Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1216

"But when she arrived at Huangmei palace, Meimei suddenly began to kill her. Where was the turning point? Is it after Xiao takes out the bronze Petal? "

"And Meimei made it clear that the bronze petal was his! And this fairyland The only reason for her to kill Xiao is the one in her mouth! "

"The problem is Is Meimei lying, too? "

"In that case, Mei Mei is sure to kill the two Juyuan immortals, so there should be no need to lie?"

"Of course, judging from the inference, there are two possibilities. One possibility is that the general buried in xiyouyuan is him! If this is possible, Mei Mei has lied, because the war will fall in the battle of JieChong, not to die in xiaomeixin, let alone trigger xiaomeixin's ban! Another possibility is that he in Meimei's mouth has something to do with the fallen general, who got the bronze petal. In this way, it's intriguing. Because the bronze petals are special to Meimei, he can't easily give them to others, the fallen generals, or steal them, or cheat them, or even kill them. In a word, they won't get them from the normal way. That's why Meimei wants to kill Xiao! "

"Because she thought Xiao killed her, he came to look for archaic relics..."

"No, no..." Thinking of this, Xiao Hua's thoughts became more and more clear. He shook his head again and said, "by that time, Mei Mei's words had revealed flaws. Her previous words were mostly lies, and later about him, should be true. Meimei wants to kill Xiao. What is she trying to hide! What she's trying to cover up must have something to do with him! "

"If we are more bold, we can infer that since the source of the space storm is the white sky, there are two possibilities for the space storm: one is the causal space itself, and the other is someone else. If the cause and effect space is triggered by itself, Mei Mei doesn't need to cover it up and doesn't let Mei Yun explain it. It must be someone who leads it, and that person is him! "

“…… All Mei Mei's last words must be true.... "

"It's only his safety that can let Mei Mei attack the Juyuan immortal Xiao. No, two Juyuan immortals..."

"Poor Mei Mei! As she said, she was abandoned by him, and she gave up her life for him. This kind of love It's a bit paranoid! "

"Of course, in this fairyland, Mei Mei can't care about much anymore. He It's better than Mei's family... "

"Damn it Thinking of this, Xiao Hua was suddenly stunned again and said, "since Mei Mei has this infatuation, maybe the master of Mei's family and others It was Mei Mei and he who joined hands in blood sacrifice! Otherwise, how could this Huangmei palace be born easily? "

"Just, just..." After awakening, Xiao Hua pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "Mei Mei is dead. Xiao, these are all conjectures. You can't tell Mei Yun. Let this infatuated woman be the Savior of the Mei family!"

"Since there is such a guess, the identity of that man, as Mei Yun said, should be the general of Yupeng's team. Only the generals can lead the experts to break the ban, and only the generals can make the petals of the bronze plum blossom fall into the hands of the fallen generals! "

"Oh, no, Yunyi is the Yupeng team. Is Meimei lying again? However, no matter which team, it should be the general! "

"Hum..." Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and hummed coldly, "since he is the general of the team, the general who explored in JieChong can better explain it! Since they were generals, their purpose of killing Liu Yanzhen It's only logical because some people don't want to make the ancient family bigger, and they don't like any big movers! "

"As for how this war general learned Liu Yanzhen's whereabouts, naturally, there is no need to say that the ancient aristocratic family It's not monolithic. Maybe the Huang family doesn't like the Liu family. Even the Liu family may be bought by fairyland immortals. "

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua doesn't dare to neglect and flies out of the immortal forbidden area. He uses Chuanxi to give Liu Yanyu what he gets and even the appearance of the immortal general. Xiao Hua believes that the Liu family leader will be furious and thoroughly investigate this matter!

"Thank you, Xiao Hua..." Liu Yanyu's voice, with a trace of resentment, was quite incomprehensible to Xiao Hua.

However, when Xiao Hua passed by Huangmei palace, he was obviously upset when he saw Jiang Meihua looking around.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Hua stops to ask.

"Hee hee..." Jiang Meihua replied with a shy face, "it's said that the archaic fairies will leave their secret treasures in the secret place of the palace for the people who are predestined. There is no one in the Mei family. I want to help them find them. Don't let those secret treasures be covered with dust!"

Looking at Xiao Hua's serious appearance, Jiang Meihua hastily explained: "but don't worry, I won't go too far..."

"We must not go too far!" Xiao Hua exhorted, "just get two!"

"Ah?" Jiang Meihua was first surprised, then covered her mouth and laughed like a weasel.

When Xiao Hua returns to Xianjin, Meiyun is still refining tianmeiling.

Xiao Hua enters the space with a bronze ball!

"I I'll go When Xiao Hua saw the situation inside the bronze ball, he almost lost his voice and screamed!

Because there are two stars in the bronze ball!It's nothing to sacrifice and refine the stars in the immortal utensil, but it's so light after the sacrifice and refining that even ordinary people can take it!

Naturally, there is no sacrificial refining technique in the bronze ball, but everything about the bronze ball is in the eyes of Xiao Hua, the jade die. Xiao Hua's heart moved and passed on what he saw in his eyes to Xiao Hua, who asked him to deduce the sacrificial refining technique.

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, first smashed the Taichu ritual with his fingers. Seeing the two stars suddenly smashed, his fierce spirit came to every interface. Then Xiao Hua woke up again. The stars of Taichu ritual were far from fairyland stars!

However, this is nothing in Xiao Hua's eyes. He pinches his hands and imprisons the stars. But imprisoning the stars can't do all the work. Xiao hualue, the jade die maker, thought about it and made a simple sacrifice with the secret technique of casting utensils in Qianji Pavilion.

But the stars of Qianji pavilion's secret arts are really big, and the fierce flame of the stars is hard to cover, so it's hard to show Xiao Huazhen's strength.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua is in a bit of trouble.

"Oh, how could I forget?" Xiao hualue pondered and raised his hand. The rusty bell fell into his hand.

The bell was given to Xiao Hua by the then king Sheyi as Xie Yi. In Bai Xiaotu's perception, it was an endless night sky with a huge star in it. Now there are two stars, can't they use the same?

As soon as Xiao Hua picked up the bell, a ray of golden light came out of the void and hit it like electricity.

"Brush!" Bell is silent, but Zijin light and shadow, immediately some graphics fell into the yudie Xiaohua mind!

"Purple bell" Xiao Hua's eyes reflect two purple and gold bells, and the endless night sky inside is also revealed!

"This This is the Buddhist ware of Guanyin in the previous life! " Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, thought deeply, "only if I can get the cause and effect of Guanyin in the previous life, can I see clearly, and can I sacrifice myself!"

With that, Xiao Hua gently touched the purple bell, which produced suction and covered the stars.

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What's the use of these two bronze balls?

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