Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1180

"It's the demon alliance and the demon clan who want to stir up the contradiction between the immortals in our fairyland. How can Xiao be fooled? Don't worry, King wat Xiao Huayi said, and then said goodbye to the immortals.

Watching Xiao Hua fly away, King wat asked in a hurry: "Bao Shan, what's the matter? Listen to you say that this hunting base Lord heard Tianxue appear before? "

"Oh, uncle Huang..." Bao Shan sighed, "didn't you tell your majesty before? Listen to the arrangement of Tianxue Maybe it was him who destroyed it. At that time, he was just a junior juyuanxian. I wanted to capture him, but we didn't have any evidence. Later, there were three tigers in the Taichong team, so I couldn't do it! Now on the first day of this year, he has become a real immortal... "

"Five Fifty years? " Wat Jin King slightly calculated, surprised, "you say, I seem to have some impression..."

"Yes Bao Shan's expression is bitter and astringent, "so the child how all can't think of, star dome a up fairy isn't his adversary!"

"What did you say?" Wat king of Jin was even more surprised, "are all the fairies in the star dome defeated by him? Oh, My God! He... "

At this point, the king of wat had a sudden look on his face and cried, "I I understand that this hunting base must be favored by some shooting king, and give him some benefits. It's really immortal! The future of such a general is limitless! It's broken... "

"OK, ok..." Then king wat said happily, "although there are few things for him, it's not easy to give him his Majesty's keepsake. Let's go. It's very important to go to see your majesty with our king."

Xiao Hua flies back with Chang Yue. Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist are still waiting there, but there are more respectful generals nearby. Watching Xiao Hua return, they respectfully salute and fly away.

"Two elders..." Xiao Hua asked quickly, "what's the matter with you?"

"Let's go first!" Stupid Taoist looked around and said in a low voice.

Liu Yanyu took a look at Chang Yue and asked, "is she going with her?"

"It's a matter for me to rush to the team. I'll go naturally!" Chang Yue answers lightly.

"Go..." Stupid Taoists are not in the mood to pay attention to them. Clouds and clouds are coming out of their feet and people are rushing to the sky!

At this time, the number of patrolling generals in the capital of Kun state increased, and the clouds and fog that had previously spread all over the city disappeared. However, in the almost endless sky, countless temples, mountains, forests and water flows were everywhere. There were similar spatial rules, similar immortal array confinement, some places were crowded by immortals, some places were silent, and stupid Taoist people flew by. Many immortals raised their eyes in surprise Because in the capital, the space is confined by the immortal array, and the immortal can only fly along a fixed route, just like the street of the world.

Stupid Taoist so unbridled flying, like someone riding a horse rampage!

Stupid Taoist saw many people, slightly frowned, body shape suddenly forward into a streamer disappeared.

Waiting for him to appear again, he has reached the side of a sea of fire!

The stupid Taoist stopped and waved his hand. A fire curtain broke out in the fire to separate Chang Yue from Xiao Hua. Then he asked, "Xiao Hua, what does this girl mean? What's the matter with the Taichong team? "

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "I don't know. I was a tiger teacher in the Taichong team. I have ten thousand immortal soldiers under me. They are in fifty years Two years ago, he was involved in a space storm in JieChong... "

Xiao Hua told the news of the missing team a little, and finally said: "I'm coming to the capital of Kun state this time to find out something about Yu Wantian jingchenyin..."

"What?" Beside Liu Yanyu exclaimed, "jingchenyin? Jingchenyin has been annihilated. Why do you explore jingchenyin? "

"Has jingchenyin disappeared?" Confused, Xiao Hua said, "isn't the shadow guard of Kun state stationed at jingchenyin? Still there

"Oh, I see!" Liu Yanyu woke up and said, "the Jingchen sound in their mouth is the sea, but in fact, the real Jingchen sound is at the bottom of the sea..."

"Don't worry..." The stupid Taoist frowned and said, "Xiao Hua, you said that your team encountered a space storm in JieChong, and you went straight down from the interface barrier of JieChong to the jade sky and got the pure dust sound?"

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded.

So the stupid Taoist priest and Liu Yanyu looked at each other, and their faces were filled with ecstasy, but when they spoke, they asked different questions!

Stupid Taoist ecstatic way: "so, you can freely through the interface barrier?"

"Well So the time when you met the interface storm was 52 years ago? " Liu Yanyu's voice was trembling.

"Yes, yes!" Stupid Taoist also wake up, surprised, "team encounter space storm time, how with the dust sound annihilation time is the same?"

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanyu solemnly said, "according to the records of Shaoying mansion in the state of Kun, there was an unusual storm in the sea near jingchenyin. Maybe it was because jingchenyin was annihilated, which caused the change of the sea and affected JieChong through the interface barrier!"

"It's a pity that shaoyingfu's records are not particularly detailed. What we have got is only a little bit, but it's not easy to find the source of the annihilation of jingchenyin, and it's not easy to determine whether the tsunami in the sea is related to the space storm in JieChong!""Master..." Xiao Hua understood what, asked stupid way humanity, "Shao shadow house ink fairy pupil is the elder take?"

"Yes The stupid Taoist nodded and said, "yu'er and I have been exploring yuwantian for a long time, and we are returning to the clan to report. The clan also sent others to other places to explore. That is two years ago, I had a problem in my cultivation. I wanted to go out for a walk, so I came to yuwantian again with yu'er, and then we met the shadow guards of Kun kingdom. We rushed here to find clues from their records..."

"Here are some more..." Xiao Hua quickly handed the ink fairy pupil that Bao Shan had taken to stupid Dao humanitarian, "master, have a look again!"

"Silk..." The stupid Taoist looked at it for a moment, then suddenly took a breath of air and said, "how Why is it related to the ruins of Taichu? This The shadow guards of Kun kingdom are too good at talking. What do they know? "

"The ruins of Taichu?" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "fourth uncle, don't worry. Although the report of the shadow guards of the state of Kun may be false, the reason why the state of Kun can establish the state is that they have excellent relations with Tianzun mansion, because they are very good at exploring Tianzun mansion. They can often give Tianzun mansion some information that others can't control. No matter whether the information in Mo Xiantong is true or false, since they dare to give it to Xiao Hua, there are some reasons ……”

"See for yourself!" Stupid Taoist handed Mo Xiantong to Liu Yanyu, who turned to Xiao Hua and said, "look first!"

"OK..." Xiao Hua knows the importance of things, also don't understand what to say, should a, took the ink fairy pupil.

"And this..." Liu Yanyu takes out another Mo Xiantong, which is obviously lost by Shao Yingfu.

Xiao Hua first looked at Shao Yingfu lost, sure enough, there are records of jingchenyin space anomalies, and the last shadow is in jingchenyin large area of tsunami fall!

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Zhou Xiaoming, they went missing with yu'er. Where did they go?

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