Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1223

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded, took out the empty ring and said, "the land of JieChong still depends on the power of immortal soldiers. Xiangfu HuJiao, this battle is up to you! After this war, I I'll give you a tiger education in the army

"It's better for the team to be in charge of by adults!" Xiangqing's cognition of Xiao Hua is still before the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. How can he know that Xiao Hua is different from that time?

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua didn't say anything. He sent the general out from the inside. He raised his hand and pointed to the distance and said, "generals, we have robes in front of us. We are besieged by demons. We are being surrounded and killed. What are you waiting for?"

But in a word, the immortal soldiers will roar and rush to the demon clan under the command of Xiangqing.

Naturally, the demons who besieged the immortal soldiers found Xiao Hua and others for a long time, but they didn't care at all. There was a team of demon soldiers flying to kill them, but they didn't hesitate to fly back when they saw nearly 100000 immortal soldiers coming out!

"Kill, kill, kill..."

One hundred thousand immortal soldiers are absolute reinforcements. The roar of the soldiers attracted the attention of the surrounded immortal soldiers. The soldiers were overjoyed, and their morale was greatly boosted. They urged the immortal weapons to concentrate their forces to lead the immortal soldiers.

Inside and outside, the demon soldier's battle array will be torn up soon, and then the team will be divided into the form of left and right guards again, and attack the battle array together. The demon soldier's battle array is not as sharp as the immortal soldier's battle array. Hold on for a moment, and it will be torn up by the immortal soldier again!

Xiao Hua didn't make a move. He stood in the distance to inquire. Seeing that the immortal soldier array was like a big mouth withdrawing tens of thousands of demons from the demon array, he suddenly felt strange!

"Xiangqing is still a little cautious. At this time, although the number of our 100000 immortal soldiers is not equal to that of the demon soldiers, the morale of the immortal soldiers is high. It is most suitable to cut the demon army directly with a sharp knife, and then join up with the inner immortal soldiers."

“…… Then, Xiangqing should combine the two immortal soldiers into one, and directly impact again to divide the demon array into two. At that time, at least 50% of the demon soldiers will be killed! But at this time, Xiangqing is frightened. If the commander of the demon soldiers shrinks his forces, he will easily confront our immortal soldiers... "

“…… The place of JieChong is annihilating. Confrontation is the most unwise choice. If I were you, I would lead Xianbing to leave here to find a way to live. I would never stay here! In this way, we missed the opportunity to kill the demon clan... "

"Damn it Xiao Hua was a little shocked by the thought. "When did I have such a judgment?"

Just thinking of this, Xiao Hua frowned again, because the demon soldiers did not gather as he thought, but quickly retreated!

"No, there's something wrong with the situation. The demon clan didn't find Xiao, and they didn't fall behind in military strength!"

“…… If there's no accident, I'm afraid there will be some ambush around... "

"Wuwu..." In Xiao Hua's mind, some acupuncture like feelings come into being, and then some strange thoughts overflow like water. As for what it is, Xiao Hua doesn't know, but Xiao Hua has some feelings. He should be different from before.

Growing up? Mature??

Xiao Hua himself is not sure.

Xiangqing didn't seem willing to fight. Seeing the demon soldiers retreat, he waved his hand and said: "kill..."

Xiao Hua smiles and sends a voice to make Xiangqing return.

Since the team has returned to JieChong and is still fighting, they will not enter the space again. Xiangqing orders them to form a whole team, and after excluding the immortal soldiers' exploration, they will come to report with the rescued immortal generals!

"Xiao Lord Xiao Several generals saw Xiao Hua, their faces were incredible and surprised, and they came forward with a low cry and bowed to salute, "you Are you always back in the team? "

"Ah?" Xiangqing is surprised. Looking at Xiao Hua, he can't imagine that Xiao Hua actually knows these station generals. Something that he doesn't know must have happened in the past 50 years.

Xiao Hua smiles and knows that several stations will be immortal generals who have participated in the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. He picks up several people and says: "Xiao's injury has been healed, so he naturally wants to return to the team! I just don't know what happened in JieChong? "

Without waiting for an immortal to reply, a nearby one said urgently, "my Lord, how did you get here?"

Xiao Hua understood the immortal general's meaning, shook his head and said, "don't think about it. Xiao's way of coming has been destroyed and can't go back again!"

With that, Xiao Hua looked at Xiang Qing and said with a smile, "Xiao is here to save his own team. Now I'm lucky to live up to my life!"

"Alas..." The general looked at Xiangqing and sighed, "it's Xiangfu HuJiao. It's just coming out of the wolf's den and entering the tiger's den!"

"No harm..." Xiang Qing said with a smile, "as long as Xiao HuJiao is here, Xiang is not afraid at all!"

"Yes, yes..." All the other generals echoed, "on the first day of that year, we all saw Xiao HuJiao's power in front of the skeleton temple. Now we are looking forward to Xiao HuJiao's horse head!"

"The view of human remains?" Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua both look at Xiao Hua with their eyes bright.

"You flatter Xiao!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "in that case, anyone will rush up? If you change your position, you will shrink back! "

"Of course not!"

"You Fairy Friends..." Xiangqing asked, "can you tell the situation of JieChong in detail?"Several immortal generals looked at each other, and their faces were bitter. At present, the immortal generals said, "Xiangfu HuJiao, it's not that we can't wait, but that we are also very confused. We were ordered to leave. Before we flew out of the military road, we met JieChong storm. The military road was destroyed, the immortal boat capsized, and many immortal soldiers fell in the storm!"

Another immortal general added: "I'll wait for a few orders for the immortal soldiers to guard the immortal array tightly until the end of the storm But before we could rest, there were demon soldiers flying from all directions. As a result, our team Lu Yunlu HuJiao fell down... "

"Ah?" Surprised, Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua looked at each other and asked in a low voice, "has Lu Yun fallen?"

"Yes, in order to protect us in the interface storm, Lu HuJiao had been injured for a long time. When he arrived here, the demon warlord first besieged Lu HuJiao. He was invincible..."

Xiangqing looked at a few immortal generals and said strangely, "some generals of Lu HuJiao's team are familiar with each other, but how many of them?"

"Well, I don't know..." An immortal general sighed, "you have been trapped in the space storm for more than 50 years. The team has changed a long time ago. Our team was beaten to pieces by the demon soldiers, and they were all transferred from their own teams to Lu HuJiao's team. Now, if there's no accident, it's due to Xiao HuJiao. I hope I won't be transferred in the future... "

Xiao Hua frowned and asked, "in that case, what about Qin Xin and Qin Long Qi?"

"I don't know!" The immortal general replied, "we are only ordered to dispatch troops. We don't know the whereabouts of Lord Longqi!"

Xiao Hua pondered for a moment, pointed to the direction of the demon soldiers flying away and said: "generals, you wait for your own formation, and lead the soldiers to pursue the demon soldiers!"

Qin Xin meets Xiao Hua