Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1202

As soon as this idea came out, "Wu..." With the strange wind howling, Xiao Hua's vision began to rise. He clearly saw that thousands of transparent water filaments were born from the hands of cause and effect. The water filaments were pale white through the space and fell on many strange outlines. Lu Shu, xiangplease and other human figures related to him all had water filaments falling!

Of course, Xiao Hua can see more clearly that his water thread bypasses more contours, and these contours may or may not have water thread.

There is water silk obviously some luster, there is no water silk already withered!

But for a moment, the water seems to have come to an end, no longer can fly down the outline, still did not find Liu Yanzhen?

"Are you not here?" Xiao Hua's idea is like a snail crawling!

This idea just appeared, "Wu Wu Wu..." On the hand of cause and effect, all the water threads begin to grow wildly, and flow towards the pale white depths!

It's like there's a trace of Liu Yanzhen!

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how long the water wire extended. All of a sudden, there was "boom boom..." Xiao Hua could see the sound clearly. A human figure with blood red luster appeared in front of shuisi head. In the roar of the human figure, Liu Yanzhen's figure was revealed!

"zhen'er really fell into this..." Xiao Hua was very happy, but before he could have another chance, it was in Changsheng town that he was surprised Monk Cihang!!

"This This What the hell is going on? "

Xiao Hua, who is already a real immortal, knows very well that he doesn't change his form, and he knows better that his strength is not as good as that of the dust immortal!

I'm Cihang?

Xiao Hua suddenly remembered something!

But without waiting for him to think, "boom..." Lightning one after another, like thunder god's anger from the sky, and then the Tianhe burst, torrential rain!


Xiao Hua's eyes swept, and he saw the panic of all the people in Changsheng town. When he looked at Liao River again, the river began to surge, and the surging water was pouring towards Changsheng town!

Xiao Hua didn't want to. He raised his hand and picked up a Zen stick from the side. He stepped on the Buddha's light and flew down from the Jiangchao temple!


Xiao Hua sat on the edge of the Liao River with his knees crossed, his hands folded and his mouth closed, reciting the Buddha's name. The staff was across his head, and the light of the Buddha poured out from the staff, which turned into a light curtain to block the rolling river!

Xiao Hua is exhausted. He has been casting for five days and nights!

But Xiao Hua didn't dare to be slack. After him, the people of Changsheng town knelt down and preached the Buddha's name one by one.

Xiao Hua felt that his body was being trained inch by inch, and the relics that had not yet been formed were being cut off. The piety of the common people supported him, but it was far less than what he paid.

But Xiao Hua did not have a trace of regret!

His heart is like a rock!

Another day and night, the water of liaojiang River gradually subsided. Xiao Hua vomited blood and flew away from Changsheng town with incurable serious injuries. Behind him, thousands of thanks and kowtows, saying "Lord Poseidon!"

Vaguely, Xiao Hua knew that the people had built a Jiangchao temple on the Jiangchao ridge where they had been painstakingly cultivating, in which the God of the sea was worshipped!

Then, time became the wind, blowing away Xiao Hua's life and aging his appearance. One day, Xiao Hua was sitting on a mountain peak with his knees crossed. He felt something in his heart and let out his Buddhist insight!

"Boom..." The appearance of a man and a woman, two monks, such as Lei Zhen, woke him up. The man was tall, thin, and his eyes were slanting. Wasn't that his true appearance? And that woman is a pair of eyes, eyes like a dream, isn't it a quiet fairy? (in Xiushen waizhuan, Xiao Hua wakes up and whispers: "Nanwu is merciful, Guanyin. If tanyue is looking for an old monk, come here! There are clouds in the Bodhisattva of Tibet. I don't go to hell, who goes to hell? Since I am the Buddha, how can I not die? I don't know how many years I can't get rid of it. Now is the right time! "


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Soul wear!!!

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