Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1212

In Leiyin temple, whether it's the ancient Buddha or other disciples who are burning lamps, they recite the Buddha's name. The whole Leiyin temple is full of distorted Buddha light.

The sun Tathagata raised his head, and red light appeared in his eyes. Where the red light fell, the Buddha light of Leiyin Temple condensed and rotated like water waves, and finally formed a fist sized vortex.

"Go ahead..." As the Tathagata raises its hand, the colorful stones bring infinite Buddha light into the whirlpool.

The light and shadow are changing. It seems that they pass through time and space. In the haze, the mahasa Buddha of ayido raises his eyebrows and shows his surprise in his eyes, because he sees the image of Ananda beheading three corpses.


"This is..."

The Buddha mahasa, the Bodhisattva of ayido, whispered, because when the stone fell on a mountain, it was the moment when Ananda failed to chop the three corpses.

There are only some marks of life in the multicolored stones at this time, and more ghosts are gathering in the past from where Ananda gradually disappeared!

"Ah, I understand..." The master of mahasa, the Bodhisattva of ayido, sighed and said, "in order to tie up with his disciples, the master uses great powers, but who ever thought of doing bad things with good intentions and interfered with the arrangement of his disciples?"

"Namo Amitabha..." The great mercy Avalokitesvara Buddha said with a smile, "if the Buddha doesn't interfere?"

"Ha ha, thank you for waking up!" "All causes and effects have come to an end. It doesn't matter if you don't interfere."

"Shizun, I still have a knot in my heart..." Then the mahasa Buddha of ayido bowed himself again and said, "the disciple forced himself into reincarnation, fell into the animal way by mistake and took the body of the six eared macaque, but I don't know where the six eared macaque is in this life?"

Sakyamuni Buddha is still smiling. He raises his hand a little. There is a mountain in the light of Buddha. A monkey head dancing with an iron stick is showing off his power. Is it the monkey Hou Ming that Xiao Hua saw on Kunlun mountain before that?

"The Buddha of mahasa, the Bodhisattva of ayido in the South..." The Buddha mahasa, a Bodhisattva of ayido, proclaims the name of Buddha, and the light of Buddha burns like a flame. As he walks to the left side of Sakyamuni Buddha step by step, the whole Buddha Kingdom shakes, the infinite light of Buddha rolls the voice of Buddha and rushes into the void, and the space of Buddha Kingdom keeps expanding

"Nanwu is merciful and merciful, Avalokitesvara Buddha..." When Xiao Hua's figure fell into the space, the expansion of the Buddhist kingdom had come to an end. Xiao Hua's eyes fell on the Buddha mahasa, a Bodhisattva of Yiduo standing on the Jiupin lotus platform. His eyes were full of color, and he could not help proclaiming the name of Buddha.

At this time, the mahasa Buddha of aido Bodhisattva didn't look much like Ananda, but more like fighting against Buddha and stone monkey!

"It's cheap, Ananda..." Xiao Hua was overjoyed and couldn't help complaining to himself. At this time, the yudie Buddha quietly appeared beside him and declared, "Amitabha, poor monk, the future Buddha has returned. Please be merciful..."

"Why did the name of Buddha change again?" Xiao Hua's death certificate is over.

"If tanyue wants to know, he can go to the Buddhist kingdom and ask the great mercy Avalokitesvara Buddha..." Buddha's smile does not directly understand Xiao Hua's words.

"Just..." Looking at the solemn Dharma body of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "each has its own cause and effect. It's better not to interfere. There is only one Buddha in the future. Don't mess up the future of the Buddhist kingdom..."

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, roared at the magic space: "where is the killing of the jade ultimatum?"

"He's not here..." A timid voice rang out, it is a blood shadow of jade die kill.

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua laughed and said, "he always takes Moze as his home. How can he not be here? Let him come back quickly

"Yes, yes..." The blood shadow flickered in the magic space several times, seemed to feel the Buddha's fire of yudie Buddha, and hurriedly answered several times.

The voice of blood shadow's separation has just disappeared. Xiao Hua's eyebrows are raised, and his eyes show surprise. He looks everywhere in the space.

"This What's going on? "

But at the edge of the void, there are countless cracks, which, like cobwebs, are expanding in different ways.

A looming interface channel began to take shape!

The nine color light and shadow flickered in Xiao Hua's eyes. After looking at it for a moment, Xiao Hua said with a smile: "I understand. It's the power of the hand of cause and effect."

"Amitabha, congratulations to tanyue, congratulations to tanyue..." Yudie Buddha also said with a smile, "in the past, the cause and effect in tanyue space was isolated. Of course, some of the cause and effect in fairyland were not enough to break through the space barrier. If there was a big hand of cause and effect, all kinds of cause and effect began to penetrate the space. This interface barrier would appear, and the space in tanyue would become more mature!"

"Happy together, happy together!" Yu die Xiao Hua laughs not to close the mouth, the resources in the space are limited, only has the connection with the outside space, the space can develop better. As for whether there will be powerful immortals coming in after the space is exposed, it's not a question for Xiao Hua to consider.

"Big brother, big brother..." As expected, the jade die killer came quickly. Xiao Hua's smile did not disappear. He rushed out and yelled, "what's the matter, so anxious?"

"Amitabha..." The jade ultimatum Buddha's palms are in ten directions: "the space of benefactor has been formed, but the space of poor monk has not been formed yet..."Yuji's eyes turn red, and the magic space has been formed. But Lvhu is in the magic space for a moment, and the magic space has more advantages. Yuji naturally doesn't want to take out Lvhu immediately.

However, as soon as he moved his eyes, Xiao Hua was a little impatient and said, "kill Yuji, take out Luhu quickly. The space of Buddhism is different from other spaces. There are already three Buddhists in it. Now that the future Buddhists have just returned, it's the best opportunity for the formation of Buddhism..."

"Yes, big brother..." When yudiesi hears it, he immediately understands it and promises to turn around and return immediately, while yudiesi Xiaohua guards outside the magic space. When yudiesi reaches the edge of the magic space with Luhu, yudiesi Xiaohua grabs lufluorene and flies outside the space of the Buddha kingdom!

There was a rare excitement on the face of the always calm yudie Buddha, "go..." Standing outside the Buddhist space, Xiao Hua didn't fly in. Instead, he threw LV fluorene inside and said, "boom..." Rufluorene fell into the space of the Buddha Kingdom and burst into thousands of virtual shadows of temples. These virtual shadows fell to Sakyamuni Buddha, dingguang Buddha, Guangming Buddha and aydo Bodhisattva mahasa Buddha!

When the virtual shadow of the temple passes through the present Buddha, the past Buddha and the future Buddha, the virtual shadow begins to solidify and turn into a golden inscription like the great Leiyin temple.

Such inscriptions gradually become more and more, just like a brick by brick to form a huge outline of the temple!

"Amitabha..." Even Xiao Hua, the jade die maker, could not help saying, "the great Leiyin temple was built like this!"

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Xiao Hua's space can finally be connected with the outside space, so where will the earliest space passage go?

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