaven, let alone take on Bu Yao! Come on, come on. I haven't talked about it for a long time. You and I will play a game? "

"Ha ha, as you wish!" Chen Jin laughed, fingers in the air a little bit, "brush brush..." A thick vertical and horizontal, such as Mountain vein out of thin air!

Su min flicked the eight trigrams with his thumb and said with a smile: "guess first, guess first, you can't let out your thoughts..."

Xiao Hua, who is in the battle of 1741, naturally doesn't know that he has become an abandoned son. He is holding an arrow and saying to an immortal general: "you lead ten thousand immortal soldiers to lure the enemy. Make sure that the demon soldiers besieged in front of you divide at least 20% of the troops..."

"Yes The immortal soldiers took the command arrow and went away. Ten thousand immortal soldiers stepped on the immortal cloud and followed!

"My lord..." Seeing that the immortal soldier had gone, Xiangqing couldn't help whispering, "you It seems that you didn't send someone to meet you... "

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua replied without hesitation, "our goal is to rescue the immortal soldiers who are besieged by the demon soldiers. Look at the fighting situation. There are at least 700000 immortal soldiers in it..."

Xiangqing was even more shocked and said: "since they are 700000 immortal soldiers, the demon soldiers besieging them have to be 100000, right? My Lord asked Liu Qiong to lead 10000 immortal soldiers to attract at least 20% of them, that is, 20000. If you don't send someone to meet them, they will... "

"Which is more important, 10000 immortal soldiers or 80000 immortal soldiers?""Eighty thousand, of course!" Xiangqing said, "but we 10000 immortal soldiers Life, too

"One hundred thousand demon soldiers left 80000. We will lead immortal soldiers to besiege again. We can definitely win the first World War..." Xiao Hua looked at the distance and said, "it's not too late to send out immortal soldiers to save them! What's more, with the war here, the demon soldiers have already found out and will definitely return to the army! "

"What if we don't return?"

"On the battlefield, they can't help themselves..." Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and said, "generals, the plan to lead the snake out of the cave has been successful. Kill..."

"Alas..." Xiangqing looks a little complicated and looks at Xiao Hua. With a sigh in his heart, Xiao Hua seems to be different from before.

It's very appropriate to describe Xiao Hua as a strategist and a military strategist.

Since he met the first group of immortal soldiers who were besieged by demon soldiers, it has been more than 20 days. He has encountered several groups of fighting. Every time, Xiao Hua easily arranges his troops to rescue the immortal soldiers, and Xiao Hua commands more and more immortal soldiers.

Of course, if it is so, Xiangqing will only be happy, not sigh. The reason why Xiangqing sighs is that Xiangqing finds that Xiao Hua increasingly regards Xianbing as Xianbing, only pursues the victory of fighting, and does not care too much about the life and death of Xianbing!

This is obviously different from Xiao Hua who claimed to be "kind-hearted but not in charge of the army"!

Xiangqing can't tell whether this change is good or bad, right or wrong. After all, if one side has 80000, one side has 10000. If you can get 80000, you have to get 80000!

But really want to take 10000 people's lives for 80000 people's lives, Xiangqing how all feel uncomfortable.

Who is the abandoned son?