Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1213

"Amitabha..." The jade ultimatum Buddha said, "the great Leiyin temple is in the heart, not in the space of the Buddhist kingdom..."

"Where is Lingshan?" Xiao Hua's heart moved. Seeing the light of Buddha coming out of the space of the kingdom of Buddha, he rushed into Shenhua like water, and even some cracks penetrating into the previous space barrier, Xiao Hua asked again.

"If there is a Buddha, there will be thunder, if there is a Buddha, there will be Lingshan..." Buddha yudie said with a smile, "the Buddha has always been the Buddha in the heart of the Buddha!"

"Good..." Xiao Hua nodded with a smile, then pointed to the trembling Xumishan above the space and said, "it's true that the Buddha is one foot high and the devil is one foot high."

"Not bad!" The jade tablet Buddha's face was dignified. He watched the mysterious changes on Xumi mountain, and more demons flew down the Buddha's light. Even those Buddha's light that fell into Xumi mountain began to darken. He said, "if there are no demons, how can we show our Buddha's power?"

"Alas..." Looking at the Buddha, Xiao Hua sighed, "monk's Buddha Which Buddha is it? "

"Amitabha..." With a smile on his face, he pointed to his heart and said, "the monk's Buddha is here, the heart of tanyue Where is it? "

With that, the yudie Buddha raised his hand, took the seven treasures and sat cross legged outside the space of the Buddha kingdom to protect the Dharma.

"Yes, where is my heart?" Xiao Hua frowned and whispered to himself. His eyes swept through the space of Taoism, Buddhism and demon alliance one by one.

It seems to feel Xiao Hua's doubts, and light waves begin to appear in the void of the space. The waves look small, but they are powerless, and they annihilate everything!

The waves spread to the depth of the void, where even Xiao Hua could not completely control, "hum..." The sound of the sound of the earthquake sounded, a foot round crystal God flash out!

At this time, the crystal God was different from before, not crystal clear, but light gold, dark green, blood red and golden light. The light gold and the dark green are slightly domineering, and they have impact on each other. The blood red is swimming around. With the fusion of the dark green and the light gold, there is a crystal divine grid between the three colors, and the central golden light is burning like a flame, which is particularly bright.

As soon as the crystal form of deity comes out, countless forces of faith are used everywhere to turn into the shape of a river.

The crystal God slowly rotates, and the river of faith also rotates. The extremely mysterious, extremely dazzling rays and colors are reflected in Xiao Hua's eyes!

Xiao Hua's body began to fly up, and for the first time, he fell to the crystal God!

When the jade die Xiao Hua is near, the crystal God slowly falls into the heart of the jade die Xiao Hua!

"Boom..." Xiao Hua's body was shocked. He couldn't keep his human form immediately. It showed the shape of a jade ultimatum!

At this time, the jade ultimatum is no longer incomplete, and also rotates with the crystal God!

The yudie became bigger and bigger, covering the whole space, but the rotation did not stop.

So, the space with the rotation of the jade die again!

This time, not only is the space increasing, but also the cracks on the interface barrier are increasing. Many cracks have penetrated into the interface barrier and become space channels!

I don't know how long, maybe it's a disaster, maybe it's a flash, the crystal god suddenly disappeared, the river of faith also disappeared, the yudie full of space also stopped spinning!

"Lingshan is the Buddha's Lingshan, thunder is the Buddha's thunder, and space is also the space of all things!"

"The Buddha is in the heart of the Buddha, I It's also in the heart of all things, my heart doesn't have to be, the heart of all things That's my heart... "

Xiao Hua's voice was low, even though Xiao Hua's voice was imperceptible to the way of heaven and Xiao Hua's voice was imperceptible to the cause and effect Countless lights and shadows poured into his eyebrows like a tsunami.

At the same time, Xiao Hua of the way of heaven and Xiao Hua of cause and effect show their bodies respectively, and light and shadow fall into them, turning into brilliant stars and flowing water.

The light and shadow in Xiao Hua's eyes always flickered, and then slowly shrank. When he recovered, the light and shadow stopped suddenly!

When the light and shadow disappeared, the whole space also recovered, "Daoyou..." The jade wizard came out of the light with a surprise on his face and said, "I feel the breath of the thirteen gods..."

"Not bad!" With a smile on his face, Xiao Hua gently touched the center of his eyebrows and handed it to the witch. "I've seen the thirteen gods, but..."

In his words, Xiao Hua passed on some of the things he had seen before to the jade wizard!

With rare caution on his face, the witch whispered: "that What is the existence

"It's not clear..." Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "of course, that existence is fused by the poor way, but he wiped out most of the information. The poor way can only get something that has nothing to do with his source..."

"The magic power of existence is not comparable between you and me now, even if we get his origin, it is useless..." The jade wizard took over GuJie, opened a gap in the middle of his brow, put it in, and then said, "but his magic power..."

Can't the jade die wizard finish saying, "boom boom..." There are bursts of thunderbolts in the body of the yudiewu. The shape of the yudiewu first shows the shape of Wushan, and then the green thunder light rushes out from all parts of Wushan and enters into the image of thirteen gods condensed into a dragon head!Xiao Hua looked at the witch shaped jade die and said with a smile: "Friends of Taoism can get the legacy of the thirteen gods. How can poor Taoism give up the elite of that guy?"

"Lotus..." With a low roar of the wizard, the word "Curse" fell in front of Xiao Hua. "I have realized that I have made it. I will give it to my friends. Alas, I Shut up again

"Congratulations, Daoyou!" Xiao Hua swallowed the word "Curse" and said, "as soon as you enter Wushan, chances will come one after another!"

"Happy together, happy together!"

In the words of the yudiewu, the figure falls back to Wushan space again.

"Boom..." In Wushan space, the blue light flashed like thunder, and the space continued to expand. Xiao Hua squinted for a moment, knowing that the appearance of yudiewu again should be an opportunity for the formation of Wushan space.

All the space is stable. Xiao Hua gets out of the space and returns to his original position. Xiao Hua turns his mind and takes out the word "Curse". The word "Curse" is transformed by the green light. It seems that there are infinite green seal characters flashing inside. Xiao Hua immediately pats his eyebrows, opens his eyes and sends the word "Curse" into it.

"Kappa..." The sound of stir fried beans came from the eyes of breaking the false method, and the green seal characters turned into endless feelings and rushed into Xiao Hua's mind!

Xiao Hua closed his eyes and realized for a moment. Seeing the feeling of breaking the false eye into the lane, he separated his mind. He waved his hand and took out the naxu ring!

After Xiao Huayan's reading, Lu Shu came out first. When Lu Shu saw Xiao Hua, he bowed to him and said, "it's the master coming back. I'm lucky, I'm lucky..."

"Get up..." Xiao Hua picked up Lu Shu and said, "it's hard for you to wait!"

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Xiao Hua's space can finally be connected with the outside space, so where will the earliest space passage go?

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