Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1204

"No good!" Xiao Hua didn't want to nod and said, "then you should be a Dharma protector under the poor monk's seat?"

"Ah?" The voice stopped abruptly.

Xiao Hua opened his eyes, but saw that he was sitting on the lotus terrace with his knees crossed. The stone monkey was kneeling down in front of him with his hands folded, looking at himself in amazement.

"Yuan Tongtian..." Looking at the stone monkey, Xiao Hua's eyes are a little hot. Poor disciple, he has been calculated again and again. Now he has been sent to the previous life by the old bald donkey of the Tathagata Buddha. He still needs to learn from the Scriptures.

Now that Xiao is here, I'm sure I'll disturb him in the process!

"Bodhisattva Bodhisattva... " The stone monkey stammered, "Lao sun is just complaining to the Bodhisattva. This This is the only way for Lao sun to get the Buddhist fruit. Lao sun won't go Who's going? "

"Who told you that?" Xiao Hua asked coldly, "Tathagata Buddha?"

"Isn't that what Bodhisattva said?" Stone monkey asked pitifully.

"Well..." Xiao Hua naturally knew that Guanyin was fooling the stone monkey. He nodded and said, "you should meditate here. I'll do my calculations carefully..."

"Thank you very much for your acceptance!" Stone monkey accompanied smiling face, careful appearance let Xiao Hua heartache, where is his rebellious yuan Tongtian, damned dari Tathagata Buddha!

Looking at the stone monkey sitting next to the lotus stand, Xiao Hua is a little confused. He is trying to figure out his way of thinking, and suddenly finds that his lotus stand is no doubt eight grade, but there is one missing lotus petal in it, and it seems that it is just one of the white annihilation bones!

"Damn, what's going on?" Xiao Hua closes his eyes in a hurry to find some clues from Guanyin's confused memory. Unfortunately, there are some memories of Guanyin, but the contents are as vast as smoke. I don't know how many experiences of thousands of worlds Xiao Hua can find?

"How to stop yuan Tongtian from learning scriptures?"

"It seems that Yuan Tongtian has been brainwashed by the Bodhisattva and the Tathagata Buddha in this life. He takes learning from sutras as his only way out, but What is the purpose of this study? "

Xiao Hua opened his eyes and looked at the stone monkey. His eyes fell on the gold hoop on his forehead. Suddenly, it was a burst of heartache. Isn't the gold hoop just the corona of the sun and the moon?

When I thought about the wild nature of Yuan Tongtian who was imprisoned by the Tathagata Buddha, I wanted yuan Tongtian to have a bright future, but I didn't expect that the Tathagata Buddha arranged it like this!

However, this Isn't that what you expect?

Buddha fruit!!

Although yuan Tongtian did not reincarnate, he got the Buddha's fruit in his previous life!

Just as he thought about it, Xiao Hua looked up at the bamboo forest. But outside the Nanhai Daochang of Guanyin Bodhisattva, a big fat pig with a nine tooth harrow came like a flying general!

"Who is this guy?"

Xiao Hua was at a loss.

"Bodhisattva..." Before the fat pig flew to the dojo, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed, "old pig quit! Brother monkey killed the master. There's no way to take the scripture... "

"No good!" Xiao Hua laughed. Before he sent the pig to liantai, he said excitedly, "be a monk in front of me..."

Xiao Hua wanted to be a disciple, but he couldn't say anything when he looked at fat pig's stupid appearance!

"Damn monkey..." How did you know that when the fat pig saw the stone monkey sitting in front of Xiao Hua, he immediately became very angry. He raised his nine tooth rake and hit the stone monkey. He cried, "how dare you kill master!"

"Go away!" Xiao Hua was very angry. He slapped the pig and said angrily, "he's always here. How can he have time to kill your master?"

"Second younger martial brother, second younger martial brother..." The stone monkey rushed out, lifted the pig up, and cried, "what's the matter with master?"

"Master, you beat him to death!" The fat pig cried wrongly and cried, "we can't get the Sutra, and we can't eat the Buddha fruit!"

"Damn it! Who dares to look like a grandson... " The stone monkey was so angry that he turned his head and knelt down and said, "Bodhisattva, my grandson, please, go and save my master. My grandson knows that you have great powers..."

"No Don't you say you won't go to get scriptures? "

Xiao Hua is a little confused.

"Bodhisattva..." Fat pig also knelt down and cried, "didn't you say that? Taking Buddhist scriptures is the only way for an old pig to eat Buddha's fruit. How can you turn back... "

“nnd……” Xiao Hua almost scolded and said in secret, "how can I deceive people so much? It's just, it's just, since I said it myself, I have to make it through with tears and save their master... "

"By the way..." What did Xiao Hua think of? He couldn't think about it much. He said to the stone monkey quickly, "remember, we should convince people by virtue. Don't do it, and don't do it at will They were killed! "

"I see, Bodhisattva!" When the stone monkey heard that someone had changed his appearance, he had already scratched his ears and gills. At this time, he answered casually.

The protagonist of the four prefectures is Jiang liuer. Xiao Hua is very curious about who will be the protagonist of the world!

Just, Xiao Hua with stone monkey and fat pig to get a place, have never seen their master, Xiao Huaxian is Leng in the spot!As like as two peas monkeys, Yuan Tongtian is pushing a monkey monk into the horse. What's next?

"This How is that possible? "

unbelievable look as like as two peas monkeys, and look at the stone monkey before him. There are no differences between the two stone monkeys, even the gold hoops on their heads are exactly the same!

"Wu that monster!" Not to mention Xiao Hua's surprise, the stone monkey was already irritable. With a low roar, the flying general came out, touched in his ear, took out a stick, which rose in the wind and said, "dare to be like grandson, and eat grandson's stick!"

"Wuna monster..." Another stone monkey was furious when he saw yuan Tongtian. He also took a stick out of his ear, flew over and cried, "dare to look like my grandson, and eat my grandson!"

"Slow..." Xiao Hua grabs at the stone monkey in a hurry. He laughs, but he can't tell. If they fight together, who knows which one is the stone monkey?

However, Xiao Hua's words never came out, and another thought came out of his mind: "no, my apprentice is rebellious. I know that the first stone monkey frowns and follows his purpose. How can he be yuan Tongtian?"

Xiao Hua this hesitation, two stone monkeys have stood together, heaven and earth to do a, who can distinguish who is who?

Xiao Hua wants to cry, NND, even if the stone monkey is yuan Tongtian, he should separate them first!

It seems that causality is so. Even if Xiao Hua who knows the truth has become Guanyin in his previous life, things can't be changed!

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Tanhua's new book, six-year compulsory education of Chinese runes, features Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua's son, and is serialized at the beginning https:book.qidian.cominfo1014281512 . You can have a look, help put forward an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! New books are relaxed