Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1205

"Poop, poop..." Xiao Hua hesitates here. The fat pig over there has already killed the fat pig, Toutuo and white horse!

Then, a thief Toutuo led a white horse and slipped out from nowhere. As soon as he met him, he knelt down in front of Xiao Hua, kowtowed and cried, "Bodhisattva, master is gone, I can't beg..."

"Isn't that right?" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "don't go to seek scriptures. Let these two monkey heads fight each other to death. The other one will take you to seek scriptures by yourself..."

"Ah? This Is that ok? " Toutuo was silly. Looking at Xiao Hua, his tears were still hanging on his face, "that The emperor Haotian is there... "

"What?" Xiao Hua said, "emperor Haotian?? He's still alive? "

"What What? " Toutuo was more surprised than Xiao Hua, "is emperor Haotian dead? Monkey No, when did the elder martial brother hit Lingxiao hall again? "

"NND, this Is this before the fall of the emperor? " Xiao Hua scratched his head, looked up at the west, and said, "dari Tathagata Buddha, can you make your hand bigger?"

"Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva..." The two stone monkeys fell down in front of Xiao Hua and cried, "you always help us talk about who is true and who is false!"

"Go away..." Xiao Hua didn't even think about it. He scolded, "go to the Tathagata Buddha. Who asked you to fight? I can't tell the difference! "

Two stone monkeys are stunned. Does the Bodhisattva swear?

However, the two stone monkeys didn't think much about it. They started fighting again and said, "go, go, go to find Buddha, you fake..."

looked as like as two peas monkeys, pig's trotters, whether they were behaved or looked or even their spirits. Xiao Hua had no choice but to hurry up and follow his past. A big fat pig hoof beside him caught him. The voice was low: "Bodhisattva, teacher......" two Master has not been saved yet

"Go away!" Xiao Hua scolded, "go to the Tathagata Buddha, Lao Tzu doesn't interfere with the six ways of reincarnation!"

Fat pig had no choice but to let Toutuo still lead the white horse. The white horse carried the remains of a monk and flew to the west after the two noisy stone monkeys.

It seems that in an instant, Xiao Hua felt that he had arrived at the Dalaiyin temple. He looked up blankly to see the Tathagata Buddha sitting on it, as well as the ancient Buddha and Maitreya Buddha Buddha sitting nearby. It seems that all the changes have not begun!

However, when Xiao Hua went to Ananda again, he found that the Buddha light of the Tathagata Buddha covered all the disciples, but he could not find them.

At this time, the two stone monkeys had already knelt down and cried: "Buddha, the disciple protected the master to come to the west to learn the Scriptures and subdued the demons all the way..."

When the two stone monkeys finished speaking, the Tathagata Buddha raised his eyes to Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "Guanyin, which of the two monkey heads is true?"

Xiao Hua sneered and said: "I'm incompetent and can't tell, but since there is such cause and effect, there must be a black hand behind..."

"Ha ha..." The Tathagata Buddha laughs and says, "you have so much mana that you can only read the affairs of Zhou Tian..."

Hearing that the Tathagata Buddha had finished, he raised his hand to one of the stone monkeys and said, "you are a six eared macaque..."

"Don't do it..." Xiao Hua thinks of something and points to another stone monkey in a hurry. It's OK that Xiao Hua doesn't say it. Xiao Hua just said two words. The stone monkey picked up the stick and hit the stone monkey on the forehead with a bang, which broke the stone monkey's brain and killed him!

"Quick..." Xiao Hua was very anxious and said, "Buddha, leave the soul of the six eared macaque..."

"Why?" Dari Tathagata, the Buddha, was in a daze. He wanted to scold the stone monkey, but Xiao Hua said so.

"Where is Ananda?" Seeing the Buddhas looking at him, Xiao Hua could not explain. He asked, "does the Buddha not know?"

The Tathagata Buddha's face slightly changed and said with profound meaning, "where is Ananda? Don't you know Guanyin?"

"Me?" Xiao Hua is more and more big Leng, "how do I know?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly felt that the whole Dalaiyin temple was withered like a fire. He sighed and knew that the causal water thread had been annihilated!

Sure enough, Xiao Hua's mind suddenly rose!

However, just at the moment when Xiao Hua's mind was immediately at the great Leiyin temple, he vaguely heard: "I'm afraid Jiafoguo, to fight against the Buddha.... "

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua returned to the pale space and scolded in a low voice, "Xiao has gone for a while, but there are still many doubts. How can there be two empty spaces? I can't tell from Xiao. "

Then Xiao Hua's causal water does not hesitate to sweep towards the water silk that Zhenkong and Xuese Lianhe are linked together!

"Buzz..." Xiao Hua saw another light and shadow rising from the water silk, but before his eyes, many strange blood lines appeared. The two figures in the blood lines moved Xiao Hua's heart. Aren't these two figures Avalokitesvara and Ananda?

Xiao Hua's body is covered with blood lines, and he has never mastered the Dharma of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Ananda's voice rings in his ear: "thank you, Bodhisattva, for passing on the secret method of cutting three corpses. With this power, the disciple will be able to cut away evil thoughts and become the supreme Buddha with the supreme good thoughts...""What is good and what is evil? Is there any evil of good, or is there any good of evil? " The tone of Guanyin's Dharma is light, "although the secret method of chopping three corpses is passed down from Taichu, it's too dangerous. Whether it's at the beginning of chopping good and evil, or between the good and evil battles, there is a danger of falling into reincarnation and losing one's mind. But now that you have made a decision, poor monk It's hard to say. After all, I'll have to take advantage of you in the future... "

Ananda bowed himself again and said, "if the Bodhisattva is sent, his disciples will not refuse."

"This is a lotus petal in the lotus terrace of my poor monk..." The Dharma Prime Minister of Guanyin said, "you take it. You have the right to defend yourself..."

"Disciple Xie Bodhisattva..."

Xiao Hua's body falls, Ananda has left, and the blood lines around him disappear. Xiao Hua is still standing in the bamboo forest of Nanhai Daochang!

"When is this?" Xiao Hua just stood still and looked up at the place where the sun rose in the distance. The colorful crystal stone that gave birth to Yuan Tongtian had not yet appeared.

So Xiao Hua quickly pinched the seal and frowned, "I don't think this time is too chaotic! How did I get to the time before I learned the Scriptures again... "

I don't know how long it's been!

"Hum..." Xiao Hua felt that his Buddha seal had not yet been pinched. The light of Buddha was shining on the lotus platform. Xiao Hua was stunned and looked at it quickly. He saw that the place where a lotus petal was missing was exposed by the light of the yellow spring.

"This Ananda is too anxious... " Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry. He hastened to touch the lotus platform and said, "brush..." Light and shadow flying out, it is Ananda's failure to chop three corpses, body fall reincarnation, straying into the animal way, seizing the six ear macaque body scene!

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