Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1179

"No..." Liu Yanyu didn't speak. The stupid Taoist shook his head and said, "I've been missing for more than 50 years. We have to go to find it quickly..."

"Ah? What's the matter with you Xiao Hua also looked surprised and said, "what's the matter? I I'll go with you

"Xiao Xianyou..." Chang Yue frowned at the side and said, "it's important for military aircraft!"

"Well, you have a conscience..."

Xiao Hua's Ascaris lumbricoides in Liu Yanyu's stomach has responded. Xiao Hua can't laugh or cry.

Liu Yanyu said with a smile: "you'd better report to your boss first. Don't delay important things. After asking for instructions, see if you have spare time..."

"OK, two elders, wait a moment!" With that, Xiao Hua took the purple golden ball and followed Wang Fei.

Chang Yue followed Xiao Hua warily. She specially looked at the purple golden ball and whispered: "Xiao Xianyou, you You old friends can But a member of an ancient family? "

"Probably so!" Xiao Hua looked down at zijinqiu and said, "since they have helped, I can't hide it from you. I can only tell you the truth!"

"You're playing with fire!" Chang Yue reminds, "you You are the man of the elder. Now you are in collusion with the disciples of the ancient aristocratic family. If you are the elder... "

"What is collusion?" Xiao Hua said with a bitter smile, "I'm not an adult. It's a fact. I don't want to hide anything. Please make up your mind about everything!"

Chang Yue turned her lips. If Xiao Hua could hear Chang Yue's voice, he would know that Chang Yue murmured in secret: "what's so great if you want to have no chest or face?"

The communication channel of the state of Kun was in a secret hall. It was guarded by heavy troops and strictly forbidden by immortals. Only Xiao Hua, Chang Yue and King Hu Jin entered.

When Xiao Hua took out the token, King wat shivered. He knew the meaning of the token!

Xiao Hua urged the token, and sure enough, there was a mending fairyland in it!

Xiao Hua sent a message to Sinan Kong, waiting in the space. He thought that Sinan Kong would write back later. He just wanted to see what reward was offered in Xianwei. Unexpectedly, Xiao Hua didn't even open the space for reward, and a secret room chip had already appeared in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua is surprised. Is he waiting for himself?

After crushing the chip, Xiao Hua turns into a human figure and enters a secret room. It is still the human figure who talks about a few lines, but the voice of the human figure is much louder than before: "Xiao Zhangxing, is there something strange about Zhong Xiao? Do you have anything difficult to ask me? "

"My lord..." Xiao Hua bowed and said, "I've captured Zhong Xiao. I'm afraid that his soul has any secrets, so I'll contact you first..."

"What What? " The whole line of Sinan Kong's body trembled and the whole outline almost fell apart. He was surprised and said, "have you captured Zhong Xiao? How is that possible? I sent them to... "

Speaking of this, Sinan Kong coughed softly: "cough, listen to qianyuhan say that you are an immortal with deep fortune. NND, I didn't expect that you could accomplish such a difficult task so easily! Tell me how you do it.... "

"Sure enough..." Xiao Hua has already understood that Sinan Kong has sent someone to come here before, and it's hard for Sinan Kong to let himself come.

So Xiao Hua told the whole story, and Sinan Kong said with a bitter smile, "it turns out that Zhong Xiao was the king of Xuantian mansion in Kun state! No wonder those immortals were killed before. Most of them contacted Bao Qiong! "

Sinan Kong did not explain anything to Xiao Hua. He asked, "where are the demons in the demon League?"

"Here!" Xiao Hua quickly takes out the stupid Taoist's purple gold ball.

"Ancient family?" Sinan Kong frowned, "you just said the old friend is the ancient family disciple?"

"Yes Xiao Hua didn't hide it either. He replied, "I didn't know what kind of ancient family they were, but they saved my life. I regarded them as old friends, and I didn't dare to hide it."

"Well!" Sinan Kong's tone was calm, "you go back and pass this purple gold ball to me. As for the misfortunes and blessings Since you have your own choice, I won't interfere more... "

"King wat of the state of Kun has three naxu rings for Kui. Look..."

"Don't tell me about this..." Sinan Kong lightly replied, "you just need to tell him that there are generals in our team who have fallen in their Xuantian mansion. They must take responsibility, but their assistance is also meritorious this time. They should make up for their mistakes. Be careful in the future, and don't have any more problems!"

"Thank you, my lord..." Xiao Hua bowed himself again and knew that Si Nankong was a reward for himself.

"Pass the purple golden ball to me, it's too timely!" Sinan Kong said with a smile, "your credit Wait until after this war! "

"Yes, I understand!" Xiao Hua watched the outline of Sinan sky disappear, agreed to exit the chamber of secrets, and quickly sent the purple golden ball to Sinan sky.

"Lord lielei..." Wat Jin King's expression is a little nervous, looking at Xiao Hua's mind to return to the throne, quickly flew over and asked, "how?"Chang Yue, the Dharma protector for Xiao Hua, was in front of the king of Jin.

"My Lord said..." Xiao Hua did not lose a word of Si Nankong's words to King Wat and Jin, "if there is a general in our team who fell in Xuantian mansion of the state of Kun, the state of Kun must bear the responsibility, but the state of Kun's assistance is also meritorious, so we should make up for the mistakes. In the future, we should be careful not to have any more problems!"

"Thank you, thank you!" The king of Wat and Jin looked out and quickly took out two gold accessories and handed them to Xiao Hua and Chang Yue. He said, "this is my majesty's keepsake. Please take it with you. If you can use our country in the future, you can show it. It's like my majesty's visit."

Xiao Hua and Chang Yue took it and said with a smile, "Your Majesty is so polite."

Then the king of Wat and Jin politely sent Xiao Hua and Chang Yuefei out of the hall. Outside the hall, Bao Shan had been waiting for Xiao Hua to fly out. Seeing Xiao Hua fly out, he quickly flew over, presented Mo Xiantong in his hand and said respectfully, "my Lord, this is the record of the interface near jingchenyin. I have not seen it carefully. I don't know if it is useful for you."

Xiao Hua was overjoyed. He took over Mo Xiantong and said with a smile, "if you have a heart, it's hard for you!"

"I dare not!" Bao Shan had a complicated look in his eyes. Looking at Xiao Hua, he said in a low voice, "as long as you don't blame me, I'm grateful!"

Xiao Hua, who listens to Tian Xue, is just like himself. After more than 50 years, he turns out to be a real immortal. Bao Shan always feels that he is dreaming.

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I'm going to find qiu'er. I'm ready to end a big cause and effect!

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