Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1181

Of course, it's also because the tsunami that even ziyingdu fell was too severe. There are not many records in Mo Xiantong of shaoyingfu, only the time, place and general power. Compared with the team's information about the space storm, Xiao Hua already knows that if there is no accident, jingchenyin's tsunami has something to do with JieChong's space storm.

"Oh..." Thinking of this, Xiao Hua also quickly handed Mo Xiantong, who was in charge of the space storm, to stupid Taoist, saying, "look at the message of our team, elder..."

Taking advantage of the stupid Taoist's exploration, Xiao Hua has a look at Mo Xiantong who Bao Shan has brought. The content of this Mo Xiantong is too much. I think Bao Shan is afraid that Xiao Hua will get angry and the information is not enough. He takes all the records of jingchenyin, and even some other miscellaneous things, as long as they are listed with jingchenyin.

Xiao Hua also specially read what stupid Taoist said about Yingwei's nonsense.

Jingchenyin has a similar tsunami every few generations. There will be some inexplicable things in the tsunami, such as broken immortal tools and unknown skills. That's why kunguo will let Yingwei garrison again. There was a tsunami in jingchenyin more than 100 years ago, which was quite special, with blood color and Buddha shadow.

At that time, the Yingwei who recorded this event was promoted here from Huang Zengtian. When he was summoned, he happened to meet Yingwei, who was familiar with Huang Zengtian, and also reported a vision. The vision also had blood color and Buddha shadow.

So the shadow guard kept his heart. After summoning him, he asked to inquire about the relevant information. Then he found out by coincidence that Huang Zengtian had blood color and Buddha shadow, which had been explored before. It was a very ancient Taichu relic, so the shadow guard reported it to Yingshuai, who also recorded it and promoted the shadow guard to Ziying!

This shadow It's the shadow that fell in the jingchenyin Tsunami!

"Blood? "Buddhist seal" Xiao Hua is a little confused. How can he meet the bloody Buddha seal everywhere? Is this also related to blood Guanyin?

Then Xiao Hua wrote down the location of Huang Zengtian's ancient relic, and then looked at other things. Then he handed it to Liu Yanyu.

At this time, Liu Yanyu also gives the stupid Taoist to her Mo Xiantong, and smiles and exchanges Mo Xiantong with Xiao Hua.

"Master..." Xiao Hua accepted Mo Xiantong and said strangely, "younger generation, the records in Mo Xiantong are very clear. How can you say that shadow guard is nonsense?"

"It's very simple..." The stupid Taoist took a look at Xiao Hua and cut the railway, "this fairyland There is no Taichu relic at all, but everything related to Taichu is made up

Xiao Hua is silly. He looks at the stupid Taoist and doesn't know how to ask. Since the stupid Taoist has said it, there must be his reason, the details of the ancient family I can't compare myself.

Liu Yanyu looked at Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "don't worry. I'll have a look first and wait for a while."

"All right!" Xiao Hua nodded, and the stupid Taoist also looked at Xiao Hua. He opened his mouth to say something, but he swallowed it again.

After reading it, Liu Yanyu returned the Mo Xiantong to Xiao Hua, thought about it for a while, and said, "well, Xiao Hua, I have said in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing that our ancient family was looking for LingXiao palace, and LingXiao palace In the ancient fairyland, the fairyland we are now in is not the earliest fairyland. As for why not, don't ask me. I don't know. Even the head of the ancient family may not know. Since this fairyland is not the earliest fairyland, it is earlier than ancient times and Taichu, how can there be any remains in this fairyland? "

"I I see! " Xiao Hua was a little shocked. It turns out that this fairyland is not the original fairyland!

"Well The fairyland of Taichu... " Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment and asked, "is it the ancient fairyland that the elder generation is looking for?"

"Of course not!" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "it's said that it's a real fairyland in ancient times. Naturally it's ancient, not too early!"

Xiao Hua woke up and said in surprise: "the Archean fairyland, the Archean fairyland All All gone? What about the archaic fairies? Why are they in this fairyland

"Maybe if you find Taichu Yixian, he will be very interested in telling you!" Liu Yanyu replied humorously.

"All right!" Xiao Hua shrugged and said, "if you don't mention it, what should we do now?"

"Send your subordinates back first!" Liu Yanyu looked at the fire curtain not far away and said, "we don't want to let outsiders know about our affairs. Your secret should not want to let her know, right?"

Xiao Hua clearly felt a trace of jealousy and vigilance, but he didn't think much about it. He said with a wry smile: "Chang Yue is not a subordinate of the younger generation. She is also kind enough to come to help. Oh, she also took I'm not good at offering a reward. "

"You can't say it, I'll say it!" Stupid Taoist said without hesitation.

"This..." Xiao Hua hesitated.

Liu Yanyu said with a smile: "no, fourth uncle, if she wants to follow, she will follow. If she doesn't tell her about some things, she will leave even if she feels bored. And Xiao Hua also has his own difficulties. This female immortal should have some background. You always force Xiao Hua to send a purple golden ball. Of course, you help Xiao Hua, but also indirectly alert others. You can't say that this female immortal means to spy on Xiao Hua! "Well, all fairies are conspirators. Xiao Hua has to admit it! A few words from Liu Yanyu let him have a gap with Chang Yue.

"By the way..." Liu Yanyu looked at the stupid Taoist who raised her hand to remove the immortal ban. Suddenly she thought of something and said, "Xiao Hua, how much have you practiced in the chapter of Yuanxing spirit?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua was stunned and asked, "why do you ask this?"

"How much have you practiced?" Stupid Taoist also asked in a hurry.

Xiao Hua hesitated again for a moment and tentatively replied, "Xiu I have practiced corpse dog, Fu arrow, etc Let's wait for four... "

"Ah???" The stupid Taoist was surprised, and the purple and gold light and shadow all over his body gushed out like thunder.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua was very worried and asked, "yes Is there a problem? "

"You You... " The stupid Taoist grabbed Xiao Hua's arm and said, "say it again? How much have you practiced? "

"Corpse dog, Fu Ya, que Yin, and the thief who just got it..."

The stupid Taoist's eyes were a little red: "you Have you finished casting all the swallowing thieves? "

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Hua didn't want to admit it, but when he finished, he couldn't help admitting it!

"Also That is to say, it took you more than 50 years to And we'll finish casting all the swallowing thieves? "


Xiao Hua had to answer again.

"How could it be?" Stupid Dao had great strength in his hands and said, "I want to see you..."

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Fairy girl

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