Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1221

A rainbow of electric light hung in the dark, moving with static!

A bluestone stops in front of the rainbow, countless cyan light and shadow bloom, there is movement in the static!!

"Why don't you make people laugh when you talk about heaven?"

"If you lose your teeth, you can grow again..." Qingfeng was not afraid at all, and said with a smile, "the chance has been lost, and it will never come again! Especially Tianzun... "

The breeze is a heaven, and Tu Shanxiu is terrified, but it falls into the light, but in exchange for silence.

After a while, a voice came from the electric light:

"what certificate do you have?"

"If there is no induction, why do you come here? Since Daoyou is here, why not

"Daoyou?" Tu Shanxiu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized the different names in Qingfeng's mouth. He said in secret, "isn't the fairyland all called fairyland friends? What does he call someone "Daoyou?"

The light is still calm and seems to be thinking.

After about half a cup of tea, the electric light began to contract and twist. A figure with only outline appeared. The figure had no prestige. But Tu Shanxiu peeped at it, and the whole spirit trembled. Her memory could not contain the outline of the figure.

"What's the matter with this fox?" Qingfeng has a human voice in his mind.

Qingfeng's mouth is smiling, but in his heart there is disdain. The immortal who doesn't even know the Fox family in Qingqiu mountain seems to have no foundation!

"It's a private matter of the poor. You don't have to pay attention to it!"

"Young people, when you have time, spend more time on cultivation..." The figure light said, "don't wait until the old man so old, also have to bow to the young man."

"Daoyou is wrong..." Qingfeng replied, "Daoyou are bowing to Tao, not to any young man!"

"How to set foot in heaven?"

"If I knew, I would not be the God?" Qingfeng said with a smile.

"You..." The figure was slightly angry. "Are you amusing me?"

"I'm just giving you the chance to set foot in heaven..." The breeze said slowly, "if I can know how to set foot on Tianzun, isn't this immortal Tianzun worthless?"

"What's the chance?" The human form gradually became impatient.

"The chance is just around the corner!"

"Where? "Fox?"

"Alas..." Qingfeng sighed and said, "it's a secret. I can't let it out. You can see it yourself."

Qingfeng is really speechless. No wonder this man can't set foot in heaven. He needs his own guidance for such a simple chance.

"I see!" When the figure looked at it, he not only lost his voice and laughed, but also said, "one leaf blinds the eye, and you can't see the mountains. That's true. I don't know how to find the chance? "

"It's like a mountain with peaks on both sides. It's different in height and distance. I don't know the true face of Tianzun. It's just because I'm in the mountain!"

Qingfeng recites it, and with his voice, the bluestone rises suddenly, and countless peaks gather into it. It turns out that it is not a big mountain!

"Silk..." The figure took a breath and exclaimed, "I want to Do you want to find it here? "

"If not, how can there be a shortcut? If not, how can heaven help you? " Qingfeng's tone became more and more light, and he said, "poor Taoist, please come in and understand for three days, and then say..."

"This..." Human form hesitates.

"Alas..." Qingfeng sighed, "if you don't believe me, I'll leave now..."

"Letter, letter, letter!" The figure says three letters in a row, and then the figure turns into an electric light and flies down the bluestone!

"Brush..." At the flash of the electric light, the figure suddenly shrinks, turns into a light spot and falls on the bluestone. On the bluestone, all kinds of mountain light and shadow bloom again like flowers!

Qingfeng stands up with a smile, without any action, but his heart gives birth to a sneer, the lightning falls on Qingshi, a name has been born, and Qingfeng clearly knows that the human form has long been distracted from the outside, can't fully understand, where will there be a perfect chance?

Even so, after the third day of the lunar new year, with a flick of the wind, all kinds of mountain shadows on the bluestone shrank, and the electric light figure was sent out of the bluestone. The figure could not hide its joy and asked, "what do you need? When will I enter the mountain again? "

"Well, it's hard to be a great weapon!" Qingfeng sighed again, but he still opened his mouth, a blue light came out, covered the bluestone and took it back. He said, "I don't have too many things to look at, Taoist friends should have a look first..."

With that, Qingfeng takes out a Mo Xiantong and hands it to Renxing.

"Ah?" After seeing Da Leng, the figure said, "just That's it? "

"Simple?" Qingfeng thought that he didn't understand the figure, and said, "it's just two clues. One is from Huang Zengtian's Enlightenment continent, and the other is to arrive at the centenary of fairyland. How can it be easy to find it by this alone?"

"Don't worry about this Taoist friend!" The human form says with a smile, "how do you judge that the poor Dao killed this person?"

"You don't have to worry about it. If you kill it, I will know it!"

"But if you don't know...""My daozun Qingfeng patted his forehead and said, "if I can't be aware of it, don't I always have the advantages of Taoist friends?"

"What do you mean, Daoyou?"

"After you finish, you can summon me. After I check, no matter whether I kill that person or not, I can ask my friends to come to the mountain to understand according to the situation..."

"Ha ha, I understand!" The man laughed, raised his hand, and a token fell into Qingfeng's eyes. He said, "this is our team token. Take it. I will tell you anything. If you want to find a poor way, you can also use it... "

With that, the electric light wound up and disappeared into the darkness.

After a while, Tu Shanxiu got up and looked around. He was quite frightened and said, "young master, we'll wait..."

"Let's go..." The breeze has been blowing blue light at the mouth for a long time. The token has just been released to explore the heaven mending fairyland. Now it smiles and waves.

"Yes Tu Shanxiu only answered one word, and he dared to say more.

When the boat sailed another 100000 Li, there were waves of light and shadow in front of her head. Tu Shanxiu knew that it was the interface barrier and she couldn't cross it by herself. She hesitated for a moment and turned to look at the breeze.

Who knows, Qingfeng does not take over as before, but focuses on looking at the token in his hand, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Seeing the boat passing through the waves, there was a huge shadow in front of his head. Tu Shanxiu knew that the darkness was boundless, and he could not find the end of it by flying into it.

"Cough..." Tu Shanxiu coughed softly and said with a smile, "young master..."

"Oh The breeze wakes up like a dream. Looking around, she smiles a little. The green light and shadow of "Pa Pa Pa" are generated by electricity. In front of the head of the boat, there are endless pieces of glass, which turn into bubbles in the electric light.

The boat is as flexible as a snake through the bubble, but it is only half a cup of tea. A wisp of red sunlight shines on it, illuminating Tu Shanxiu's beauty!

In Qingfeng's eyes, the two groups of flames were also ignited by the sun. With his smile, he patted the boat with one hand. The boat trembled and disappeared. Tu Shanxiu's trembling voice sprinkled in the sun

Can this man find Xiao Hua?