Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1188

When Liu Yanyu saw thunder's big hand falling, she immediately blocked the defense, and the Zijin boat was calm again.

Xiao Hua stretched out his hand, but half of the blood colored Zen stick appeared in front of the crowd!

"Again Another half of the staff? " Stupid Taoist also puzzled, look at the stick, frown way, "what's the matter with Buddhism, how to throw rubbish everywhere in the fairyland?"

"Puff..." Xiao Hua couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm so humorous

"This half stick is still not a complete one with the previous half stick..." Liu Yanyu looked at the stick carefully and said, "is there a third place?"

"Master..." Xiao Hua took out the red Ruyi, which was broken into three sections, and said, "look at this again..."

"Why do you have so much junk in your hand?" The intelligence quotient of stupid Taoist seems to be left in chaotianque, and he says.

Liu Yanyu's face was dignified and asked, "where did you pick it up?"

"One is in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, the younger generation before meeting the elder..." Xiao Hua explained, "one was given by someone else, but that person was also found in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing..."

"That constant moon?" Liu Yanyu's ideas are very wonderful.

"It's not her, it's a hunting base..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, then woke up to something and quickly added, "male fairy!"

"And the third..." Xiao Hua saw that Liu Yanyu was speechless, and then said, "it's in the interface barrier of JieChong!"

"So..." Stupid Taoist's IQ came back. He pinched his chin and said, "Huang Zengtian's interface barrier, jingchenyin, and JieChong may have a space storm at the same time?"

"Yes Xiao Hua's eyes were bright and nodded, "if there is an interface storm at the interface barrier, it will destroy jingchenyin, and if the interface storm spreads to the interface barrier in JieChong, it may form a space storm..."

"Yes Liu Yanyu caressed her hand and said, "the interface rules of JieChong are in chaos, and it's very easy to be triggered, because Ji'er is in danger in jingchenyin, and Xiao Hua's team is affected in the interface!"

"What about Yunyuan Xiaotianjing?" The stupid Taoist asked.

Xiao Hua shrugged his shoulders and said with a bitter smile, "I don't know. Can't the space storm of JieChong reach Yunyuan Xiaotianjing again? And the time is not right... "

"The culprit of Huang Zengtian's interface barrier..." Liu Yanyu narrowed her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "if it's not the way of heaven, it's someone's planning!"

"I hope it's the way of heaven!" Liu Yanyu sighed and said, "if someone is planning, this This man is too powerful! He can deal with Qingmei directly

"You are wrong!" The stupid Taoist coldly said, "this is Huang Zengtian. Qingmei is a spirit changing immortal. She can not be bound by Huang Zengtian's law, but those people can't. If you really let a real immortal deal with yu'er, do they have to face? So if they do it, they must hide their eyes and ears... "

"Alas..." Liu Yanyu sighed and said, "you'd better find her first."

"This girl..." The stupid Taoist was also sad and said, "come out, come out, and I also went to Huang's house and brought some small followers. If not, how could I have revealed my whereabouts? "

"What little Valet?" Xiao Hua asks curiously.

"Qu'er is in Huang's home to heal his wounds..." Liu Yanyu wanted to entrust Liu Yanzhen to Xiao Hua. Of course, she had to explain carefully and said, "I know some little girls Huang Xiaoxiao brought back from chenxiaohai..."

"Wang Yuebai and Si?" Xiao Hua was stunned and began to speak.

"Yes, yes..." Liu Yanyu was also stunned. Suddenly she was a little alert and said, "you How do you know? "

Xiao Hua thought that the fairyland was really small in his heart and replied, "I have seen these two little girls in chenxiaohai..."

Fortunately, Liu Yanyu didn't say Huang mengxiang, otherwise the fairyland and the mortal world would be smaller and smaller in Xiao Hua's eyes.

"What's the matter?" Liu Yanyu was more alert and asked, "tell me quickly."

"This guy actually knows two little dragon girls. What's the point? We must press questions... " Liu Yanyu's voice didn't come for a long time. This time, it appeared again.

Xiao Hua is very inexplicable to see Liu Yanyu, had to put the dust Xiaohai before and dust Xiaohai meet the dragon people rob the process said.

"So it is Liu Yanyu was relieved, looked at the stupid Taoist and asked, "fourth uncle, what do you think is the matter?"

"It's hard to say!" The stupid Taoist shook his head. "Maybe it's the immortal of the higher heaven?"

"Who dares!" Liu Yanyu didn't agree with stupid Taoist.

"The law of fairyland is a little strange, and the interface barrier of thirty-three heaven is also a little unstable..." The stupid Taoist thought for a moment and said, "I think it's very possible!"

Just then, "hum..." Before the as like as two peas of purple gold, a purple gold shadow suddenly emitted a roar, and then the shadow rapidly increased to become a boat of the same color.

"Why What's the matter? " Xiao Hua was a little surprised. "Bang" Xiao Hua's surprise was just born. In the interface barrier, more than ten yellow thunderbolts burst out madly, toward the virtual shadow of the purple and gold boat!"Damn it Liu Yanyu low scolds a way, "here how have desire boundary palace fairy forbid?"

With the thunderclap, wheel-shaped halos of different sizes rush to the height of the interface barrier. Within the halo, rugged halos emerge like mountain trails!

The stupid Taoist sneered, raised his hand and said, "this is three hundred taels of silver here!"

Finish saying, a purple gold big hand out of thin air catch fall, early will hundreds of aura imprison!

Then the stupid Taoist showed caution on his face and opened his mouth to spray out an arc-shaped immortal, "poof..." A breath of immortal spirit is backward, and the immortal utensils fly out and turn into ribbons to cover the barrier nearly ten thousand li to the left!

"Take..." The stupid Taoist scolded lightly, and Zijin's big hand slowly retracted, which turned out to be very careful. As the big hand fell back, the ribbon from the previous fairy ware also washed around like water, drowning out the light, shadow, wave and so on.

Liu Yanyu didn't stand by either. She urged the Zijin boat, and more than ten empty shadows rushed out. These empty shadows folded the empty shadows around the Zijin boat, and gradually covered the Yellow thunder.

When the stupid Taoist took back the Zijin boat, Liu Yanyu also took back the virtual shadow that turned into the Zijin boat.

"OK..." Liu Yanyu let out Yannian to have a look, and said with a smile, "they didn't let the message of immortal prohibition come out. Before inspecting the immortal generals, they couldn't find anything different!"

"Let's go first!" The stupid Taoist nodded.

Zijin ship flew again, much faster than before.

Liu Yanyu urged the Zijin boat, while the stupid Taoist looked around cautiously. They were still afraid of any accident

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Things are getting more and more confused, but it seems that there are some clues

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