Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1183

Liu Yanyu glanced at Chang Yue and replied, "as long as it's not related to secrets and it's not suitable for outsiders to know, it's natural."

"That's it Xiao Hua said, "I'm fighting with a real immortal named Wu Zhan in Xuantian mansion of kunguo..."

"Ouch..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Liu Yanyu said anxiously, "are you ok? Are you hurt? "

"How could it be?" Chang Yue said with a smile, "Xiao lielei is not only not injured, but also takes a little advantage. After all, Wu Zhan's divine power is controlled by Tianzun's house, so he can't play his real power! Don't you even know that

Liu Yanyu retorted, "I don't know if it's normal for me to wait in the world of desire

Chang Yue woke up and was a little embarrassed. Xiao Hua said in a hurry: "when I faced Wu Zhan's attack, I found that he used the power of his spirit, and It's not just soul power, so I have two questions. One is that soul power is not a taboo skill? The second is the soul power Is it the real means of real immortals? I've just set foot in Zhenxian, but I don't know much about it... "

"That's it Liu Yanyu thought for a moment and explained: "the forbidden art in the fairyland does not refer to the soul power, but a kind of soul cultivation power. You may not know this power if you don't touch it."

"The art of taboo is very powerful in the fairyland, far more powerful than ordinary fairyland..." Chang Yue echoed, "moreover, he has a very strong antipathy to the caster, so Tianzun's house is strictly forbidden to use it."

"Look..." Liu Yanyu stopped and said, "even the tiger teacher of your team knows. Why ask me?"

Chang Yue said with a smile, "I only know the art of taboo, but I don't know the power of soul, let alone the means of real immortals. Please tell me."

"We don't practice the common immortal skill, and there is no obvious difference between Qi immortal and real immortal..." Liu Yanyu said haughtily, "but since you have to ask, I'll tell you a little bit..."

Chang Yue turned her lips, but she thought it was related to her own cultivation. She still said with a smile, "I'll listen to you."

"The ultimate of Qi immortal cultivation is the body of law, and the body of law also has high and low, or single law, or double law, or even multiple laws! The specific achievement depends on the cultivation methods and opportunities of the immortal.... " Liu Yanyu said a word, and then asked Xiao Hua, "what is the attribute of your law body?"

Xiao Hua's forehead is sweating. He really doesn't know what he is!

"Hey, hey, don't say it!" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "this is the secret of Qi fairy, even the closest people You can't just say it. "

“…… The Qi immortal condenses the body of the law, then enters the color world through the light killing, and then has the opportunity to contact and comprehend the law... "

“…… The celestial light is the source of the law of the celestial world. However, the celestial light can not be resisted by ordinary Qi immortals. Only the real immortals who condense the body of the law can face the celestial light and feel the law in it... "

“…… The physical body of the human race is limited, and the body of congealing laws has reached its limit. Therefore, the true immortal must rely on Yuanying, Yuanshen, or Jinshen to cultivate the laws. The means of cultivating the laws is extremely simple, that is, simulation. Well, it's just like a scholar's copying. The rule is to copy the calligraphy, and Xianchen and Daoguo are the ink to copy... "



“…… The power of the law is not easy to mobilize, and the power of the spirit is said to be one of the most primitive laws in the world. Therefore, the ancestors of the fairyland tried to use the power of the spirit as the basis, integrate the power of the spirit and the power of the body to control the law... "


"As for how to cultivate the power of spirit? It's an extremely old problem! To tell you the truth, it seems that the taboo technique forbidden by Tianzun mansion is the authentic method to cultivate the power of the spirit, and we The skill of cultivating spirits has a long history. Nowadays, the common method of cultivating spirits in the fairyland is to simulate spirits with the help of immortal array, immortal talisman or immortal utensil. In fact He has abandoned the essence to the end, or become a mere formality, but has lost the essence. "


“…… However, the only advantage of this method is that it is extremely powerful even far more powerful than the Dharma we have practiced. Surely this is what I am puzzled about? "

Speaking of this, Liu Yanyu listened and looked at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua's frown was loosened, and he said with a smile: "I have some insight. Compared with the martial arts of ordinary people when I was a child, the method I practiced is Qigong. It's not easy to be successful. But if I have the right martial arts, I can be invincible! Now, the cultivation method used in fairyland is martial arts. The threshold of martial arts is low. Many people can practice martial arts, and it is easy to be successful. Its power is far more than Qigong. But this skill is not as deep as Qigong's potential, and it has no foundation, so it's easy for the sword to go sideways... "

"Good, good!" Liu Yanyu caressed her hands and said, "feisheng fairy is feisheng fairy. It's very simple. That's it!"

"Master, it's easy to say..." Chang Yue sneered, "where is the Immortal King? Are they also on the side of the sword? "

"If you can have extremely powerful sword formula..." Without Liu Yanyu's reply, Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "if it can be supplemented by Qigong, it should be OK!""Not bad!" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "little friend, it's very good. In fact, those gods, who have been forbidden by the broken gods, can refine the spirit sacrifice to another extreme, or cultivate the power of ancient gods and spirits. Hehe, maybe there are gods who can practice taboo techniques!"

"God forbid?" Xiao Hua moved in his heart and asked, "is there any divine prohibition in this world? Is it an artifact? "

"I've never heard of a real God forbidding and a real artifact...!" Liu Yanyu replied without hesitation, "the so-called divine prohibition and artifact are just painting powder on her face!"

"All right!" Xiao Hua felt his nose, but he didn't mean to refute Liu Yanyu.

Chang Yue was shocked to hear that. She never thought that the supreme method of true immortal cultivation was so unbearable in Liu Yanyu's mouth!

"Xiaohujiao..." Liu Yanyu looked at Chang Yue and said with a sneer, "do you understand?"

"Thank you for your advice!" Chang yueshou took care of her mind and bowed, "although I haven't started to practice, I think it's very good. It's just that this kind of cultivation method is now popular in the fairyland, and there is also the Immortal King in heaven, which means that this kind of cultivation method It's suitable for immortal cultivation, but it's not suitable for cultivation Naturally, it will disappear... "

Liu Yanyu sighed. She waved her hand and said, "it's OK. Seeing this, if you have the chance, you'd better find a simple method of spiritual cultivation to lay a foundation."

"Thank you, master!" As soon as Chang Yue's eyes brightened, she hastened to salute again. "After I go back, I'll look inside the fairyland immediately. By the way, master, what do you need? I can help you find it. We have a lot of things in tianxianwei... "

"Hoo..." Xiao Hua takes a long breath, knowing that his strategy has finally worked, and the two fairies have a common topic.

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Xiao Hua's great change of heaven and earth has worked, and he knows the mystery of the cultivation of the true immortal!

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