Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1190

The stupid Taoist looked at Liu Yi and Xiao Hua and said, "what are you doing?"

"Doesn't Mei Yun mean to invite a high-level Er Qi immortal?" Liu Yanyu replied, "we don't know what strength Meimei, the elder of his family, has. All of a sudden, her strength is too high. I'm afraid it's hard to find out!"

"Forget it!" The stupid Taoist waved his hand and said, "wait for you to cover up your accomplishments. I don't want to lose face!"

With that, the figure of the stupid Taoist turned into a light cloud and disappeared.

"If you don't go..." Liu Yanyu turned her eyes and said, "I just pretend to be that little fairy!"

With that, the purple and golden light and shadow of Liu Yanyu bloomed all over her body, and the light patterns flowed from the top to the bottom. Wasn't it just a living moon?

"How's it going?" Liu Yanyu asked Xiao Hua, "can you tell?"

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded without hesitation.

"How could it be?" Liu Yanyu was surprised and said, "how can you tell?"

"My eyes are so much better than Changyue's!"

"Hee hee..." Liu Yanyu laughed and said, "you can flatter me..."

"How could it be?" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "I can't flatter you all my life! My favorite is to seek truth from facts... "

Xiao Hua is so brazen. This is clearly what Xiao Huang said on the first day of the year. He copied it word for word.

Liu Yanyu's careful thinking immediately rang out in Xiao Hua's mind, "hee hee, he really can speak..."

Xiao Hua was so funny that he quickly offered sacrifices to the immortal boat and asked Liu Yanyu to go up. He rushed into the air and cried, "can you help yourself, master?"

"Hum..." The fairy boat trembled slightly, and the voice of the stupid Taoist sounded, "why do you help yourself if you have the fairy boat?"

As the fairy boat flew hundreds of thousands of miles away, the three color light and shadow became more and more huge. As it approached, the light and shadow almost covered the sky and earth in front of it. In the light and shadow, the plum blossoms are as beautiful as the sea and waves.

"No wonder it's Xiao Meixin..." Standing on the boat, Liu Yanyu said in a low voice, "such beautiful scenery is rare in fairyland."

"Wu..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to stop the boat, a gust of wind blows across the sky. The plum blossom in the light and shadow seems to be swept away by a big hand. A serpent sun and silver white sunlight come out from the light and shadow. In the sunlight, plum blossoms cross knee and fly. In the reflection of light, they are like graceful female immortals.

"It's just a mirage. What's good to see?" The stupid Taoist didn't know where he was standing in the immortal boat, so he didn't say it.

Xiao Hua smiles and rushes into the sun. The flame of the fairy boat begins to deform and become a huge plum blossom!

"Whoosh..." Fairy boat flying into the air, the plum blossom flame has disappeared, replaced by a piece of green forest.

These woods have obvious characteristics of fairyland. Each of them seems to be in a different space. They not only cover each other, but also fold each other. Some woods even overlap with each other.

The immortal trees in the forest are extremely high and huge. They are much taller than those where Xiao Hua first set foot in the immortal world. However, these immortal trees are nothing to Xiao Hua's eyes. Even the birds in the forest can't match!

There are some fairy birds in the mountain forest. These fairy birds are similar to sparrows. But above the bird's head, a feather is white and slants into the sky. The cold light and shadow flicker around the feather. Xiao Hua has no doubt that the fairy bird will fly this feather out when it is desperate, which is absolutely more powerful than the sharpest flying sword in the world.

The fairy boat rushed through the mountain forest and startled the fairy birds. The feathers trembled with the wind. However, the momentum of the fairy boat was like a rainbow, which had scared the fairy birds away. Xiao Hua had no chance to see the power of these fairy birds.

"Why?" Flying thousands of miles again, there were ripples like water in front of the head of the immortal boat. Xiao Hua was surprised and said, "is there any immortal prohibition here?"

"It's a joke!" Liu Yanyu took a look at Xiao Hua and said, "the local immortal here is very vigorous. The immortal trees in the mountain forest are strong. If there were no immortal protection, the immortal would have come to cut them down long ago."

"In that case, let's release Mei Yun's messenger?" Xiao Hua stops the fairy boat and asks tentatively.

Liu Yanyu looked at Xiao Hua with a pair of wonderful eyes. After a while, she nodded and said, "listen to you!"

When Xiao Warner asked Liu Yanyu why she was like this, Liu Yanyu's voice sounded like a mosquito and fly: "he's really good, he's a real immortal, and he has such a modest attitude. If I had been in for a long time, I wouldn't care about the immortal prohibition!"

Xiao Hua is used to it now. After he takes out Mei Yun's teleportation device to stimulate it, Mei Yun's indifferent voice comes from inside: "which fairy friend?"

Xiao Hua frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Mei Xiaoyou, the fairy friend of jingchenyin, has she forgotten?"

"Ah?" Mei Yun exclaimed, "Yuan It turns out that the elder is here. I'm not polite. I'll open the mountain gate to welcome the elder! "

"No need!" Xiao Hua was afraid to attract the attention of the inspector general of the desire world palace. He said faintly, "I'm just outside the immortal prohibition. You can pick me up and wait for me to go in."

"Yes, yes..." Mei Yun's voice was extremely happy, "wait a moment, I'll be there soon!"Looking at the radiance on the messenger, Xiao Hua said to Liu Yanyu, "Mei Yun has changed a lot in these decades! Not only the realm, but also the character... "

Liu Yanyu didn't think so: "no matter who comes across that kind of situation, it's hard to avoid some changes in heart and mind!"

However, after waiting for half an hour of incense, a sudden wind broke out in the distant mountains and forests. The "Wuwu" wind rolled up the radiance of the sky and turned into thousands of plum blossoms. Mei Yun came here wearing Taoist robes!

"Alas..." Looking at Mei Yun's indescribable spirit, Xiao Hua can't help sighing. Such frivolity is hard to compare with Mei Yun's elegant appearance in green robe. Xiao Hua doesn't like it. If Mei Yun had been like this before, Xiao Hua would never stop Xianzhou to invite him.

"Master..." Mei Yun's eyes swept over Xiao Hua and fell on Liu Yanyu. He bowed down and said happily, "I can't imagine that the two elders really believe in people. The younger generation just told the elders in the family that they are coming!"

Speaking of this, Mei Yun felt a kind of sadness in his eyes and said in a low voice: "according to the etiquette, my elders should come out to meet, but my elders Some of them are hard to tell. They can't come far away. When they see them, they will know. "

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Xiao Hua lifted Mei Yun up and said with a smile, "we've come here rashly, but we've disturbed Mei Xiaoyou and his predecessors in meditation..."

"Two elders, please..." Mei Yun pleaded guilty again and asked Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu to step on the clouds.

"Good..." Xiao Hua nodded and said to Liu Yanyu, "please, my Lord!"

"Well..." Liu Yanyu smiles from the bottom of her heart and steps on the clouds.

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A new climax is coming

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