Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1215

Since Lianzhou Xiaoming doesn't have any special feelings, Xiao Hua knows that Xiangqing and others are just affected by the space storm of other people's scheming. If there are not two generals peeping, if there are not Mei Mei's words flashing, it's just an accident from the team's point of view!

It's doomed that they can't get any news from the team, so Xiao Hua's generals Xiangqing and others are released. Sure enough, Xiangqing and others are surprised and happy to see Xiao Hua, bowing to them.

Xiao Hua comfort a few words, explain the matter, do not mention the specific situation, only said that he entered the pure dust sound annihilation space to rescue the people, immediately encourage a few words, still in the empty ring.

It was not until the end that Xiao Hua sent Jiang Meihua out of naxu ring!

"Hey, hey..." Seeing Xiao Hua, Jiang Meihua smiles heartlessly, looks at Zuo Jin and says, "is this the core of the space storm? I know that no one cares about us except you... "

"You are wrong!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "this is not the core of the space storm. The space storm is a conspiracy. This is the Huangmei palace of the ancient fairy family Mei..."

"Silk..." Jiang Meihua took a cold breath and exclaimed, "it's really Huangmei palace. Are you sure?"

"To be exact, it's under Huangmei palace!" Xiao Hua pointed to the top of his finger and said, "that's the real Huangmei palace!"

"Then..." Jiang Meihua, with ecstasy on her face, squinted at her and said, "what's down here? It should be the ancient fairyland belonging to the Mei family, right

Xiao Hua was confused. Just now Liu Yanyu was still talking about their ancient fairyland. Now there's another ancient fairyland!

And it belongs to the Mei family!

What is the fairyland now??

Xiao Hua felt that it was the right decision to keep Jiang Meihua in the end!

He asked: "if our feet belong to the Mei family's Archean fairyland, then belong to the Jiang family's Archean fairyland?"

"Nature is in Jiang's house..." Jiang Meihua just said a few words with a smile. Xiao Hua's ears were raised, and the conversation changed. "Do you think I, a little Qi immortal, can know where the Archean fairyland of the Jiang family is?"

"Does each of you have your own Archean fairyland?"

Jiang Meihua shook her head and replied, "I really don't know. I've just heard some rumors. The Huangmei palace of the Mei family It's said that it's the entrance to the ancient fairyland of Mei family! As for whether it is, who knows? "

"Do you think so?" Xiao Hua asked with great interest.

"Alas..." Jiang Meihua looked at her bronze proficiency and locks and sighed, "the archaic fairyland is a fairyland with brilliant skills and a large number of capable people. Every immortal may have magical powers. It's really unexpected How did the ancient fairyland disappear, and below I think the biggest possibility is the experience left by the ancestors of the Mei family. It may be a piece of space debris. It's unlikely that it's the Archean fairyland... "

"Could it be that the archaic fairyland was broken, and the ancestors of the archaic fairyland hid the fragments of the fairyland in the present fairyland space with Xumi's magic power?"

"Don't forget..." Jiang Meihua shook her head and said, "there is an ancient fairyland in the middle!"

"Well, just think I didn't say anything!" Speaking of the secret of fairyland, Xiao Hua naturally doesn't know as much as Jiang Meihua. He shrugs and replies.

"Why?" Jiang Meihua looked at Xiao Hua's steadiness and said, "why don't you move? The Mei family is in decline. Whether it's the fragments of the ancient fairyland or the training place of the Mei family's disciples, isn't it all yours? Why don't you go and have a look? "

"I gave the tianmeiling back to Meiyun!"

"My God!" Jiang Meihua was silly and looked at Xiao Hua and said, "did you find Tian Meiling? Mei's tianmeiling doesn't know when and where she lost. You can find it. It's Isn't it the way of heaven that gives you the foundation of the Mei family? How can you push it out again? "

"Tianmei makes it impossible to sacrifice without the blood of Mei family's children!" Xiao Hua explained.

"Hum..." Jiang Meihua snorted coldly, "it's true! However, you can rest assured that as long as our Jiang family gets the Tianmei order, we will have 10000 ways to sacrifice and refine it.... "

"That's your Jiang family!" Xiao Hua laughs, but his eyes suddenly turn and he says, "haven't you been out of the Jiang family?"

"Alas..." With a sigh, Jiang Meihua waved her hand and said, "you didn't practice the master's skill, so you don't know very well. The ancestors of the clan prohibited practicing that skill It makes sense! A family is young and vigorous. It's only after taking this step that I know the hardships of the family. If I hadn't met you, I would have been dead long ago... "

Speaking of this, Jiang Meihua looked around and said, "can I go to Huangmei palace to have a look?"

"Just go ahead!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "there is no one else here except Mei Yun. If you can find anything, it belongs to you!"

"Pull it down!" Jiang Meihua urged her body, rushed up into the air, and said with a smile, "if it's your Huangmei palace, I'll take it. At this time, you'll give it back to the Mei family, and I don't need to search for anything. I just want to see what Huangmei palace looks like. This is the foundation of the Mei family of the archaic fairy family, similar to the Feixiong palace of the Jiang family! "Hearing Jiang Meihua spit, Xiao Hua laughed and said, "I'm not going to rob the flying bear Hall of your Jiang family. Don't be afraid!"

"Hey, hey, do you dare to go?" Jiang Meihua's body gradually disappeared, and her voice echoed in the space, "if you want to go, I'll follow you. The flying bear hall is the Holy Land in the hearts of every disciple of the Jiang family!"

"Huangmei palace, Feixiong palace..." Xiao Hua smiles. The details of the Archean fairy family are gradually revealed. The Archean fairy world Also seems to be revealed in front of themselves, fairyland ah, how many secrets have been annihilated by time?

Xiao Hua takes a look at the celestial Forbidden City in the distance. Mei Yun is still practicing the heavenly plum order. But it's time to get to the key point. Xiao Hua pays attention to it for a moment, and when he sees nothing different, he is relieved.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Hua takes out the two bronze balls sent by Mei Mei.

"This is the first thing in the world!"

Xiao Hua weighed it several times, and found that the weight of the bronze balls was the same, whether it was Yan Nian or soul consciousness, it was mysterious.

"Ancient bronze petals?" Xiao Hua was about to enter the space with a bronze ball when he suddenly thought of something and sighed, "Xiao has forgotten the petal that represents Mei Mei's feelings. Is it difficult for Mei Mei to kill Xiao just because of a guess? Maybe it's her who's setting up the maze... "

Immediately, Xiao Hua shook his head and whispered, "no, no, it's not certain. It's really possible!"

"Xiao, on the surface, is Mei Mei, a Juyuan immortal whose cultivation is far better than Er Qi immortal. She dares to invite Xiao to come here, of course, because Xiao has saved Mei Yun. She is more confident about Xiao's character. It's more possible that she doesn't have any intention of doing harm at all!"

"So outside xiaomeixin, Huangmei palace did not hide anything from Xiaoming. They told Xiaoming all about it and gave xiaomou these two bronze balls..."

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What's the use of these two bronze balls?

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