Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1201

At this time, Mei Yun was very calm. He said with a smile: "if the two adults don't believe it, you can search the soul. At this time, Xiao Meixin no longer has Meizu, younger generation so likely to cheat two adults

"What about this Taichu relic?"

Liu Yanyu turned her head and looked at her feet. "What's Meimei's explanation?"

"This is my first time to come in..." Mei Yun let Liu Yanyu down again and said, "Meizu didn't mention the situation here."

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanyu looked at the old copper chain that was still being repaired and said, "can you always control this Tianmei Ling?"

"Barely!" The stupid Taoist's words didn't surprise Liu Yanyu, "this thing is made by the secret method of the archaic fairy family. If you want to be able to swim, you must be made by the blood of Mei's disciples!"

"It can't be refined by Mei Yun at this time!" Liu Yanyu was a little worried, "but if you don't open the immortal ban, you'er and Xiao Hua, they..."

The stupid Taoist knew that there was no hope at all, but he couldn't beat Liu Yanyu either. He could only whisper: "the matter has come to an end, so I'd better send a message to the family leader. We don't have the strength to enter the white annihilation. It doesn't mean that no one in my Liu family can enter..."

"What?" Liu Yanyu's eyes brightened and said, "what does fourth uncle mean?"

"It's a secret within the clan. You're not qualified to know it. Let's go, subpoena first..."

"Good!" Liu Yanyu was overjoyed. Her heart that fell into the abyss finally saw the light. Even in this moment, she thought of Xiao Hua Not Liu Yanfu!

However, she did not wait for Liu Yanyu to push her figure, "boom..." The unbroken chains and locks roared violently again. The golden lights smashed the chains and locks like giant swords. Liu Yanyu was shocked and looked under her body. But after seeing the golden light, the place where the blood and bronze interweaved disappeared inch by inch

"Damn it The stupid Taoist's face changed dramatically. Just as he was about to grab Liu Yanyu and Mei Yun and prepare to escape, he heard Liu Yanyu cry out, "Xiao Xiao Hua It's Is that you? "

"How could it be?" Stupid Taoist looking at the golden light, also can't help but gape!!!

Xiao Hua's body fell into the blood column, and a powerful force instantly covered him. This force was so fierce that Xiao Hua felt that even his spirit was shaking!

However, the blood column rushed into the immortal body, and Xiao Hua's pale gold light and shadow appeared to be resisting the blood column. But in Xiao Huaxian's body, the deep blood gushed out at the same time to cover up the pale gold!

"Hum..." There is no need for Xiao Hua to urge him. On Xiao Hua's immortal body, the three heads and six arms of blood colored Guanyin begin to appear. Correspondingly, the blood colored Guanyin standing on the lotus stand also emits strange Buddha light. In the flickering Buddha light, Xiao Hua clearly has a feeling that if he devotes all his strength, he will be able to control the blood column, so that the blood column will break the dark sky and escape from the sky. However, he has a feeling that he is in the state of Zhou Xiao Ming, Lu Shu and yu'er are in the white annihilation!

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua had made a decision. He opened his mouth and wanted to send a message to Liu Yanyu. But as soon as he opened his mouth, Xiao Hua felt that Xianli was imprisoned. He could only roar at the bottom of his heart: "let's go..."

Then he urged the blood Guanyin and the blood column to rush into the white annihilation!

Xiao Hua had never seen the suction of the white annihilation skeleton before. He had fallen into the blood color of the white annihilation skeleton like an electric light!

Facing him was a bronze light and shadow. Before he could see the outline of the light and shadow, there were streaks of blood and pale white before his eyes!

The stripes are like silk tapestry slowly stretched, and then twisted. Xiao Hua suddenly feels that everything around him is nothingness! Whether it's light or sound, even his own thinking has been drawn into a thread!

Time seems to be slowing down, light and shadow lengthened again after actually breaking, such as catkins like light and shade around Xiao Hua!

"Why?" Xiao Hua had stopped thinking, and his thinking suddenly gave birth to a kind of shudder, as if his thinking began to split. At this time, more than ten exclamations sounded from everywhere. Xiao Hua was surprised to find that his body began to split!

This split is a little strange, like the drop of water, first oval, then flat, and finally rain!

Xiao Hua is like this, the complete human body is drawn into a thread by infinite suction!

This thread looks very long, but it's tough and tight. It doesn't break!

However, the suction became stronger and stronger, and the thread began to have a gap. 13200 dots broke out of the thread!

"My God!" One hundred and thirty-two hundred of the same ideas come out of one hundred and thirty-two hundred little dots, "this How can this light and shadow be like this? "

Xiao Hua, who turned into particles, is easy to see. The light and shadow that used to be pieces have become light particles just like him. These light particles are trembling and wandering around. The speed of trembling of each color is different, and the wandering range is different. There are even some light particles hitting their own dots!

This is an opportunity as well as a disaster. The small point of light particle impact will gradually break away from Xiao Hua's control. If it disappears and annihilates in the infinite light particles, Xiao Hua will never be able to condense well.

However, just at this time, a stream of water like light flowed through the distance, across the darkness and light, and all of a sudden connected Xiao Hua's 13200 dots together!The streamer seemed invisible, but when it fell on Xiao Hua's little point, 13200 ideas came out again: "because The river of cause and effect

The idea suddenly came out, "boom boom..." One hundred and thirty-two hundred small dots collided with each other, and a clear but actually fuzzy outline condensed out!

This outline is not Xiao Hua's figure, but a big hand, the hand of cause and effect!

In the palm of the hand of cause and effect, a ray of streamer is crystal clear, and there are all kinds of mysteries flashing inside!

In the center of all kinds of mysteries, a trace of blood red is eye-catching.

"This Where is this? " Xiao Hua's consciousness was a little vague and dull, but he was still able to think under the protection of the hand of cause and effect. He didn't know whether to use his eyes or Yannian, or even other magical powers that Xiao Hua didn't know. Xiao Hua was shocked when he looked around.

But see this is a look is pale space, but this pale with a breath of death, seems to be the tomb of light, or the starting point of light, but everything is static, even time!

In the light white, there are some water light as thin as spider silk fluttering around!

See a strange outline appeared in front of Xiao Hua, and then the outline of a root of condensation, a piece of shape, Zhou Xiaoming's appearance reflected in Xiao Hua's eyes!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua screams from the bottom of his heart, and then his eyes pass through Zhou Xiaoming. His eyes are white again. Xiao Hua suddenly turns back and sees a wisp of water behind him.

"I..." Xiao Hua understood, "I became those water silk!"

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Causality space, ending causality

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