Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1189

"It's remote here, and it's also the interface barrier between Huang Zengtian and Yu Wantian. It's said that there won't be such a powerful immortal ban..." The stupid Taoist was not at ease. Yannian explored the back of the Zijin boat for a long time, and then he said, "since we met them, it shows that they have ghosts in their hearts!"

"Unfortunately..." Liu Yanyu said with a bitter smile, "even if we wait for the hare to catch the inspector, it is impossible to know who did it."

"How could they show such obvious footwork?" The stupid Taoist nodded and said, "just let someone give you an edict. Just put a ban on immortals here..."

"In that case, there must be black hands in her business..."

"Certainly The stupid Taoist said coldly, "there are also immortals in the ancient family who can't stand loneliness..."

"OK..." Just as Liu Yanyu was about to say it again, suddenly the Zijin boat lightened, and hundreds of Zijin virtual shadows in front of her head rushed back like a swallow's nest. Liu Yanyu lightened her face and said with a smile, "it's Huang Zengtian."

"Boom..." The purple gold boat flew out, and the light and shadow around it immediately made a great impact. Liu Yanyu quickly raised her hand and patted, "whoosh..." At the same time, the body surface of Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist also gushed out 7749 purple light bands and pale gold spots, and the immortal body expanded rapidly!

However, with the purple gold annihilation, the immortal body of the two people slowly shrinks!

Stupid Taoist and Liu Yanyu stare at Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua shrugs helplessly. Since he became a real immortal, and his body has been cast with 13200 light spots, there is no special change for him to travel through all walks of life!

"You Are you a God in your previous life? " Liu Yanyu could not help asking.

"Do you think I look like you Xiao Hua asked.

Liu Yanyu herself also covered her mouth and said with a smile, "it's a perfect image!"

"Ouch..." As Xiao Hua was about to speak, his eyes suddenly fell on a vast field in the distance and said in a low voice, "this is xiyouyuan. I have something to do. Please wait a moment."

"What's the matter?" Liu Yanyu was a little curious. She looked at the distant sky and asked, "it's far away from xiaomeixin!"

"That's it Xiao Hua took out a tomb bell and told the whole story. Finally, he pointed to the distance and said, "this is xiyouyuan. It's next to xiaomeixin. I remember it clearly."

Stupid Taoist looked at Liu Yanyu, then patted Xiao Hua on the shoulder behind him and said, "Xiao Hua, you are so good!"

Liu Yanyu was different. There was an inexplicable look in her eyes, like regret or hesitation. Two words came out in Xiao Hua's mind: "pity..."

Xiao Hua didn't understand what Liu Yanyu was sorry for. He let out Yan Nian to have a look. There are some immortal lives around xiyouyuan, which are very similar to the mountain strongholds in the world. It must be from these mountain strongholds that the immortal generals falling from the tomb bell went out.

"Dust to dust, earth to earth..." Xiao Hua found a good place for Feng Shui, buried the corpse of the immortal general, and said, "I hope you can When he comes to JieChong, Xiao will fight against demons together with Xianyou

"Yes Liu Yanyu also looked solemn and said, "I can't say that the soul of this fairy friend has been reincarnated. She has already played in the team!"

"This fairy friend is named Yunyi..." After the sacrifice, Xiao Hua got up and followed Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist priest to xiaomeixin. He took out the naxu ring left by the cloud and said, "I don't know if what he left can help us!"

"Haven't you seen it before?" Liu Yanyu asked curiously.

"No..." Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "I promised Xiangqing that only when they buried their corpses could I open what they left behind!"

"Really That's good! " Although Liu Yanyu didn't speak, she still sighed, "Alas, it's a pity!"

It's a pity that Xiao Hua was puzzled.

Xiao Hua can't ask Liu Yanyu. No matter how stupid he is, he knows that this is the voice of other women's fairy. How can he reveal the secret?

Xiao huayannian swept the naxu ring left by the cloud, took out a rusty bronze petal and said, "this What's this? "

"Too "Taichu fairy ware?" The stupid Taoist was so silly that he said, "still Is there really a vestige of Taichu

Xiao Hua handed the petals to the stupid Taoist and asked, "are you sure?"

"Let me see..." The stupid Taoist couldn't judge at will. He took the bronze petal and pinched it gently. Then he let out Yan Nian to have a look. He nodded and said, "yes, it should be the Taichu thing in the legend!"

"I'll see..." Liu Yanyu also stretched out her hand and said, "it's the first time that I've seen such things!"

"Have you seen me before?" Looking at the stupid Taoist, Xiao Hua asked, "how can we judge whether it's Taichu?"

"Bronze!" The stupid Taoist said with a smile, "in the early days of Taichu, there were not many casting materials, mainly bronze, and most of the casting objects of Taichu immortals were bronze. Besides, the bronze seems to be ordinary, but there is something else in it that we can't explore. Oh, it's said that there is bronze in every world, but it's ordinary bronze. It's extremely soft, not to mention immortal. Even the friars or martial arts will be damaged under their luck. The bronze of Taichu is very strong, and it can't be damaged unless it's a great God. ""The problem is..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it's broken!"

"How can there be anything in the world that is not damaged?" The stupid Taoist had bright eyes. He looked up at the sky and said, "even the Moban mountain outside the sky!"

"Is Moban mountain broken?" Xiao Hua Leng for a moment, surprised asked.

"How can fourth uncle know?" Liu Yanyu returned the bronze petals to Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "he is just a metaphor. Just Just like the real fairyland in ancient times, at that time, who knew that the fairyland would be broken! "

"How did the fairyland break?" Xiao Hua is good to break the casserole and ask to the end.

Liu Yanyu shook her head: "I don't know!"

Xiao Hua didn't know whether Liu Yanyu didn't want to say it or really didn't know. He didn't ask any more. He took out Mo Xiantong from Shao Yingfu, kunguo. After looking at it, he pointed to the three colors of light and shadow in the distance and said, "according to the records of Yingwei, the ruins of Taichu are in the location of Xiao Meixin, just like Mei Yun said."

Then Xiao Hua looked at the bronze petals in his hand and said, "Yunyi grew up in xiaomeixin when he was a child. The bronze petals must have come from the ruins of Taichu."

"I always feel that this Taichu relic is unreliable..." Stupid Taoist still doubted, "even the unsophisticated shadow guards of Kun state can detect it. Can it be the real ruins of Taichu?"

"Fourth uncle, just go and have a look?" With a smile, Liu Yanyu urged her body to be hungry, and her body was slowly shrinking, turning into a Juyuan fairy.

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What clues can the bronze petals of Yunyi bring to Xiao Hua?

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