Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1199

"It's broken..." Xiao Hua's face changes greatly. He knows that Mei Mei has a way that the stupid Taoist can't think of. It's a pity that he's just about to move his body

"Wu..." But see plum plum body, a Xiao Hua familiar blood light rush out, is not exactly a lotus shape!

Red Lotus!

Blood lotus under the feet of blood Guanyin!!

As soon as the bloody lotus comes out, Meimei's immortal body bursts, and the bloody lotus blows up the stupid Taoist's big hand!

At this time, Liu Yanyu was beating like a heart, "boom..." A big shock, a blood column burst into the sky, instantly broke through thousands of chains, rushed to the bloody lotus before!

"Buzz..." The small and unparalleled sound of roar reappeared. Countless fine chains, together with fist sized locks, were born. While the chains and locks blocked the blood column, they also locked Liu Yanyu!

The chain and the lock are so powerful that even the figure of a stupid Taoist can't be hidden. They flash with purple and gold luster!

Xiao Hua saw something wrong and quickly took out the Tianmei order. The Tianmei order sent out soft bronze light and shadow in Xiao Hua's hands. A lot of plum blossoms were born around Xiao Hua, blocking the chains and locks around Xiao Hua.

In particular, when plum blossom touches the lock, the lock disappears and the chain naturally disperses, which can not imprison Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua is very happy. His body shape urges him to use the skill of light escape and fly directly under Liu Yanyu!

"Let's go..." Xiao Hua shows her figure. The bronze Plum Blossom Prize unlocks the chain that binds Liu Yanyu's legs. Xiao Hua urges her to fly.

At this time, the bottom of the space looks like the ancient copper tearing of the earth, and the place where the blood color and bronze were interwoven was "boom..." The sound of crack, an oval light white as eyes like open!

In this pale white scene, the only incomparable suction in Xiao Hua's life came into being. Everything in the space, whether it's Bronze chains, bronze locks, or bronze totems, was sucked into it. Even a diamond shaped vortex came out of the air, straight into the sky, and the darkness in the sky was also sucked in

"White annihilation mystery skeleton???" The stupid Taoist was shocked and exclaimed, "how can there be such a thing here?"

Don't say that the purple gold around the stupid Taoist inhales the so-called white and mysterious skeleton like flowing water. Even his voice disappears instantly and is inhaled into it.

Xiao Hua can't compare with the stupid Taoist and Liu Yanyu. When Bai Annin's skeleton appears, his figure is dragged in!

"Xiao Hua..." Liu Yanyu was shocked. Without any hesitation, a mouthful of blood essence gushed out and turned into a bloody hand to grasp Xiao Hua's arm.

However, even the stupid Taoist could not resist the white annihilation, and Liu Yanyu could not protect herself. Her figure and chain flew down behind Xiao Hua!

"Damn it Xiao Hua scolds and waves Tianmei order one after another!

"Puff, puff, puff..." The ancient copper plum blossoms appeared one after another. These plum blossoms turned into chains and locks to close the space, but the suction of the white annihilation skeleton was too strong. These chains and locks were torn just after they were born!

But after a few breath, Xiao Hua and others are falling more than ten thousand feet. The stupid Taoist tries his best to flash the purple and golden light and shadow all over him. He can only stay in mid air for a while, but he can't get out at all!

What to do?

Xiao Hua was in a state of confusion. He knew clearly that they would not have a chance to escape if they arrived near the white annihilation xuankui after a few more breath.

"Blood column?"

Xiao Hua's eyes suddenly brightened and saw the first blood column. The blood column had captured the bloody lotus. The bloody lotus was flying down, but the blood column was not scattered!

At this time, Xiao Hua has no more time to think, he does not have any hesitation, a volume of mind will be blood Guanyin out of the space!



As soon as the bloody Avalokitesvara came out, the shadow of blood was so great that Xiao Hua's pale golden body surface was immediately covered with blood red!

"Nanwu great mercy Guanyin Bodhisattva..."

Blood Guanyin mouth actually issued recitation!


As the name of Guanyin Buddha was recited, the pale white of white annihilation was rendered by blood red when it was neutral, and a huge blood column rose up again to cover Xiao Hua and blood Guanyin!

Blood column appears, white annihilation Xuan skeleton's suction greatly reduces!

"Blood "Blood Guanyin"

Stupid Taoist and Liu Yanyu are at the same time. They really can't imagine that Xiao Hua has a bloody Guanyin?

"Why are you so familiar?"

Liu Yanyu's heart was even more startled, and the unspeakable feeling came from the bottom of her heart!

"Xiao Hua, let's go..."

Liu Yanyu felt that her immortal body could move. She did not hesitate to urge Xianli to rush to the sky, and the big bloody hand quickly grabbed Xiao Hua, trying to rescue Xiao Hua from the blood column!

However, Xiao Hua's body shape just broke away from the blood column, the blood light of the blood column immediately reduced, and the suction of the white annihilation Xuan skeleton locked Liu Yanyu!

"Damn it Liu Yanyu's face turned white. Her reason told her that she would release her bloody hand quickly, and she would escape the suction of the white and mysterious skeleton. But her heart told her not to let go, or she would regret it all her life!Between Liu Yanyu's hesitation and dilemma, "brush..." With a light sound, her big bloody hand broke out of thin air, and at the place of the break, the shining bronze Tianmei Ling flew to Liu Yanyu!

"Urge Tianmei Ling quickly..." Liu Yanyu's mind is a sudden voice of Xiao Hua!

"Good!" Liu Yanyu didn't even think about it. It was almost an unconditional obedience. When the immortal passed, Tianmei gave birth to a strong bronze luster!

"Brush..." Countless ancient copper plum blossoms appear, covering the space under Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist!

"Xiao Hua?"

Liu Yanyu was stunned. She wanted to move her body and cross the plum blossom!

But, wait for her to move, plum blossom has been broken, white annihilation Xuan skeleton suction big Sheng!

"Leave me alone, let's go..."

In Liu Yanyu's mind, Xiao Hua's anxious voice came out again.

"Boom..." Xiao Hua's body sank into the blood column again, and the whole blood column increased by three points, blocking the suction of the white annihilation Xuan skeleton!

"Xiao Hua

Liu Yanyu was a little sad. How could she feel so familiar with this scene?

I can't leave you!

Liu Yanyu cried in her heart, trying to urge tianmeiling to rescue Xiao Hua, but plum blossoms, chains and locks were broken in the suction and blood column!

Liu Yanyu's own body also fell into the suction of white annihilation again!

"Let's go!"

Xiao Hua's voice almost roared in Liu Yanyu's mind, and then Liu Yanyu saw the rapid fall of Xiao Hua's blood column, and the blood Guanyin and Xiao Hua's body blocked the suction of white annihilation!

Although Liu Yanyu can't see Xiao Hua's body shape, she can really feel that Xiao Hua's body shape is twisted, and the blood color is like venom infiltrating into Xiao Hua's immortal body!

"Xiao Hua!"

Liu Yanyu was heartbroken and rushed to the blood column with a cry. She was desperate now!!!

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Ma Dan, when she wrote here, Tanhua shed tears

Tanhua's new book, six-year compulsory education of Chinese runes, features Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua's son, and is serialized at the beginning https:book.qidian.cominfo1014281512 . You can have a look, help put forward an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! New books are relaxed