Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1182

"Fourth uncle!" Liu Yanyu frowned and whispered, "how can you explore the spirit of Xiao Hua?"

"I'm sorry!" Xiao Hua took out his arm and shook his head. "I'm sorry you can't agree to this request!"

"Alas..." The stupid Taoist sighed, and sadness appeared on his face.

Xiao Hua was extremely puzzled and asked Liu Yanyu, "what's the matter?"

"Fourth uncle also cultivates the skill of swallowing thieves..." Liu Yanyu explained, "but But the old man has been practicing for a long time, but he has not achieved much.... "

"No!" Xiao Hua is a bit incredible. Looking at the stupid Taoist who looks extremely disappointed, he doubts that he has practiced the fake meta spirit!

It only took me less than a hundred years to complete the cultivation of Yuanxing spirit from beginning to end!

Although Liu Yanyu didn't say how long the stupid Taoist had been practicing, she was sure that his time was ten times longer than Xiao Hua's, and this ten times time didn't even finish casting a thief!

However, there is no difference between the original spirit chapter and the one given by Bai Ze, and there is no discomfort after self-cultivation!

With a little thought, Xiao Hua has some insight!

When Xiao Hua was in the mortal world, he practiced the soul casting method of soul cultivation. At that time, Xiao Hua was a spirit. He had not been influenced by the law of fairyland, and his cultivation was very smooth. Now that he had the soul casting method of soul cultivation, it was too easy to practice the soul casting method of fairyland people.

Xiao Hua turned his eyes and said with a smile: "I understand! It's not that the elder didn't work hard or have bad qualifications. It's because the method of casting soul starts from the chapter of corpse dog. How can we improve the chapter of corpse dog that the elder didn't have an introduction to? "

"Impossible..." Liu Yanyu was about to blurt it out, because she had also read the chapter of Yuanxing deity, and there was no such record in it. However, before her words were uttered, she saw the look of hope in the eyes of stupid Taoist, and immediately changed her words and said, "yes, that's right. The fourth uncle is a genius of our family, and even my father can't compare with him. How can he not? It must be

"Master..." Xiao Hua immediately bowed himself and said, "when I first entered the fairyland, I was saved by my elder. I didn't think I could repay you. I'd like to repay you with my understanding of the Yuanxing spirit chapter. Please don't give up and give me this opportunity..."

"Xiao Xiao Hua... " The stupid Taoist looked at Xiao Hua and clenched his lips. He didn't know what he wanted to say. After a moment, he raised his hand and said, "thank you very much

"Ha ha..." Liu Yanyu did not expect that the stupid Taoist, who was always so strong, would give in like this. She was overjoyed and said, "don't be polite to Xiao Hua. He was with us the moment he gave him the ring of heaven There's no way to give up! "

Looking at Liu Yanyu, Xiao Hua felt relieved. He knew that stupid Taoist was easy to put down his airs, so he struck while the iron was hot. He took out a Mo Xiantong and handed it to stupid Taoist, saying, "master, this is the understanding of the younger generation's previous cultivation. You should see first. If there is anything wrong with the younger generation's cultivation, please point it out at any time!"

"Good!" The stupid Taoist's outstretched arm trembled a little. After taking the ink fairy pupil, he quickly released Yannian to explore!

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanyu cautioned carefully, "let's let Chang Yue go first. Let's go to Huang Zengtian to have a look. The left and right place is also a clue. We have to go..."

"Good!" Stupid Taoist looking at the ink fairy pupil, he answered the voice and raised his hand to remove the fire curtain!

After the fire curtain, Chang Yue looks very ugly.

Xiao Hua flew over quickly and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, Chang Xianyou. The two elders discussed how to go to Huang Zengtian, which involved them It's not easy for me to listen to the secret of the aristocratic family, so I've imprisoned you and me. Just now they've discussed it. Take us with them... "

Hearing that Xiao Hua was also imprisoned, Chang Yue's face was slightly beautiful. She said with a strong smile: "well, if it wasn't for Xiao Xianyou, if it wasn't for the team's reward task, I really want to go back to JieChong now. In that case, let's go and have a look together..."

"Pretend, can you?"

In Xiao Hua's mind, there was another ethereal voice. It was all the voice of Liu Yanyu!

Unfortunately, Liu Yanyu didn't like what Xiao Hua heard in her mind. She flew to Chang Yue and said with a smile, "Chang Xiaoyou, I'm sorry. I think you already know the origin of us. Some things can't be disclosed by you or us, so if you want to follow me I hope you can bear to find out the secret of the team's disappearance. However, some things, hee hee, may make you feel uncomfortable... "

Thank you for reminding me Chang Yue turned her eyes and bowed, "since I've decided to help Xiao lielei find the team, I've already made some preparations. Besides, I can always be a witness for Xiao lielei, so I don't have to go back to the team in the future..."

"Hum, a smart little girl..."

"What's the matter?"

Xiao Hua is very depressed. Since he met Liu Yanyu last time, he had this strange feeling. When he was in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, this feeling disappeared. Xiao Hua thought it was his illusion, but here, it began to appear again.

Because Chang Yue was following, Liu Yanyu didn't want to use the purple boat, but also thought about the cultivation of stupid Taoist. Liu Yanyu simply asked Chang Yue to drive the boat and return the same way as Xiao Hua and Chang Yuelai!Xiao Hua wanted to be carefree, but Liu Yanyu and Chang Yue satirized each other from time to time. Liu Yanyu didn't have the demeanor of her predecessors at all. Xiao Hua had to drive a boat by himself and let Chang Yue guide him. But now, Liu Yanyu stood on the other side of Xiao Hua and told him some interesting stories about the ancient family, which was quite a bit of competition.

The stupid Taoist, who could have been an onlooker, is now immersed in the casting of the corpse dog chapter. What's more, he calls Xiao Hua to ask some questions from time to time.

In a word, I thought it was a warm way, completely changed!

"I'll take it!"

Xiao Hua thinks about the Zixia Princess and Hongxia fairy in the space, and thinks that it's the wisest decision in his history not to let them out.

Xiao Hua wanted to use the kingdom of Kun to transmit the immortal array, but Liu Yanyu denied it, because stupid Taoists wanted to practice, and they didn't want to reveal their whereabouts.

So it took several times longer than before to go from the capital of Kun state to jingchenyin of Deming yuwantian.

How can a man be patient?

So Liu Yanyu and Chang Yue had a tit for tat. On the first few days, Xiao Hua was a little upset. He thought a little more and said to Liu Yanyu with a smile, "master, I have something to ask you. I don't know if you can answer it?"

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Who doesn't want to have female immortals competing for favor? Xiao Hua is in the middle of fortune and doesn't know his fortune!

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