Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1222

Naturally, Xiao Hua didn't know that the enemy of his life was approaching. When he got through the interface barrier, he was stupid again!

"No!" Xiao Hua looked around and said, "why did I fly wrong again?"

But the place of JieChong at this time is totally different from the previous one.

Above the sky, in the cracks of different sizes, there are all kinds of rays as bright as the sun. Under these rays, they are as bright as day!

In particular, where Xiao Hua's eyes swept, the continuous fog condensed into mountains, and a lot of space debris reflected that, except for the vitality of the immortal and the radiance of the stars and the moon, there is no difference between here and fairyland!

Can Xiao Hua not doubt his mistake?

What's more, Xiao Hua looked at himself again. There were many continuous ups and downs, surging like sea waves. The space faults he had previously flown over were annihilated one by one. Where was his stability when he flew in?

Xiao Hua releases Yannian again, and finds that Yannian is imprisoned. It can't be too far away. He can't even touch tianxianwei!

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, but rushed to send Jiang Meihua out.

Jiang Meihua and Xiao Hua's big eyes glared at each other and said, "let Xiangqing out quickly! Only they know what happened! "

Xiao Hua didn't want Xiangqing and others to know that he could shuttle through the interface barrier, but now he can't hide it, so he let Xiangqing out first!

Xiang Qing flew out of the room. He was surprised when he saw the vision around him. He didn't ask Xiao Hua anything else. He just said, "my Lord, run away..."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua is in a hurry.

"This place of JieChong will be annihilated!"


Xiao Hua immediately thought of his danger when he heard Tianxue go through Senluo road to dejiechong!

"Go..." Xiao Hua didn't even want to think about it. Immediately, Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua flew into the space fault again!

However, after only half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua's face is blue. Because the spatial faults have converged into a torrent, Xiao Hua's Guangdun can't guarantee that Xiao Hua can get out of the numerous turbulent currents!

Looking around, there was nothing special in the space, but there was a slight disorder of rules. Xiao Hua was puzzled and sent Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua out of the space.

"My lord..." Seeing that Xiao Hua released himself again, Xiangqing realized that the matter was urgent and asked, "is it that the surrounding world is closed and it's hard to escape?"

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded and said, "this is the place where you should wait until the first day when you fell into the space storm. Before Xiao came, the road could still walk, and now it is closed!"

"Come what you are afraid of!" Xiangqing stamped his feet, looked around, pointed in one direction and said, "my Lord, that's where our fierce fight is. It should be the closest to the stable space of the demon League. You might as well go there!"

"Go Xiao Hua offered a sacrifice to the star boat, asked Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua to come up, and said, "explain to Xiao while walking..."

Jiang Meihua took over the star boat. Xiangqing looked around and said, "you should know that JieChong is the place where the interface between fairyland and demon alliance is formed by the impact of waves?"

"I know..."

"The place of boundary conflict is where the two boundary laws are temporarily balanced. This balance is very easy to be destroyed. When some factor destroys this balance, more laws will rush in, which will destroy the place of boundary conflict, and then the interface laws will impact and form a new balance again..."

"The balance here should have been destroyed by the space storm that we disappeared?" Jiang Meihua asked thoughtfully.

Xiao Hua frowned and said: "the problem is that the space storm has been more than 50 years. How can it appear now? And ten months ago, it was fine here! "

"My lord..." Xiangqing said with a bitter smile, "JieChong's place is strange and unpredictable. Since the introduction of space storm is born, who knows when to detonate it? Sometimes, the interface will be annihilated at that time. Sometimes, the introduction may be obliterated by the interface rules that are constantly impacting each other, and it will never be triggered! "

"Damn it Xiao Hua scolds a low, understand come over, he in the mind understand, cause boundary Chong of the ground annihilation of the culprit is not that engulf the space storm of the clear and team, but white annihilation Xuan Kong annihilation!

"My lord..." But Xiangqing took the initiative to say, "this is the fault of the end general. When the end general saw the adult, he should immediately remind the adult. I didn't think about it until I went back to space. Now But it's too late! "

"Never mind!" Xiao hualue thought and waved confidently, "don't worry! Even in the demon League, Xiao is confident to bring brother Xiang and the team back to JieChong intact... "

Jiang Meihua and Xiangqing have the same confidence in Xiao Hua's bold words. After all, they can hide in Xiao Hua's space immortal tools. With Xiao Hua's strength, no matter what danger they encounter, they have more means of survival than them.

However, after flying for nearly ten thousand li, the sound of explosion and shouting suddenly came from the distance!

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and said, "hurry up, there's a team ahead!"

Before the star boat, it was a huge "Z" shaped crack! The powerful power of the stars and the moon condenses, which is more solid than the ordinary mountains in fairyland. Moreover, there are thunder like fairies around the crack, forming a natural confinement, blocking the sight and thoughts of Xiao Hua and others!With a wave of Xiao Hua's hand, the thunderous "boom" burst out like a waterfall, instantly annihilating the crack. Jiang Meihua urged Xianli, and the star boat rushed through the crack!

After the star boat, the more dense power of the stars and the moon and the vitality of the immortals hit again.

After the crack, there is an abyss of tens of thousands of miles. There are countless space vortices of different sizes condensing out of the abyss. Around these vortices, tens of thousands of immortal soldiers are urging immortal weapons to fight with tens of thousands of demon soldiers!

The demon alliance and demon soldiers besieged tens of thousands of immortal soldiers in a battle array, and the stars and moon burst like fireworks. However, tens of thousands of immortal soldiers struggled and could not form a complete battle array for a long time. Is being divided into several pieces by the demon soldiers, slowly eating!

When Xiao Hua saw it, more than ten immortal soldiers were smashed to pieces by the demon soldiers, and even the immortal baby couldn't escape!

"Damn it Xiao Hua roared and raised his hand to catch him!

"My lord..." Xiangqing quickly stopped and yelled, "your strength is too strong, you can only let the left and near boundary collapse. At that time, don't say that these immortal soldiers can't be saved, even we will sink in!"

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, and quickly turned back. Sure enough, at the crack just passed, it seemed that the solid mountains had collapsed, and the broken interface law affected the power of the stars and the moon and the vitality of the immortals to rush around!

The road of origin has been destroyed by itself!

Unlucky Xiao Hua, he's in a desperate situation again