Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1203

Xiao Hua felt very strange. He knelt down in front of him, and there was a quiet fairy who had already fallen, but " I thought that what people do is based on the body. Everything is based on the body. The influence of the body is really important, sometimes more powerful than the relic. The body is the shadow, the stone wall can leave traces, and the relic has no light, and the red world has no trace. The relic can't be separated from the body, and it can't be nourished without the body.... "

The words of preaching seemed to have been prepared for a long time, or the inheritance of firewood came out of his mouth. Until 9981, when Xiao Hua was dark, he opened his eyes again, and he was already at the end of the white space, the water silk!

"I see..." Xiao Hua was almost shocked and whispered, "Cihang is the reincarnation of Guanyin in the previous life. He obviously wants to prove the result in Changsheng Town, but I don't know why he didn't have the result. And After he passed on the orthodoxy to me, he There will be no reincarnation. All the causes and effects of Guanyin in the previous life come to an end... "

"This water silk is the cause and effect of Guanyin and me!"

Think of here, "Nanwu great mercy Guanyin..." The Buddha's name comes out from the distance, and the previously disappeared sculpture of blood colored Guanyin flickers, and the blood light stands up in the pale white!

Although the sculpture seems to be crumbling, but between the eyebrows of the sculpture, a broken relic the size of a fist suddenly shines!

The sari is dazzling, but the boundless compassion inside is so familiar!

The water silk that Xiao Hua saw just now is dragging one of his water silk into the bloody Guanyin's relic!

Only the shining sari, in addition to a very thick water silk hidden in pale white, the rest of the water silk has many with Xiao Hua's water silk together!

"Why? Who is this? "

On one side of the rosette of sanguine Guanyin, there are several water threads connected with sanguine lotus on a rather large outline, and another one is flying towards him. Xiao Hua is not sure who has cause and effect with former Guanyin and who has cause and effect with himself!

When the water fell on the outline, Xiao Hua almost gritted his teeth!


Six eared macaque Zhenkong!!

Why is Zhenkong here??

Didn't Zhenkong suddenly disappear in the four prefectures?

However, when Xiao Hua looked at the lotus of blood Guanyin, he realized that the red Xiacai falling from the sky was not the lotus of blood Guanyin?

But what's the cause and effect between Zhenkong and Guanyin?

As soon as Xiao Hua was born, there was a huge outline on one side of Zhenkong's outline, which was more than 100 times larger than Zhenkong's!

Although Xiao Hua's causal water thread didn't touch the outline, Xiao Hua could feel that the outline was as lonely and proud as a mountain, which was different from Yu Er and so on. It was obvious that there was only a very weak vitality.

When the water wire touched the outline, "boom..." A tall Dharma prime minister who could not even reach Xiao Hua appeared in front of Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua exclaimed again: "Zhenkong?!"

Another Zhenkong!

It's exactly the same as the outline!!

This What's going on??

Xiao Hua quickly looks at the outline and blood color Guanyin. Strangely, this Zhenkong outline has no causal water thread with blood color Guanyin. On the contrary, it has a huge causal water thread with the Zhenkong outline just now.

Xiao Hua just wants to look at the water thread, but on the blood lotus under the blood Guanyin, another broken water thread passes in front of Xiao Hua's eyes. Xiao Hua's eyes are all split when he glances at it!

However, a piece of light and shadow rose on the water silk. In the light and shadow, it was the dari Tathagata Buddha, and in the hands of the dari Tathagata Buddha, it was the colorful crystal that nurtured yuan Tongtian!

What is the Tathagata Buddha doing? How can he and Yuan Tongtian appear in the causal water thread of blood Guanyin?

If there is a cause and effect between the Tathagata Buddha and Guanyin, Xiao Hua absolutely believes it, but What is the cause and effect between Yuan Tongtian and Guanyin?

Is this the cause and effect of Yuan Tongtian's past life?

However, since it is yuan Tongtian's previous life, how can there be colorful crystal stone?

Seeing the light and shadow disappear, the causal water silk will disappear again. Xiao Hua is surprised. The disappearance of causal water silk means the understanding of causality. How can the causality between Yuan Tongtian and six eared macaque disappear?

What did the Tathagata Buddha do to make cause and effect disappear?

Xiao Hua didn't hear Xuan Songzi say that a monkey with a Tongtian stick killed the six eared macaque!

"Damn it Xiao Hua low scolds a, a wisp of water light forcibly pours down, want to fall to that disappear cause and effect water silk!

But without waiting for shuisi to fly out, "Nanwu is merciful, Guanyin Bodhisattva..." The Buddha's name comes from the sermon of blood color Guanyin. The water silk on Xiao Hua's causal hand falls on the rosette of blood color Guanyin, and the disappearing water silk just sits on the water silk!

Xiao Hua did not hesitate to fall towards the disappearing water silk!

This time, it seems different from the last time. When Xiao Hua fell into shuisi, there was no trace of the Tathagata Buddha inside. Instead, there was a vast Buddhist kingdom. Xiao Hua's figure fell down, and the time of the Buddhist kingdom was just like a streamer passing in front of Xiao Hua's eyes.Xiao Hua could see clearly that in a corner of a continent, on a mountain peak facing the sea, the colorful spar stood up as a stone, which was three feet six feet five inches high and two feet four feet round. Three feet six feet five inches high, according to 365 degrees of the circumference; two feet four feet round, according to the political calendar 24 Qi. There are nine orifices and eight holes on it, according to the nine palaces and eight trigrams.

Multicolored crystal stone by naive show, day fine Yuehua, see wind into a stone monkey, is not it yuan Tongtian?

Xiao Hua is at a loss. Did the Tathagata Buddha promise to let yuan Tongtian return to reincarnation and understand his gratitude and resentment with the six eared macaque? How can his soul be directly bred in the colorful crystal stone?

Then the stone monkey grew up, and all his apprentices fell into Xiao Hua's eyes. When the stone monkey made trouble in heaven, he was crushed by the Tathagata Buddha at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, and Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared, Xiao Hua suddenly woke up!

"Damn it! This This is a lesson learned by Guanyin Bodhisattva in the previous life. The Tathagata Buddha wants to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot. He He sent yuan Tongtian's soul to his previous life, and fundamentally ended the cause and effect between Yuan Tongtian and Ananda... "

“…… The Tathagata Buddha is still reluctant to give up Ananda. He wants to save Ananda from reincarnation! But the problem is that there are already six eared macaques in this Buddhist country. Damned dari Tathagata Buddha, he is so involved in the cause and effect. No wonder the golden body collapses... "

"Since Xiao has fallen into such cause and effect, he can't let you do what you want!"

Xiao Hua's body has fallen into the bamboo forest of the Buddhist kingdom!

"Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva..." Xiao Hua's figure had just fallen into the Dharma phase of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Before he could adapt to the female body, a slightly flattering and aggrieved voice rang out, "the monk is mortal. He can't distinguish between monsters, loyalty and adultery. Lao sun quit!"

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