Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1224

"Big My Lord There was a general who said, "that's the land of demon alliance. There will be a large number of demon soldiers!"

Xiao Hua took a cold look at the general and said, "I am the general in charge of the army. You are the one who obeys."

"Yes, my lord..." The general didn't dare to say more. He promised to fly away quickly. Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua looked at each other. How surprised they were!

The team has several Changkong leaders. Xiangqing can give orders through seal, so Xiangqing follows Xiao Hua.

"Elder brother Xiang..." Looking at the general flying forward, Xiao Hua frowned and said, "the battle array of the team is too simple. If the demon soldiers attack, the immortal soldiers will be slow to deal with it."

A "elder brother Xiang" blew away the doubts in Xiangqing's heart, but he said with a bitter smile: "my Lord, there are only a few soldiers in the tiger education team. Each dragon riding adult chooses one according to his own arrangement, because it involves the layout of the whole dragon riding team, so it can't be replaced easily!"

"Well, let's not talk about that for the time being!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "now Xiao feels that there are some problems with the interface storm in JieChong!"

"Not bad!" Jiang Meihua also replied, "previously, I thought this interface storm was formed naturally. Now it seems that It should be said that the demon League deliberately did it! "

"Does the demon clan of the demon League have such great powers? Or is there such a precise magic power? " Xiao Hua asked back

naturally, Jiang Meihua didn't know.

"Xiao is more inclined to the demon alliance. A demon clan has the magic power to detect the interface storm, so he plans ahead of time..." Xiao Hua pinched his chin and said, "take this place as the key to affect the war situation! Moreover, if I didn't expect it, there would be more than a few immortals in the interface. The demon alliance would put iron barrels in front of us to prevent us from leaving! "

"My Lord is wise..."

Jiang Meihua's flattery immediately arrived, saying: "some demon clans in the demon league are born with space magic power, and it is possible that some outstanding people can predict the interface storm!"

Xiangqing was worried and said: "since this is the case, the interface storm here is a strange number, which must be out of the expectation of the adults. The immortal soldiers of our team are in danger in this battle!"

Jiang Meihua added: "Xiangfu HuJiao is right. Since the layout of the demon alliance is big, Qin Longqi and others will also be calculated..."

Xiao Hua said faintly: "how about the whole war situation? We don't have to take care of it. We just need to rush out of the place of death!"

Xiao Hua naturally doesn't have to worry about the whole war. It's su Min who worries about the whole war!

At this time, the place of JieChong is still the military tent shining in the dark like a star. Su min stands in front of the military tent and looks at the tiny light in the distance. His silver light is burning like fire. His face is blocked by the silver light, and he can't see clearly. But the voice of gnashing teeth shows his anger.

"Damn it! How can JieChong 1741 suddenly appear interface storm?? Su's layout has been going on for a long time. JieChong 1741 is the key point. Once this place is annihilated, the two battlefields will lose contact immediately, and the whole battlefield will be cut off! "

"Su Buyao..." The only one standing beside Su min is Chen Jin. Qian Yuhan is not here. He hesitates for a moment and persuades, "this matter happened suddenly. Don't mention you. Even we can't expect it! If we say It can only be su Buyao's bad luck

"No, no..." Su min shook his head slightly and said with a bitter smile, "when the storm of JieChong appeared, Su also felt that it was Su's bad luck. In order to paralyze the green ape, Su spent more than 50 years on the layout, but at the critical moment, it's not beautiful! However, after receiving the news that Xie Xi's whole team was engulfed by JieChong storm, Su knew that it was not bad luck, but that Su was really inferior to brother Chen! "

Chen Jin squinted at his head and asked, "what's wrong with brother Su?"

Su min looks at Chen Jin. He has mixed feelings in his heart. Chen Jin has won a great victory in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing and earned a lot of military achievements. It's his turn to fight here. He has encountered such a big trouble. Let alone lose the military achievements, he may even lose the whole war.

"Hoo..." Su min took a long breath and said, "first, JieChong 1741 had a space storm before. Although the scope of the storm was small, it was dangerous after all. When Su was thinking about it on the first day of the year, he only let his subordinates make simple explorations, and did not pay attention to it, and arranged countermeasures, which resulted in the passivity of today's first day of the year!"

"This is really..." Chen Jin nodded, "don't say it's you, it's Chen. He was careless on the first day. After all, the space storm of 1741 in JieChong has passed for more than 50 years, and after many explorations, the cause of the space storm has not been found!"

"Chang Yue mentioned it..." Su min grinned bitterly again, "that should be the last warning, saying that immortal Xiao seems to have found the root and is starting to save his subordinates! But Su min still ignored... "

"And the second?"

"Green ape is cunning. He wanted to kill two birds with one stone when he laid out in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing last time. If it wasn't for immortal Xiao's green dragon to break the boundary monument, if it wasn't for that adult, we would be defeated!" Su min thought and answered, "this time, Su rushed to 1741 in JieChong, lured it to come far away, and it actually came here. Su should have been on guard..."

"Oh, yes!" Chen Jin sighed with empathy, "the green ape is no better than the green ox of that age. The green ox has incomparable powers, but it lacks calculation, and the green ape has extremely powerful calculation. To tell you the truth, we I'm afraid it's not its enemy! ""Oh, yes..." Hearing this, Chen Jin turned his head and asked, "qianbuyao seems to have other military affairs?"

Su nodded and said, "qianyuhan has another military mission. She left some of her troops and went to other places!"

"It's up to you and me to fight here, brother su. Today's plan is to attack JieChong 1741..." Chen Jin suggested, "break through the interface storm by force, and rescue Xie Xi from the base runner!"

"That seems to be the only way!" Su min held up an arrow and said, "the green ape's abacus is very good. He has to harvest at least one immortal hunter, so he must not be allowed to do so!"

"Jin Yuhan..." Su min inspired the seal and said, "you lead a group of Teng Xianbing to attack the boundary and rush 1741 to rescue the Xianbing trapped in the interface storm."

"Yes, my Lord!" Jin Yuhan promised in the seal, and then there was no sound.

Su min hesitated for a moment, raised his eyelids slightly to look at Chen Jin, and immediately flicked an arrow with his finger. He said in a low voice, "Jin tunteng, JieChong 1741 may be a trap. You should be on your guard and withdraw immediately if the situation changes..."

"Yes, my Lord, I will understand!" The voice of Jin Yuhan's gratitude came from Lingjian, "the end general will besiege JieChong 1741 with enough troops, so that the demon clan can't steal chicken and eat rice!"

"You want to push the boat with the current?" Su min's eyes brightened.

Xiao Hua's Second World Wa