Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1185

"It can only be so!" Stupid Taoist had a decision in his heart, nodded and said, "thank you, little friend. Tell me these skills separately, so that I can go to practice again when I have leisure!"

"No problem!" Xiao HuaSu came here to repay the kindness of dripping water with Yongquan. He agreed without hesitation, and said these skills separately!

A corpse dog alone can make an immortal cast a number of periods. Naturally, it's not so simple to separate several soul casting methods. When the four of them arrived at Deyu Wantian from Jietian passage of Kun Kingdom, Xiao Hua could finish teaching all the methods.

Liu Yanyu and Chang Yue naturally saw Xiao Hua's voice for a long time and knew what Xiao Hua was doing. No one dared to disturb Xiao Hua.

Chang Yue's figure has just appeared in yuwantian, and the messenger on her waist suddenly has a movement.

Chang Yue looked at the boundless sea water in the distance with a bitter smile. She knew that this place was close to JieChong, and then she was summoned. She did not dare to neglect it, and hastened to stimulate the exploration.

About half a cup of tea later, Chang Yue's face appeared helpless. She looked at Xiao Hua and asked, "didn't you receive the subpoena?"

Looking at his seal and token, Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "no!"

"Lord Longqi has an order. There is a big battle outside JieChong. He wants me to turn around immediately..." At this point, Chang Yue patted her forehead and said, "look at my brain, you are hunting base now, so it's impossible for Longqi to summon you!"

"I'm looking for my ten thousand man team!" Xiao Hua Wen said in a voice, "isn't it similar to the war?"

Chang Yue took out a crystal card from the trump and handed it to Xiao Hua, saying, "here you are!"

"What?" Xiao Hua somehow took over the crystal card, and Chang Yue said, "I was going to follow you and earn some military achievements easily! It seems that daozun doesn't want me to take advantage of you in vain. This is a reward for looking for the team. Take it yourself

"Yes Xiao Hua smiles and replies, "I'll take it first. After I find it, I'll pay you the reward."

"Hee hee, thank you very much!" Chang Yue smiles again, bowing to Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist priest and saying, "two elders, I'm sorry to disturb you. If you have military affairs, you should go back immediately. I hope you'll have a chance to see me again!"

"Hum Finally, I'm leaving In Xiao Hua's mind, there was a voice like a mosquito and fly, "never see you again!"

"Xiaoyou is easy to go..." Liu Yanyu looks like a flower with a smile. She looks happy from the bottom of her heart and says, "I hope you can kill the enemy bravely on the battlefield, make new achievements as soon as possible, and be promoted to lielei as soon as possible..."

"Go, go..." The stupid Taoist waved and said, "this fairyland is your fairyland. Take care of it."

Chang Yue stood up, looked at Xiao Hua and said in a low voice, "will you take me back?"

"Good!" Xiao Hua knew that he was the fastest to send her, so he didn't even think about it.

"Cut..." Liu Yanyu's jealous voice rang out in Xiao Hua's mind, "it's not shame to return Lang's affection to his concubine!"

"This What the hell is going on Xiao Hua was extremely distressed. He almost scratched his head and said in secret, "it's just a Star Palace seal. How can it be so wordy?"

"Two elders, wait a moment..." Xiao Hua could only pretend not to know and said with a smile, "I'll send Chang Xianyou back to JieChong's place soon!"

"Take your time to see you off!" Liu Yanyu waved her hand and said, "I'll have a look here with my fourth uncle. Don't worry..."

"Go..." Xiao Hua didn't explain much. He nodded to Chang Yue and they flew away.

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanyu was surprised. Looking at their backs, she asked, "is there an interface channel in jingchenyin?"

"I don't know that!" The stupid Taoist shook his head, sat down with his knees crossed, and said, "Yan Yu, help me to protect the Dharma, and I'll understand more..."

Chang Yue and Xiao Huaji are very easy to find the interface barrier that previously flew down from the Qi Yao Mo Yi sky. Xiao Hua's big sleeve exhibition still takes Chang Yue away, and then urges the art of light escape to cross the interface barrier.

With Xiaoyin's previous guidance and his unparalleled sense of direction in the void, Xiao Hua simply uses the technique of light escape to rush over the mountains piled up in space and directly to dejiechong!

Sure enough, beyond the mountain peak, in the dark, there are many faint starlight and cyan light marks. It is obvious that there is a confrontation between the demon alliance and the demon clan and the fairyland Terran team!

"You Be careful Xiao Hua let out the moon and whispered.

"Hee hee..." Without Liu Yanyu, Chang Yue was much more relaxed. She said with a smile, "don't worry, I'm ok. It's you. Be careful. Don't be eaten by the ancient family!"

"How could it be?" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "they are very nice to me. I knew them when I was a dust fairy!"

"No wonder!" Chang Yue covered her mouth and said with a smile, "is this legendary Childhood sweetheart

"Go, go..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "go quickly!"

"Well..." Chang Yue received a smile and solemnly said, "the disappearance of the team is strange. The time is related to the annihilation of jingchenyin. You should be careful. Oh, come to think of it. When we came here earlier, weren't there other generals passing by? Maybe there's something strange. Tell your childhood friends about it... ""I see. Go to..." Xiao Hua pretended to be ashamed and angry. With a wave of his big sleeve, he sent Chang Yue far away.

Chang Yue stood still in the distance. She watched Xiao Hua's body sink into the mountain. She shook her head for no reason. She said with a wry smile, "this fool knows how to practice. He thought he was avoiding me, but he didn't understand. He was about to be called by the ancient family. He didn't know it. Do you want me to report it to you?"

"Well, it's really troublesome. If you want to borrow from the ancient aristocratic family, it will be good for you. If you have a gap with the ancient aristocratic family, it's just urging you to order..."

“…… It's just, it's just, let's tell the truth first, don't elaborate. After all, the mind of the female immortal in the ancient family Only I know that I can't be taken seriously, and adults can't blame me... "

Xiao Hua's mind is to save Zhou Xiaoming. Where can Liu Yanzhen be as careful as Changyue? He hastily urged Guangdun to return to yuwantian. Seeing that Xiaohua was coming so quickly, Liu Yanyu turned her lips and said with a smile, "why, don't you want to send back JieChong? Coming back so soon? "

If Princess Zixia and others, Xiao Hua would blurt out: "where am I willing to let you wait for a long time?"

But in the face of Liu Yanyu, Xiao Hua can only honestly answer: "I..."

Without waiting for him to say the second word, Liu Yanyu's little daughter's mind rang out in Xiao Hua's mind: "still have conscience, so soon back..."

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Xiao Hua is in trouble again

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