Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1184

When the relationship between the two immortals was relaxed, Xiao Hua was relaxed. While he was driving the boat, he thought about how he could let the immortals practice!

As Xiao Hua himself said, whether it's the Dharma yuan spirit chapter of the spirit casting of the human race, or the Dharma Jiu Ya of the spirit casting of the demon race, it's all the qigong to lay the foundation, and I also need the exertion of the power of the spirit. Wu Zhan's spirit is obviously not as good as his own, but the control of other people's spirit power, immortal power and physical power is obviously better than his own!

Besides, Xiao Hua has been practicing all the way, and he knows the power of Taoist cultivation. He doesn't seek the root, but the power. Xiao Hua covets the power!

Now that he had made a decision, Xiao Hua was ready to discuss with Yuan Ying. At this time, Chang Yue said with a smile, "look, I told you before. He never remembers the way. He has already deviated too much from the way he has just spent half his time in incense."

"Hee hee, I really don't know..." Liu Yanyu also laughed and said, "just let him rest. How about you and me

"OK!" Chang Yue readily agreed, "I'm sure I'm a hundred times better than him!"

"Thank you, thank you..." Relieved, Xiao Hua handed over the fairy boat to Chang Yue and sat on the other side with his knees crossed.

Liu Yanyu looked at Xiao Hua with a pair of wonderful eyes and sighed in her heart: "with such talent and diligence, this is the person favored by the way of heaven! Unfortunately... "

"Strange..." Xiao Hua was a little surprised and said in secret, "what's the pity? What's Yu Er's pity? "

Xiao Hua knew that the divine prohibition was the number of the great Zhou, but he didn't have the energy and ability to fully understand it. It was just the rabbit talisman, tiger talisman, rooster talisman and Jinwu talisman that gave him more power than others and made him invincible. Especially after he entered the fairyland, he had more magical skills. Xiao Hua almost forgot the congenital divine prohibition, even if it was time He doesn't have a special sacrifice to the most familiar star array!

Now, after listening to Liu Yanyu's words, Xiao Hua knows that he is guarding the golden mountain to beg. Even Tianzun can only understand the broken God's prohibition. If his God's prohibition, which is quite a number of Zhou days, is leaked out, he can't make the whole fairyland crazy?

After sitting down, Xiao Hua let out his mind and let the forty-nine immortal babies into the space. It was just a moment in his mind that Xiao Hua had already explained the cause of the matter.

The immortal babies also saw the real immortal Wu Zhan's strength, and when they heard Xiao Hua's plan, they didn't realize that they were all good!

So Xiao Hua pressed his eyebrow with his backhand and said, "brush..." 365 golden talismans fly out like tadpoles!

The talisman swam in the void without any sign of falling.

As soon as Xiao Hua was about to raise his hand, he said to himself, "you Taoist friends, practice the Yuanxing spirit chapter, and have a look at the reactions of these inborn divine prohibitions!"

Forty nine fairy babies sat down with their knees crossed. At the same time, they urged the skill. Between their foreheads, the light and shadow of gold and silver began to flash

Sure enough, after about half a cup of tea, those golden talismans began to swim again and fall towards the 49 immortal babies!

"Boom boom..." As if there were some immortal traces, a golden talisman fell between the eyebrows of the 49 immortal babies. The talisman flashed and the golden light slowly rotated, and some mysterious meanings came into the immortal baby's spirit like flowing water!

"Great goodness!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and said, "thank you, Taoist friends. From now on, you can use this technique of divine prohibition with the casting of spirit."

Seeing off the immortal baby, Xiao Hua flies down into the immortal world again, and transfers his thoughts to the zhuangong sub body!

Chuangong immediately got up and said, "disciples, Master Zhang teaches me how to sit up!"

"When! When!... "

In Zaohua Taoist palace, after the bell tolled at 981, Xiao Hua sat cross legged and began to develop the method of congenital divine prohibition. In a few yuan's time, Xiao Hua still waved his sleeve and flew 365 talismans into the sky! According to Xiao Hua's words, all the disciples urged their souls. Gradually, 365 talismans began to flash. Some of them were the fall of the talismans themselves, some of them were the fall of the virtual shadow, and some of them were the fall of the residual shadow. All the disciples in the space had a faint golden mark in their eyebrows.

Xiao Hua understands that these disciples are still Qi immortals for the time being. At this time, he just gives them an opportunity to understand the congenital divine prohibition, so that they can lay a good foundation. When they have the real immortal strength, they can master the power of soul cultivation more easily.

Seeing that there was no change in the congenital divine prohibition, Xiao Hua collected these golden talismans. After a glance, he could see that among the disciples of the space creation sect, 108 got the essence of the congenital divine prohibition, and 36000 got the complete shadow.

"The way of heaven is so changeable..." Xiao Hua sighed, "although these disciples have the same nature and even experienced the reorganization of space order, their achievements are still different! 108 of them may be immortal kings, and 36000 of them may be heavenly gods.... "

Of course, the road of immortal cultivation is very long, and even Xiao Hua himself is no more than a real immortal at this time. Who knows how much time it will take for these disciples to cultivate to heaven and the Immortal King! Who knows what happened? Maybe the disciples who made the Immortal King have fallen, or maybe the disciples who made the heaven God have another chance to make the Immortal King?No one knows!

It was during his meditation that Xiao Hua suddenly raised his eyebrows and left his mind.

Sure enough, the voice of the stupid Taoist sounded in Xiao Hua's ear: "little friend, I can understand the beginning of the chapter of corpse dog, but Later, I feel confused. How do you know how to cast? There are 19 ways. You are not the best... "

How can Xiao Hua tell the stupid Taoist that as early as in the world, the wizard Taoist had gone through the mysterious clouds, and he knew where to cast the right one?

So Xiao Hua said: "I'm good at teaching you to know. I don't know that there are 18 other ways of casting. I only know this one, so I can only cast like this!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua asked: "is it the same with the master's casting and swallowing thieves?"

"Oh, yes!" The stupid Taoist sighed and said, "in the chapter of swallowing thieves, there are the insights of our ancestors. I also have my own ideas when I practice. There are more than ten ways in almost every step of casting. I try them out one by one..."

"No wonder!" Xiao Hua understands the dilemma of the stupid Taoist. It's no different from the seal of Jinlian Star Palace. He's walking in a maze without guidance, especially in the message of the lost man. It's almost impossible to get out of the maze!

"Master..." Xiao Hua thought for a while and said simply, "the younger generation has come to practice and proved that it's right. How about the older generation just follow this practice?"

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There are 365 pieces of God forbidding that the God can only understand. Xiao Hua can't become a God. Who can become a God?

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