Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1187

Xiao Hua's pupil opened slightly and said with a smile: "well, two elders, I want to go deep into the annihilation of jingchenyin to have a look. If it's related to blood color, maybe I can find something else!"

"Good!" Liu Yanyu returned to her senses and said, "I'll go down with my fourth uncle!"

"Two elders, look around again..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "I can go down by myself."

"You can't do it alone!" Liu Yanyu was not at ease. "In the current year, the family came to investigate, and there was a disciple who almost..."

Stupid Taoist said with a smile: "today's desire world days, who can be his opponent?"

"Oh..." Liu Yanyu woke up and said with a smile, "I still regard him as Xiao Hua before!"

"I've gone..." Xiao Huayang raises his hand to push his body into the water!

"Xiao Hua..." The stupid Taoist looked at Xiao Hua's disappearance and said with emotion, "I don't know which celestial being in the fairyland is reincarnated. The magic power is really good!"

"He is the reincarnation of an expert in business alliance. I'm afraid he has nothing to do with Tianzun?" Liu Yanyu suddenly said, "if it's heaven, then There's some trouble. "

"Anyway, he has a good relationship with my Liu family..." Stupid Taoist also understood Liu Yanyu's worry and comforted him, "I hope he won't do double faced things after he wakes up!"

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanyu was happy and asked, "he has finished the first four chapters of Yuanxing spirit. Do you think he has awakened?"

“nnd!” The stupid Taoist patted himself on the thigh and cried, "I must have awakened! I've been cheated by this boy! "

"How did they cheat you?" Liu Yanyu was not happy again, and said, "they gave the fourth uncle the realization of the four soul casting methods! Oh, fourth uncle, this realization... "

"The real price! There's nothing to hide... " The stupid Taoist looked up at the sky and said excitedly, "I should be able to make a success by spending a hundred years!"

"Baiji Liu Yanyu sneered, "it's good that Xiao Hua has spent a hundred years!"

The stupid Taoist turned his eyes and said to himself, "he is reincarnated. How can I compare with him?"

Xiao Hua, who has been identified as the reincarnation of heaven, urges his body to fall to the bottom of jingchenyin after the annihilation. This seemingly unfathomable place must have been explored countless times by Liu Yanyu's people. Xiao Hua doesn't plan to see more. He just stretches out his left arm, the blood on it rises, and then slightly releases the idea to explore and feel the blood around him.

However, Xiao Hua was still disappointed. As he went deeper, a very strong interface barrier gradually appeared, and he did not find any other bloody things.

Seeing that the exploration is fruitless, Xiao Hua is ready to return with the blood color of his left arm, but his thoughts are moving in his heart as he passes the interface barrier!

"Under this interface, which immortal domain is Huang Zengtian's?"

Xiao Hua wants to move Guangdun into Jietian space!

After about a stick of incense, Xiao Hua flew down from the interface barrier. When he saw everything in front of him, he exclaimed: "how can it be here?"

Then he thought of something, patted his forehead and said, "I should have thought of that long ago."

After exploring for a moment, Xiao Hua thought deeply and said in secret: "if the space annihilation of jingchenyin causes the space storm of JieChong, then this place may also be the starting point of the space annihilation of jingchenyin!"

After that, Xiao Hua urges his body to rush into the interface barrier and return to yuwantian.

"How's it going?" Seeing that Xiao Hua came back so soon, Liu Yanyu was not surprised. She asked in a hurry.

"Annihilated jingchenyin has nothing to find..." Xiao Hua said mysteriously, "but I have a trip to Huang Zengtian. Guess what I found?"

"My God!" Liu Yanyu held her forehead with one hand and said with a smile, "it's just two incense sticks. You'll go to Huang Zengtian for a walk. Will the immortal soldiers who guard the interface channel of Tianzun mansion live?"

"And what did you find?" The stupid Taoist asked.

"Below here is Xiao Meixin from the mainland of Huang zengtianlian language!"

"Lotus language mainland? Xiao Meixin Liu Yanyu was puzzled and said, "what's the saying about this place?"

"Mei family!" Xiao Hua said, "the Mei family of the archaic fairies, their roots are in xiaomeixin!"

"Mei family!" Stupid Taoist some frown, "too ancient fairy dare to plot against son?"

"I don't know..." Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "but I met Mei Yun of the Mei family here some time ago. He invited me to xiaomeixin and said that there were ruins of Taichu..."

"Does the Mei family say there are traces of Taichu?" The stupid Taoist was a little confused. He looked at Liu Yanyu and said, "is it true that there are traces of Taichu in the fairyland?"

"Just go and have a look?" Liu Yanyu made a quick decision. She would not give up any clue to save Liu Yanyu.

The stupid Taoist and Liu Yanyu would not let Xiao Hua take them away, so Liu Yanyu took the lead to sacrifice the purple gold boat. The dark abyss, the strange light gold runes and the enchanting light purple light belt on the purple gold boat reflected the sea water.

Xiao Huachong, Liu Yanyu, accompanied the stupid Taoist priest to fly on the purple gold boat. Liu Yanyu urged him to "hum..." The purple gold boat roars and rushes to the bottom of the sea like a sea beast!However, after burning incense, there have been interface barriers. The runes on the purple gold ships flash, and all the light bands rush out first. Immediately, the virtual shadows of the purple gold ships rush into the barriers!

Looking at the distorted radiance and the faint track, Xiao Hua understood that it was looking for a gap in the interface barrier and rushing out a channel. Even if there was no gap, he had to escape through the void.

Sure enough, the Zijin boat dashed into the barrier. The virtual shadow, which had been stranded in the gap, seemed to lead the Zijin boat to fly in. After the Zijin boat passed, the virtual shadow fell into the outer Rune of the Zijin boat!

"Buzz..." Half an hour later, the body of the purple gold boat began to vibrate, and the light purple light band gradually broke into a broken shape! The speed of flying in also slowed down.

"It's weird..." The stupid Taoist looked at Xiao Hua and said, "the law is several times stronger than the ordinary interface. How did you get through it?"

"Fourth uncle..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to answer, Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "Huang Zengtian has always been the focus of Tianzun mansion's protection. Which interface barrier is good for each other?"

"Ka..." Liu Yanyu was just saying that there was a light blue thunderbolt in front of the bow of the Zijin boat. Shengsheng stopped the Zijin boat!

"Take a detour!" The stupid Taoist didn't want to say, "the interface barrier here is not for us to pass through..."

"Good!" Liu Yanyu smiles and urges Zijin ship to fly in parallel direction!

"Why?" As he was flying, Xiao Hua suddenly found something strange and said in a low voice, "master, I Can I get something outside the fairy boat? "

"Good All right Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment and opened the defense of Zijin boat.

"Wu..." As soon as the defense comes out, there is a strong force immediately, such as the fist shot down, which makes the Zijin boat fall down!

Xiao Hua raised his hand, a huge hand of thunder revealed, lightning flint through many space barriers, seize a thing to return!

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What did Xiao Hua find? Is it true that there are traces of Taichu?

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