Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1219

There are some formed space channels on the space barrier, and Xiao Hua clearly perceives the fragmentary breath of the archaic fairyland just familiar from one of the channels!

"Ha ha, I understand!" Xiao Hua laughs, "the fragments of the ancient fairyland of the Mei family are not suppressed under the Huangmei palace. They are really in a starry sky, but the starry sky is closed. Only the bronze tablet of Meibo can be opened. Now Xiao is in the starry sky, so he can feel the starry sky through space! "

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua pointed a little. The space channel was stable. Xiao Hua could not see what was outside!

Xiao Hua's magic power is limited to the space barrier, so he can't see outside, let alone make any signs outside the passage.

However, it's hard to defeat Xiao Hua. His heart moves, and he sends a fairy baby to him. The fairy baby makes a sign of divinity, and flies back with a happy face for the rest of his life. Xiao Hua immediately knows that there is a broken palace outside the passage.

Xiao Hua changed the space channel until the fairy baby felt safe!

Then Xiao Hua got out of the space and looked around to feel the signs. Unfortunately, Xiao Hua didn't find anything after looking for a long time. It must be other space debris at the end of the space passage!

"If Xiao discovers the sign of the spirit, can he get his own space through that space channel?"

Xiao Hua thinks so!

Of course, Xiao Hua didn't have the leisure to verify his ideas. He fell into the space again, closed the channel of the space, made seven tokens and handed them to Chuangong sub body, so that he could give them to seven branches of the Chuanghua sect, and then he got out of the space.

After leaving the space, Xiao Hua sends Mei Yun out. Mei Yunxian shivers and can't speak at all. He quickly hands Tian Meiling and a Mo Xiantong to Xiao Hua, who then receives the Kunlun mirror.

Mo Xiantong is a simple method to urge Tianmei Ling. It doesn't need the blood essence of Mei's disciples. Xiao Hua slightly urges it. A river of stars appears in the starry sky, which stretches directly under the starry sky!

Xiao Hua stepped into the river of stars, the immortal body turned into countless lights and shadows again, separated from the starry sky!

Standing in front of Meibo's tomb again, Xiao Hua hesitated. He thought for a moment, then bowed down and said, "master, I only want to explore the inscription of the master. It won't disturb the peace of the master. Please forgive me!"

After getting up, Xiao Hua clapped his eyebrows, opened his eyes, and saw a bright star map in a piece of bronze light!

"I I see! "

Xiao Hua closed his eyes and said with a smile, "this bronze tablet is an archaic immortal tool with a star map in it. After being excited, it can connect with the star sky where the fragments of the archaic immortal world are located..."

"Star map" Xiao Hua's smile suddenly changed to surprise and excitement, "ha ha, Xiao finally knows what chongjia's star lock is for!"

"Chongjia's star lock is the same as Mei's bronze tablet. It can open a starry sky, and that starry sky It's a fragment of the ancient fairyland belonging to the chongjia family! "

"There are also so many debris spaces in it, which belong to the training place of chongjia disciples!"

"So..." Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and said to himself, "it's interesting to be the general who is looking for the stars of Taichu."

If there is no accident, the number of Mei's stars should be in the bronze stele, but with Xiao Hua's strength, we can't explore it for the time being!

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and sent Mei Yun out of the Kunlun mirror!

"Hoo..." Mei Yun looked around and said, "thank you, master Xiao. I'm really worried. I'm afraid I can't get into it in a short time with my strength."

"Indeed Xiao Hua returned the Tianmei order to Mei Yun with a smile, and said, "although there are countless space debris in your Mei family's training place, each space debris needs different strength, but your strength is too low. You'd better cultivate to the Er Qi fairy first and then talk about it!"

"Yes, I understand!" Mei Yun took the order of Tianmei and said with a smile, "I'm practicing in the flame of Huangmei palace now. I'll talk about it when I get to the empress of Erqi fairy. But... "

Speaking of this, Mei Yun hesitated and hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua's wonderful way.

"Of course, I can practice there, but I didn't get the complete cultivation method in the clan. I'm afraid it's a bit of trouble..."

"It's true!" Xiao Hua looked at Mei Yun and nodded slightly.

"Please help me..." Mei Yun took out the Tianmei order again and handed it to Xiao Huadao. "When I was worshiping Tianmei order, there were some unknown numbers in it. Maybe those numbers were where the cultivation methods were hidden in the clan..."

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was shocked.

"Really, master Xiao..." Mei Yun immediately tells Xiao Hua a series of numbers because Xiao Hua doesn't believe it.

“nnd!” Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry. He said in secret, "this is the way to break the iron shoes. There's no place to find. It doesn't take any effort! Isn't this the mark of the primordial sky you're looking for? "

However, since this number is a mark, it's not a place for cultivation!When Xiao Hua scratched his head, he suddenly thought of a thing, the bronze plum blossom Meimei was holding!

"Just a moment..." Xiao Hua's mind rolled the bronze plum blossom into the space. After a little exploration, he laughed again. The secret cultivation technique Meimei was planning to find was in the bronze plum blossom!

It's just that the cultivation method was passed down from the beginning of Taichu, and it can't be practiced by the ability of Meiyun!

Xiao Hua got out of the space and said to Mei Yun, "I can go and have a look again, but I'm not sure if it's right or not."

"Alas Mei Yun sighed, knelt down and said, "master, I really don't know how to thank you. You have made a new contribution to my Mei family. Please accept my respect! No matter whether the master can get the cultivation method or not, the younger generation will be grateful... "

"Come on, get up!" Xiao Hua got the advantage of Mei's family, so he didn't dare to let Mei Yunduo kneel down.

Then Mei Yun urges Tian Mei Ling, and Xiao Hua takes Mei Yun to the starry sky again.

"Why?" Xiao Huagang just collected Mei Yun, and suddenly felt that there was a familiar smell in a space debris in the distance. Looking around, although the entrance was the same, the starry sky around him was different. He said with a smile, "good people are rewarded. This should be where Xiao Xianying's idea lies!"

Sure enough, after flying into it, Xiao Hua had no trouble to find the sign of shennian in the hill!

But oddly, Xiao Hua can sense the space channel, but he can't get in!

Even Xiao Hua sent out a fairy baby, who could enter, but he couldn't!

"What does that mean? My own home Can't I go back? "

Xiao Huaduan is helpless!

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The name of the celestial kingdom of chongjia is Xiao!

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