Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1214

Lu Shu looked around and saw that there was no Zhou Xiaoming, Jiang Meihua, Xiangqing and others. He immediately understood what happened. He did not mention how the team was in danger. He asked, "what's the matter with the master looking for his disciples alone?"

"Look at this..." Xiao Hua smiles mysteriously and takes out the multicolored light heart. With Xiao Hua, the bronze object like a book appears in the multicolored glow, and the bronze object is extremely overbearing. Even in the glow, the surface of the book looks like a burning flame, and seven strange arrows are faintly visible!

"Nail Seven arrows with a nail head Lu Shu exclaimed in surprise and fell on his knees. Tears ran down his face and choked, "Dad, child I finally see the sacred vessel you said! I The revival of the Lu family is expected... "

"The book of seven arrows?" Xiao Hua squinted at the bronze objects and said in secret, "the name is really overbearing. It must be an immortal weapon!"

"Master..." Lu Shu sobbed for a moment, got up and said, "I lost my manners and made the master laugh! Brother I really didn't expect that the master would find this ancient fierce soldier who has been lost for many generations! "

Xiao Hua looked around and explained, "this is xiaomeixin of the Mei family. There is a so-called Taichu relic under xiaomeixin. The seven arrow book of your family is placed on the Taichu relic as a repressive object. When I rescued you from the Taichu relic, I took it by the way."

"Damn Mei family!" Lu Shu gritted his teeth and said, "it was taken away by them. No wonder there has been no news!"

"That was the Mei family before. Now the Mei family is similar to your Lu family..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "if you like, call Jiang Meihua and you can destroy the Mei family!"

"Ha ha..." Lu Shu laughed and said, "I just think about it in my heart. Disciples have long understood that any aristocratic family, not to mention the ancient aristocratic family, Taigu fairy family, even the legendary Taichu immortal, will be annihilated with time. It's not them that cause the annihilation of our Lu family, it's time, and ourselves... "

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua nodded with a smile. "I'm afraid that you have a bad feeling in your heart. If so, take it. I'll give it back to Mei's family. The book of seven arrows is from Lu's family. I'll give it back to you as well."

On hearing this, Lu Shu quickly waved his hand in fear and said, "please take back your life, this book with seven arrows I dare not take it back now. "

"What do you mean?" Xiao huadaqi raised his hand and took the book of seven arrows in his hand. He read it again and again.

"What do you say?" There was a bitter smile on Lu Shu's face, "my Lu family If you succeed, you will get the first seven arrows. If you fail, you will get the first seven arrows. In the heyday of the ancient times, Lu Ya, the ancestor of the Lu family, swept the ancient fairyland with his seven arrows. No one could defeat him! However, it is because the book of seven arrows is too fierce, causing too much cause and effect and damaging the morality. This That's why my Lu family is declining... "

"Sweat Xiao Hua held his hand to his forehead and said with a smile, "you are bringing disaster to the East. Do you want to harm my Xiao family?"

"No, no..." Lu Shu shook his head and said, "master, I think so much. I dare not think so. Master should know that there is no good or evil in the artifact. The good or evil lies in the caster himself! It's a murder weapon in the hands of others, but it's a holy weapon in the hands of the master! "

Speaking of this, Lu Shu hesitated for a moment and said, "besides, the master is kind-hearted. From the ordinary world to the fairyland, there is no calculation for the living. There are so many good results in himself, and only you Only in this way can we use these fierce soldiers without being attacked by them

Xiao Hua asked, "are you sure you want to give it to me?"

"Yes Without any hesitation, Lu Shu opened his mouth and sent a mouthful of blood essence to Xiao Hua. He said, "it needs disciples' blood essence to sacrifice and refine this thing. Master, after the blood sacrifice, there will be the method of sacrifice and refining in the colorful light heart. Please do it!"

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighs and looks at Lu Shu. Lu Shu's attitude is really different from Mei Yun's. how can Xiao Hua not favor such disciples?

"What's the matter? Master... " Lu Shu heard Xiao Hua sigh and asked carefully, "you If you don't want to sacrifice and refine, take it for a while. It's called archaic fierce soldier. It's really powerful! "

"I'm going to make a sacrifice!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "but I've taken advantage of your Lu family. How can I repay you by Yongquan..."

"Master..." When Lu Shugang was about to refuse, Xiao Hua raised his hand and only sent the complete meta spirit chapter to Lu Shumei.

Lu Shu knew the importance of it. He did not dare to neglect it. He quickly sat down with his knees crossed and absorbed it. Xiao Hua took out the Kunlun mirror and put Lu Shu into the space with his mind. It was said that Lu Shu was forbidden by heaven.

After arranging Lu Shu, Xiao Hua releases Zhou Xiaoming. Zhou Xiaoming's reaction is similar to Lu Shu's. seeing Xiao Hua, his face is filled with ecstasy. He quickly takes his head and worships him. He is still afraid to say, "it's the master who has come. Disciple Xie, master's help..."

Xiao Hua lifted Zhou Xiaoming up and said, "tell me more about the situation of this distress..."

"Yes, sir!" Zhou Xiaoming stood still, recalled a little, and said, "I'll come back with Xiangfu HuJiao after a fierce battle..."

When Zhou Xiaoming finishes speaking, Xiao Hua's face doesn't change. Zhou Xiaoming's experience is nothing special with Chang Yue's message in Mo Xiantong.

Xiao Hua asked again, "can you have other feelings?"Zhou Xiaoming shook his head slightly and said: "master, the change happened too quickly, and the disciple's magic power was low. Just when he felt the change, he was involved in the storm. He thought that the disciple had fallen, but when he opened his eyes and saw the master, the disciple knew that he was saved. The disciple didn't feel special!"

"It's been more than fifty years!" Xiao Hua raised his eyes to look beyond the immortal prohibition and said faintly, "it's just a blink of an eye..."

"OK..." Zhou Xiaoming said with a smile, "disciples have masters, and disciples can blink. It must be a reincarnation for many people to close their eyes."

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua nodded, raised his finger, but saw a little bit of you Bi Ning on it, and said to Zhou Xiaoming, "this is your doom, and it's also your chance, and take the time to practice!"

"Master..." Seeing that the word "Curse" changed from far to near, from small to big, to the size of heaven and earth, Zhou Xiaoming burst into tears. He fell to the ground and cried, "brother I gave the charm that day, and I didn't covet it. Thank you for your gift

Xiao Hua points his finger at Zhou Xiaoming's eyebrows. He doesn't dare to give Zhou Xiaoming all his understanding of the word "Curse". It's not only because Zhou Xiaoming can't absorb the wizard's understanding, but also because Zhou Xiaoming's cultivation can't absorb too much, so it's just enough for Zhou Xiaoming to practice.

"You are my disciple. Naturally, I won't treat you badly..." Xiao Hua's big sleeve threw away, his heart still rolled into the space, and said with a smile, "it's just a small reward, and the chance to achieve heaven is waiting for you!"

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You must be familiar with the book of seven arrows.

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