Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1200

"Yan Yu..." The voice of the stupid Taoist sounded, "Xiao Xiao Hua has already fallen into the blood column, and even into the range of white annihilation. You can't save him... "

With that, the stupid Taoist took the tianmeiling and waved it. The plum blossom, the chain and the lock were laid like brocade, blocking the suction of the white annihilation!

"Oh, let's go..." With a sigh, the stupid Taoist seized Liu Yanyu and turned her into a meteor and rushed to the sky. The plum blossoms were flying in the sky, and there was already a flower vine sticking out in the dark!

"Xiao Hua!"

A heart rending feeling came from the bottom of Liu Yanyu's heart. She felt that her heart was torn in two by Shengsheng! She cried weakly, tears running down her cheeks!

She really doesn't know why she is so sad!!

The stupid Taoist urged Tianmei order to come under Huateng, and the suction of baiyanxuan skeleton had been greatly reduced, because there was a real Tianmei order. When the plum fell, the broken chains and locks were slowly mending on the blood red baiyanxuan skeleton. On the dark sky, there was a spiral crack in the space, and there were some inexplicable fragments, even sea water!

Now that the space was stable, the stupid Taoist didn't fly out immediately. Instead, he released Liu Yanyu and looked at her grief and said, "Yan Yu, you What's the matter with you? "

"Hoo..." Liu Yanyu took a deep breath, wiped the tears from her face and said, "I I'm moved by Xiao Hua! "

"Alas..." The stupid Taoist didn't know how to feel. He also sighed, looked at the sealed blood and bronze under the bronze chain, and said, "yes, the kindness of dripping water is rewarded by the spring. Xiao Hua is a good boy..."

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanyu's mood has never been so bad. Looking at the spiral space residue in the distance, she said in a low voice, "that space crack is the tearing of the white annihilation Xuan skeleton. The space formation may lead to the interface barrier outside xiaomeixin to dejingchenyin, and then to dejiechong..."

"Not bad!" The stupid Taoist looked gloomy and nodded, "I didn't understand it before. When I saw the white annihilation, I already knew that this was the space of the white annihilation demon clan, except for the heaven Almost no one can resist its suction, and what's in the space of the mysterious remains, even the Heavenly God and the Immortal King can't know. No immortal dares to enter... "

With a pain in her heart, Liu Yanyu covered her chest and said, "Xiao "I'm not sure..."

"Damn the Mei family!" Stupid Taoist thundered and roared, "how dare you plot against my Liu family!"

"By the way, and Mei Yun!" Liu Yanyu woke up and cried, "ask him first! See if he knows who Meimei is talking about

"Hum..." Stupid Taoist a cold hum, in the hands of Tianmei order again urge, but see plum blossom crazy rush into, directly tear the dark sky!

"Come down!" The stupid Taoist roared and took down the panicked Mei Yun!

"Ah? Before Senior Looking at the two purple gold figures, Mei Yunxian's body trembles and he bows to salute. Unfortunately, under the anger of the stupid Taoist, he can't even stand steadily. How can he talk about saluting?

"Mei Yun..." Stupid voice such as Thunderbolt, asked, "just the situation you have seen before?"

"I I... " Mei Yun's face was pale, and he stammered and didn't know how to answer!

"Mei Yun..." Liu Yanyu said coldly, "Meimei has died in the space change just now. We also know clearly that Meimei has a lover who makes her sad but can't give up. It's this lover who inspired the fairy prohibition of your Mei family and triggered the space change 50 years ago! Now that the Mei family is in xiaomeixin, you are the only one. If you don't want the Mei family to be a queen, keep a secret for the male immortal who has harmed your Meizu, and I I'll never save your life! Because the one who saved you Immortal, also harmed by the change of space, has fallen into the immortal forbidden The blood is empty

"I I... " Mei Yun collapsed in the air, hesitated for a long time, and then said, "it's good to teach adults that fifty years really has There are changes, but But Meizu asked the younger generation to make a promise. We can't let it out... "

"What kind of change?" Liu Yanyu nearly broke her silver teeth and cried angrily.

"With Similar to today's first day.... " Mei Yun hastily replied, "I'm in meditation, and I'm tossed by the agitation of the immortal prohibition. When Meizu is not here on the first day of the year..."

"She Can't she leave xiaomeixin? "

"Meizu can..."

"And then?" The stupid Taoist asked, "do you see anyone going in and out of the immortal forbidden area?"

"I didn't see anyone..." Mei Yun said with a smile, "when Meizu came back from the news, the difference had recovered. Meizu She was very nervous. She seemed to be worried about gain and loss, but after she entered the immortal temple, her old man's face was extremely ugly. I don't know what happened. I just asked and was scolded by Meizu... "

“…… Then Meizu drank by himself and was as drunk as mud... "

If the immortal does not intentionally get drunk, how can he get drunk? Liu Yanyu turned her eyes and asked, "what did she say?"

"It's just to blame the man for being ungrateful, nothing else!" Mei Yun said with a bitter smile again, "Meizu wakes up and asks the younger generation to promise again...""Don't you have a clue?" Stupid Taoist sneered, "this xiaomeixin is my younger generation. If you don't have any value, I won't let you fly out of here alive!"

"In your hand is..." Mei Yun looked at the Tian Mei Ling in the stupid way's hands and asked in a trembling tone, "Tian Mei Ling?"

"Not bad!" Liu Yanyu said, "if you want to, you have to show sincerity! Besides, I might as well tell you that tianmeiling was actually owned by HuJiao, who saved you. He came here to return tianmeiling to you... "

"My lord..." Mei Yun gave a low cry and said, "I I... "

"Speak quickly!" Liu Yanyu said faintly, "your Meizu has fallen, and that person will surely come. If there is no tianmeiling, do you think you can live again?"

"Yes, yes..." Mei Yun woke up and said quickly, "I've heard that Mei Zu once in a while said that only when he invited a powerful general from the rain Corps can he break the first immortal ban..."

"Yupeng team?" Liu Yanyu frowned slightly.

"I can't remember whether it's Yupeng's team or not, but I said it once in a while, and I was forced to make a promise, and I didn't dare to listen to it any more..."

"What's the name and appearance of that man?"

"The two adults may not know Meizu's nature..." Mei Yun shook his head and said, "she doesn't want to mention it. Even if she's drunk, she can't tell..."

"Damn it Liu Yanyu had no choice but to look at the stupid Taoist!

"I don't believe it!" Stupid Taoist squints at Mei Yun.

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What adventure will Xiao Hua have? Who can guess??

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