Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1220

Then Xiao Hua's mind fell into the space and turned into a jade ultimatum. Sure enough, he could not perceive the noumenon sitting outside the space channel!

"No chance to meet, no acquaintance, I'm afraid that's it!"

Xiao Hua grins bitterly and takes out the bronze petals to have a close look. A moment later, he records what he has learned in the ink immortal pupil, leaving the space.

Returning to Xiao Meixin, Xiao Hua releases Mei Yun and hands Mo Xiantong to him, saying: "I have found your Mei family's skill, but the immortal can't practice it now, so I have revised it. Let's see..."

Mei Yunyan glanced over, his face was overjoyed, and said, "just This is it! There are several places that I have doubts about. I have already explained that... "

Then, Mei Yun was even more courageous and said, "if possible, master Can we keep a few more yuan days to Tell me more about this skill? "

Xiao Hua frowned slightly, but he nodded: "all right!"

Xiao Hua didn't expect that it was two months since he left xiaomeixin again.

"My God!" Jiang Meihua urges Xianzhou to fly away with Xiao Hua. Looking at Mei Yun, who is respectful to each other behind him, she boasts, "elder brother has become the elder of the Mei family. One skill has been said for more than two months. If it wasn't for younger brother's urging, Mei Yun would not have gone away! Even if Mei Yun promised to offer his elder brother's sculpture together with his Mei family's ancestors, it would not be so, would it? "

"No way!" Xiao Hua shrugged and said with a wry smile, "short hands, soft mouth!"

"How much benefit do you get from others before you do it?" Jiang Meihua was puzzled.

"Nothing else!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "just talking about his Mei family's skills, Mei Yun didn't ask me to make a promise. Can I teach my disciples?"

"That's true!" Jiang Meihua felt the same way. "I heard a few words from time to time. This Mei family's skill is really good!"

"Besides, the archaic fairies are declining one by one. If you can keep one, you can keep one." Xiao Hua looked around and said, "OK, here it is."

"Here?" Jiang Meihua stopped the immortal boat and said, "is there a channel for transmitting immortal array and interface?"

"Yes..." Xiao Hua pointed to the top of his finger and said, "that's where I came down. I just cheated Mei Yun and let you control the immortal boat!"

"I'm going to enter your space fairies!" Jiang Meihua said bitterly, "can we walk normally?"

"It's going to take several months to be normal..."

"Elder brother, I didn't say anything. Since elder brother is willing to let younger brother be lazy, why don't younger brother do it?"

"If you get a good price, you'll sell it!" Xiao Hua laughs and scolds. He brings Jiang Meihua into the Kunlun mirror and rushes to the sky.

Xiao Hua flies to the sky, ready to return to JieChong. Somewhere in JieChong, a small boat carries the breeze and Tu Shan Xiuzheng to break through the darkness leisurely!

"Young master..." Seeing the blue light of the boat breaking through the interface, the strong waves were just like the water splashing. Tu Shanxiu couldn't help praising, "your method is more and more brilliant. I really admire you!"

Qingfeng smile, said: "I can have so much effort, you also have a lot of credit."

Tu Shanxiu blushed and said in a low voice, "it's the master who's powerful!"

A "fierce" sound was heard, and the breeze was also hot. He looked around and just wanted to inspire xiaozhouxianjin, but Tu Shanxiu whispered: "this is JieChong's place. It's said that there are many mysterious wills to explore. Don't ask Meng Lang, young master..."

Qingfeng was stunned for a moment. He drew back his arm and said with a bitter smile, "you're right. I'm just doing cause and effect divination, which leads to the exploration of inexplicable consciousness. They may still be behind me!"

"By the way, young master..." Tu Shanxiu still said, "the result of your exploration seems to be different from what our ancestors said. If you can, can you use their power?"

Speaking of this, Tu Shanxiu realized something. He quickly shut up and knelt down. After a while, he said, "I know my sin. I won't talk about it any more."

"Well!" Qingfeng's face was as usual. He looked at TU Shanxiu's graceful lines and said faintly, "you just know! I've decided to leave JieChong. There's no need to talk about it again! "

At this moment, "whoosh..." In the distance, an electric light flickered in the dark, which instantly illuminated JieChong and fell in front of the boat!

In the electric light, a thunderbolt in the shape of a human makes a "zilala" sound!

This thunderbolt seems to stand up to the sky, lightning flash, dark annihilation, light Nirvana!

"Who are you waiting for?"

There was no sound, but in the mind of Qingfeng and Tu Shanxiu, there was a thunderclap!

Tu Shanxiu was shocked. She fell down on the boat and did not dare to move. On the one hand, Lei Guang was so powerful that she was suffocated. On the other hand, she was shocked by Qingfeng's means.

Tu Shanxiu thought that Qingfeng despised JieChong, and didn't want to have a relationship with the team, but they attracted the team's high level without knowing it!

Playing hard to get also means waiting for the hare!

It's brilliant.

If you think about it a little bit further, maybe Qingfeng has the heart of relying on other forces in many ways, and it's not just Qingfeng's intention for the Lord to put a needle in it?To think deeply, Tu Shanxiu did not dare, that is not what she could consider!

As a chess piece, as a vassal, as a power, there are too many ideas of their own, no good!

Qingfeng gushes out countless light and shadow of eight trigrams. Although the light and shadow are different in size, there is a dark blue light in the center. You can't see the clue within the dark blue light. However, Qingfeng stands up slightly difficultly, and a blue light breaks through the air between her mouth. Isn't it the bluestone?

Where the bluestone falls, the rules around it change dramatically, and the green light gushes out. It turns into a virtual shadow like a mountain peak, and immediately covers nearly ten thousand li to the left!

"Ah?" The thunder figure was surprised. Before the sound fell to the ground, Qingfeng raised his right hand, put his middle finger and index finger together, and said, "brush..." Bluestone across the dark, "pa" a hit on the human body!

"Poof..." It's just a light sound, thunder figure is easily penetrated, and a mountain shape appears!

And then, "boom boom..." In the roar of the mountain, the outline of the whole human form gives out a huge roar, annihilating in this small cave!

"Damn it..." In the annihilation of the blue light, a low roar, all around the dark suddenly thousands of thunder flowers, thunder flowers such as snow fall, the boat left nearly ten thousand li space cover!

Tu Shanxiu's body trembles. The fear of death hits her heart. She has no doubt that any thunder flower can blow her to ashes.

However, the breeze was not in a mess. He looked at the thunder with a smile and said, "Taoist friend, the chance to step into the heaven is right in front of you. Do you want to give up?"


With a cold hum, whether it's the thunder flower that destroys the sky and the earth, or the thunder that gradually annihilates in the black hole, it disappears in an instant.

Is the breeze so strong? Who was the helper he found