Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1186

"I..." Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment and said, "she wants to return to JieChong in the shortest time. The quickest distance from here is the interface barrier that we passed before. I will send her through the interface barrier and turn around immediately..."


When Xiao Hua said that, don't mention Liu Yanyu. Even the stupid Taoist couldn't help but open his eyes and said, "you What did you just say? You sent the fairy through the interface barrier, and then Turn around? Just In such a short time? "

"Yes Yeah Xiao Hua didn't plan to keep it secret either. He blinked and replied, "I'm born with this magic power after I'm a real immortal."

"Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua..." Liu Yanyu looked at Xiao Hua and said helplessly, "do you know if this is What will happen to you if you are known by heaven? "

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua still replied honestly, "I don't know where Tianwaitian is."

"The four palaces of fairyland are thirty-three days..." The stupid Taoist said, "it's a rule, an order, an authority that no one can challenge. It's good for you to travel through the world freely for six days. If you are known by heaven, you will be killed!"

"Silk..." Xiao Hua took a breath of cold air and seemed to understand something.

"Does anyone else know?" Liu Yanyu asked eagerly.

"A captured demon commander, several Bu Yao generals..."

"Remember..." Liu Yanyu solemnly said, "from now on, you You can only travel freely in the world of desire for six days, and you can't use your magic power for a long time after each crossing. You can't travel in the world of color for more than three days, you know? "

"I see!" Xiao Hua grinned, and the shape of his mouth was clearly, "sister yu'er!"

"Hate..." Liu Yanyu's voice rang out again, "fourth uncle is still here!"

"Just know!" Liu Yanyu said, "I promise my fourth uncle that I will never talk to others. Alas, fairyland It's really not what you think... "

"Right, right..." Xiao Hua patted his head and said, "I remember something. When I was exploring JieChong, a general passed by me twice. I thought it was an accident. If I contacted jingchenyin, maybe it would be strange?"

"Damn it The stupid Taoist priest's body was full of purple and golden light and shadow. He swore, "the most worrying thing for the master is that something happened. Maybe It's the hands of those immortals

Liu Yanyu's face was also a little white, and Xiao Hua could almost hear her calling in her heart: yu'er

"What What do you mean Xiao Hua is confused, strange way, "the elder knows who it is?"

"Not sure yet!" Liu Yanyu shook her head slightly, then thought of something again and said with a bitter smile, "fourth uncle, if you give Xiao Hua the purple gold ball, won't it hurt Xiao Hua?"

"Alas..." The stupid Taoist scratched his head and said, "I didn't expect that they would attack her. She's just Yan Xian..."

"Don't many people in the family know about the fact that qiu'er set foot in Yanxian?" Liu Yanyu's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, "even the Huang family, only a few people know, how can they immediately start on yu'er?"

"You are the great carrier of our ancient family." The stupid Taoist looked angry and said, "I don't know how many forces are staring at her. They will naturally get their attention when they have cultivated their immortal power in such a short time!"

"It's hard to live up to the reputation..." Liu Yanyu looked at Xiao Hua and said, "where is this immortal?"

"I What can I do? " Thinking of the lovely Liu Yanzhen, Xiao Hua asked in a hurry.

"Go to jingchenyin first..." Liu Yanyu replied, "since it may be those people who moved their hands, there must be clues here!"

Jingchenyin is actually a place in the deep of the vast sea. According to Liu Yanyu, jingchenyin was an extremely quiet space at the earliest time, with Sanskrit sound, Bodhi Tree projection, and smallpox. When the immortal of the ancient aristocratic family encountered the bottleneck of cultivation, they would come here to meditate.

I don't know when, jingchenyin will have some chanting, some blood color, even golden light and shadow, these things disturb the quiet of jingchenyin, so later the immortals are less.

After that, there is the sea around jingchenyin!

Jingchenyin has gone to the bottom of the sea. Kunguo Yingwei regards the sea as jingchenyin.

Xiao Hua followed the stupid Taoist priest and Liu Yanyu to the bottom of the sea. In the dark abyss of millions of miles, the whirlpool of fist size was everywhere. The violent space debris condensed into filaments and floated everywhere. From time to time, there was the sound of explosion, which triggered a series of space annihilation.

There are not only no fish around, but also no rocks and seaweed. It's full of waste!

After a discussion, Xiao Hua and others decided to explore inch by inch. They started to run away in three directions from the center of jingchenyin, and Yannian covered the whole jingchenyin!

It took an hour for the three immortals to fly to the edge, and then turn a little direction to escape from the edge to the center again. It took another hour for the three to reply to the center. Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist looked disappointed and didn't find anything!

But Xiao Hua said with a smile: "it seems that the two elders have not found anything!""What did you find?" Liu Yanyu said strangely, "we have searched here more than ten times, and there is no omission at all."

"I found something..." Xiao Hua raised his hand and took out half of the staff, which had a faint color of blood!

"Oh?" Stupid Taoist Leng, strange way, "this thing is the first time you found?"

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded, "however, this thing is hidden in a place of annihilation. If it is not carefully explored, it can never be found!"

"That's for sure!" Without hesitation, Liu Yanyu replied, "it's about blood color. If we see It will be picked up

Stupid way hand pinches chin to shake head a way: "still have a kind of possibility......"

"Not bad!" Liu Yanyu's eyes brightened and said, "this bloody Zen stick appeared later!"

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Xiao Hua raised his hand and said, "what do you mean when I just said that chiu'er has something to do with blood color? What's more, I didn't say why she came to jingchenyin! "

"This..." Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment and looked at the stupid Taoist. They exchanged their eyes. Then she replied, "Xiao Hua, the relationship between Qu'er and blood color involves a secret within the clan. The owner of the family has given an account and can't let it out. The reason why she came to jingchenyin is that she knows that this place is related to the Buddhist kingdom, and there may be holy lotus seeds. In order to find holy lotus seeds for a senior in her family, she followed a sister who is equal to hualingxian to come here.... "

Xiao Hua continued: "how do you know that this place has something to do with Buddhism?"

"It's about blood again!" Liu Yanyu said with a bitter smile, "only zhen'er knows it himself, and we don't know it."

At this time, Xiao Hua suddenly realized that if there was no accident, the blood color of Qu'er would be the blood color of blood Guanyin. But as soon as he set foot in the fairyland, he met Qu'er. Was it fate?

What's more, Xiao Hua just didn't make it clear to Liu Yanyu that the bloody Zen stick was hidden under more than ten layers of space debris. If it wasn't for Xiao Hua's extreme sensitivity to bloody Guanyin, it would be absolutely impossible to find it!

Xiao Hua can't live to Helan que, let alone today's first day. Therefore, Xiao Hua will do his best when he is in trouble.

"Is it true that yu'er is destined for him..." The voice of Liu Yanyu's heart sounded out.

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Fate, fate

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