Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1206

"No!" Xiao Hua's eyes turned quickly and said in secret, "Ananda failed to chop the three corpses. Is it a good corpse or a bad corpse that he fell into the animal way? So What about the spirit of the six eared macaque

“…… This Ananda is the first wise man under the Tathagata throne. How could he fail to chop three corpses? If it is so easy to fail, how can the former Guanyin Bodhisattva easily teach him... "

Xiao Hua also wants to see reincarnation. The light and shadow wither around him again. Xiao Hua understands that the cause and effect of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the past is more and more rare, and what he can see is more and more short!

In front of Xiao Hua's eyes, the light and shadow dissipated, Xiao Hua suddenly found that, I do not know when, the peak of the East China Sea, colorful crystal stone has appeared in the wind and rain.


Xiao Hua went back to his causal water silk and looked at the huge Zhenkong outline, which was so mysterious that Xiao Hua did not dare to easily touch the only wisp of water silk!

"Ouch..." Just as Xiao Hua hesitated, a strange idea came out of his heart, "this Is this the good corpse that Ananda cut off?? Otherwise, how could as like as two peas of two virginity?

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua's causal water silk has fallen on the water silk connecting the two Zhenkong outlines!

"Boom..." In front of Xiao Hua's eyes, there was a huge tremor. A towering Buddha was wearing armor and flying out of the darkness with a stick in his hand. Wasn't it the stone monkey who had become a fighter to defeat the Buddha?

In the boundless darkness, the voice of Guanyin in the previous life sounded out in Xiao Hua's flying body: "do you remember the promise of fighting against Buddha? It's time for you to promise. I'll give you a chance. You can't go. This It's not your own business, it's the cause and effect caused by poor monk! "

"Hey, hey..." The stone monkey who conquered the Buddha raised his face and seemed to be looking at Xiao Hua, saying word by word, "this matter has nothing to do with the Bodhisattva! Your cause and effect is your cause and effect, but if your cause and effect is contaminated with the Buddhist kingdom, it will become the cause and effect of the Buddhist kingdom. What's the reluctance of Lao sun for the sake of the Buddhist kingdom? It's just a result of fighting against the Buddha. Old sun entered reincarnation, and he will still fight against the Buddha in the future! "

"I want to remind you..." The voice still rang out from Xiao Hua, "as long as you take this step, you can never look back! You may become a deserter of the Buddha Kingdom, or a rebel of the Buddha kingdom. Even the Buddha kingdom will not leave any trace of you at all. "

The stone monkey, who defeated the Buddha, said with a proud smile: "old sun is a stone monkey without father and mother. It's enough to pass through the Buddhist kingdom. It doesn't need any of them to remember old sun, and old sun doesn't have to do anything to lose his memory. Only..."

Here, the fight against the Buddha rarely stopped in the air, looked up at the darkness, and said in a low voice: "I just want to tell my master that I was not worthy to be your disciple in my life, and I have achieved the Buddha's fruit in my life. Now I die with the Bodhisattva in order to save hundreds of millions of people in the world, my grandson Worthy of Be your disciple... "

Later, Dou defeated the Buddha and stone monkey. He knelt down and kowtowed: "master, I've gone..."

Xiao Hua burst into tears

He really didn't expect yuan Tongtian to end up like this!!!

No wonder in the Leiyin Temple of the four prefectures, there is the position of Guanyin Bodhisattva, but there is no record of fighting god Buddha!

"Apprentice..." Xiao Hua could not help saying, "you will always be..."

However, before Xiao Hua had finished his words, a golden light rose in the dark in the distance. Where the golden light passed, it killed all things. The stone monkey, the God of war, touched his ear, took out a big stick and said, "don't go, monster, eat my grandson's stick..."

Then everything is submerged in the golden light, and in the golden light, the five elements Ruyi Tongtian stick seems to disintegrate. A rough stick like thing falls into the place of infinite light and shadow. Isn't this light and shadow the knot of time?

An indescribable sharp pain forced Xiao Hua to withdraw from the water silk. Xiao Hua's inexplicable heartache!

"Oh, no!" Xiao Hua just quit the causal water silk, immediately feel the golden light, the light golden luster in the light white space inside and outside the dazzling.

Xiao Hua looked at it in a hurry. Behind the pale gold and blood Guanyin and Dou defeated the Buddha and stone monkey, there were light gold filaments coming out of thin air. The filaments smashed their cause and effect water filaments. The pain of scraping bones came from the hand of cause and effect!

That gold silk is very good, just appeared, immediately like the tide, surging in, drowning the water silk!

Xiao Hua is shocked. The water light on the hand of cause and effect flickers, and the water thread shrinks rapidly.

The light of the relic is like a sword piercing the golden light, "boom..." Where the golden light came from, a semi-circular crystal appeared arrogantly. As soon as the crystal appeared, there was a sense of cruelty and war sweeping the space, smashing the blood light of shuisi and Sari!

"Lotus..." Seeing that the sari could not resist, an obscure voice sounded from the distance of the pale gold crystal like object. A white bone knot rose like the sunrise. There was a pale white flame on the bone knot. It looked like a dragon head!

"Ten The thirteen gods Xiao Hua as like as two peas in the face, and the dragon head looks exactly like what he saw before he flew up to fairyland.

"Boom..." With Xiao Hua's roar from the hand of cause and effect, his hand of cause and effect burst, and a stream of blood rushed out of the hand of cause and effect and rolled to the sari in the eyebrow of blood Guanyin!Xiao Hua knew that this was the cause and effect of Guanyin in his previous life!

However, it is not waiting for the blood color of Xiaohua space to touch the blood color of Guanyin!

"Brush..." There is a spear like light and shadow on the pale gold crystal. The light and shadow pierce through the pale white thorn to the hand of cause and effect. At the same time, the same pale gold luster on the body surface of the hand of cause and effect condenses out, as if the ice spread!

"Damn it Xiao Hua seems to understand something. The skill he got is related to this pale gold crystal!

"Brush..." In a crisis, the river of cause and effect pours down in the hand of cause and effect. We need to protect the hand of cause and effect, but the river of cause and effect rushes into the golden light, and even makes a "zilala" sound, which quickly annihilates!

"That's great!" Xiao Hua is shocked to know that this golden light can kill cause and effect!

What to do??

For a moment, Xiao Hua thought of his crystal God!

"Give it to me!" Xiao Hua knows that he can't be transferred, but he still roars in his heart!

Kill him!

Kill him!!

At this time, how can Xiao Hua not know that the victory of Guanyin Bodhisattva and Dou over Buddha and stone monkey is falling into the hands of this light golden scenery, and how can he shrink back!

For the sake of his apprentice, I will fight him to the end!!


In the heart of the hand of cause and effect, a golden radiance is just like the rising sun, breaking the pale golden luster of the frozen hand of cause and effect!

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Five minutes later, there will be a Book Review of Xiushen Xianjie Daqidi 3, written by Xiao Hua. You should understand the cause and effect of this passage

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