Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1191

"Whoosh..." Mei Yun pointed to the surrounding mountains and said, "two elders, this is Xiao Meixin of my Mei family. It is said that when my Mei family was at its peak, there were a million li of plum blossoms around. When the plum blossoms came, there were plum fragrance everywhere! It's a pity that my Mei family has been declining for a long time. It's the younger generation who would have forgotten this place if they had not returned to xiaomeixin by chance

"Little friend..." Looking around, Xiao Hua felt that it was indeed a place of heaven and fortune, but he didn't realize the strange way, "if so, why did you abandon this place?"

"This..." Mei Yun hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't know the specific reason. I came back to xiaomeixin more than a hundred years ago to find my roots. Seeing this beautiful scenery, I was as confused as my predecessors. I occasionally met the elders who lived in seclusion here. I asked them, but they didn't know. But since our ancestors moved out from here, there must be a reason at that time! "

The plum blossom cloud passes through the mountain forest space with a hundred weight, up or down or upside down, and finally arrives at a mountain forest. However, the huge trees in the mountain forest almost block the snake sun hanging high in the sky.

And Xiao Hua walked through the huge wood with plum blossom, facing a huge grave!

The tomb is made of plum blossoms. From the top down, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one rays of different colors. On the top of the tomb, in the light cyan glow, countless plum blossoms are swaying with the wind, and some budding flowers are blooming gracefully in the snake sun and silver white sun!

Under the peak of the tomb, the plum blossoms withered every time they crossed a heavy color. When they got to the earth, the plum blossoms were gray white, and the skeleton like white bones could be seen in the light and shadow.

From the top to the bottom, the whole tomb is 81 times like a thousand worlds, each of which is controlled by different laws of life and death!

"This..." Xiao Hua was surprised and asked in a low voice, "is this Xiao Meixin?"

"Master..." Mei Yun raised her eyebrows, looked at Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu, nodded and said, "this is Xiao Meixin of my Mei family! Although I have only a little Yanxian, I can feel something from xiaomeixin that I have never felt before. I think the two elders can See more? "

"Indeed Liu Yanyu said, "Xiao Meixin of the Mei family It's really beyond my expectation. The Taigu fairy family really deserves its reputation

"Do you know the archaic fairy family?" Mei Yun was stunned for a moment, and there was a trace of vigilance in her eyes.

"I've heard of..." Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "there are always some ancient and archaic fairies flowing out in our team, so there are also some legends. But before I met xiaomeixin, I didn't connect Xiaoyou with the Mei family of the archaic fairy family. After all, as Xiaoyou said, the Mei family has been declining for a long time! "

"Not bad!" Mei Yun nodded his head hard. "The adult said it to the point. It's also a feeling when I saw the adult on the first day. The adult is approachable and can help my Mei family. I'll tell you when you come back. I'll tell you immediately With the help of Xiaomei, I used the divination power of Mei family. I know that your visit will bring good luck to Mei family... "

"Mei family There's also divination? " Liu Yanyu was stunned for a moment, and then she said with a smile, "I lost my words. I haven't heard of it before."

"If my lord knows, that's strange!" Mei Yun said with a smile, "my younger generation also came to Xiao Meixin. Only then did I know the magic power handed down by my Mei family There are too many... "

Xiao Hua didn't say much. He just looked at the blooming plum blossom on the top of Xiaomei new. What he had seen before was the huge petals of plum blossom. But he didn't expect that under the petals, there were 80 layers of withered plum blossoms!

Even in the bottom of the plum blossom, Xiao Hua a let him feel the threat of breath!

"Brush..." It's very strange. There is a light red on the bottom of xiaomeixin, and then the light red is like a wave towards the top of xiaomeixin!

"Brush..." But in the blink of an eye, Xiaomei new 81 heavy glow was all over the blood.

"Interesting Liu Yanyu urged her body to fly to xiaomeixin and said with a smile, "is this the blood of the nether world?"

Mei Yun peeps at Liu Yanyu. Seeing Liu Yanyu, she doesn't think it's strange. She is so calm in her heart that she says with a smile: "my Lord, I think it's not something from the nether world. It's the blood guide left by my ancestors after they fell down..."

"Blood lead? What do you mean... " Liu Yanyu asked.

At this time, the silver sun of the snake day shines on xiaomeixin, and the color of her blood gradually fades away, leaving only a little bit of blood on her waist, which becomes more and more bright.

Without waiting for Mei Yun to open his mouth, a blood colored human figure flew out of the blood colored light spot on a plum blossom. While flying, the human figure said in a hoarse voice: "the so-called blood guide is to use blood as a guide to stimulate the blood of the Mei family's descendants and cultivate the ancestral skills of the Mei family! The allusion of xueyin comes from the ancient times. Meibo, the master of Mei family, was loyal, but he was killed by the golden melon in front of the imperial court. The adult saw xueyin That's when I left it! "

The voice fell to the ground, and the figure came to Liu Yanyu and Xiao Hua's eyes. The blood light slowly converged into the immortal body, revealing a woman in bronze armor!The woman's immortal body, which was exposed outside the armor, was dry. On it, there were inexplicable totems, big and small, flashing and shimmering. Her face was like a skeleton, and her eyes were bronze.

The woman bowed herself and said, "I've met two adults..."

Liu Yanyu flashed something strange in her eyes, lifted Mei Mei up and said, "Mei Xiaoyou is very kind..."

"I hope you'll forgive me if I can't meet you from afar."

"Can't you stay away from xiaomeixin?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Yes, my lord..." Mei Mei smiles a little. She looks a little scared. She answers, "I need the help of Xiao Meixin to cultivate my Mei family's Secret skills. I haven't left Xiao Meixin for more than a century."

"Taigu fairy's skill..." Liu Yanyu shook her head slightly and said, "although it's powerful and fast to enter the country, it's a little troublesome to practice. I don't think it's as useful as some of the skills of our team."

"My Lord is right and wrong!" Meimei said with a smile, "the team's skill is practical, while our fairy's skill is supernatural. Don't look at the embarrassment of the younger generation. But if you practice the skill to a great extent, you will naturally understand the way of life and death and set foot in the real immortal."

"Well..." Liu Yanyu shrugged her shoulders, looked at Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "such skills I'd better not practice! "

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Many of Meimei's words are false, and the time is not right

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