Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1178

"Master..." Xiao Hua cheerfully shouts, "it's me, Xiao Hua..."

"How could it be?" With a groan, the stupid Taoist turned his head to look at Liu Yanyu and said, "didn't you say that he just gathered Yuanxian high-level and just had the strength to transform Lingxian? How Why did you jump to the real fairy again? "

Liu Yanyu is also confused. She doesn't believe her eyes either. After all, from juyuanxian to Zhenxian, that can't be achieved in a few years! It's only a few decades ago. No matter what kind of reincarnation Xiao Hua is, it's impossible for him to become a real immortal!

But it happened that Liu Yanyu could absolutely confirm that this man was Xiao Hua. This kind of trust came from the heart and soul!

"I I don't know! " Liu Yanyu suddenly had a slight panic, as if there was a breeze on the calm water.

"Sister Yu Er..." Xiao Hua asked Liu Yanyu with a smile, "are you ok?"

"No It's ok... " Liu Yanyu waved her hand and said, "it's just a demon clan that can take away the immortal body. It's nothing!"

Stupid Taoist Leng for a while, it seems that Xiao Hua did not say anything? However, the stupid Taoist suddenly realized that it was Xiao Hua who sent the message to Liu Yanyu, right?

"Xiao Xianyou..." After Xiao Hua, Chang Yue came to see Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist, and said, "what's up? Did you succeed? "

"Got it!" Xiao Hua laughed, pointed to the stupid Taoist, and said, "I just met two elders, and they took them!"

Chang Yue looked at Liu Yanyu acutely, turned her eyes, and bowed her body to say, "thank you, Chang Yue, for your help

Xiao Hua just wanted to explain, and a sour voice came out of his mind: "hum, a little Juyuan..."

Although the voice was very ethereal, Xiao Hua could hear it clearly. Wasn't it Liu Yanyu's voice?

"Ah?" Xiao Hua looked at Liu Yanyu inexplicably, but he didn't know that the smile on Liu Yanyu's face was more beautiful than Hui Xiao's. He raised his hand and said, "you're welcome. We're old friends of Xiao. Although we're not relatives, we're not so busy!"

"Relatives?" Stupid Taoist's eyes are about to fall. Yan Yu, who gives you the right to recognize your relatives! Not afraid of being punished by the owner?

"Anyway..." Chang Yue also replied with a smile, "Xiao Xianyou is also the general of our team. If you can help him, you can also help our team. I can't help you!"

Chang Yue's mouth, a "senior" and a "junior" bite very hard, listen to Liu Yanyu some displeasure.

"Hum, I'm a senior. I don't know how old I am. I'm a member of the family..."

Xiao Hua seems to have heard some strange voices again!

"Weird, weird..." Xiao Hua has the feeling of sweating.

"Wait a moment, my lord..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to say something, there was a sound of panic in the distance. An old man wearing gold armor and a purple gold crown came with a group of generals stepping on the clouds. The old man looked at Xiao Hua and cried, "Xiao Wang Bao Ceng, please apologize to the adults on behalf of our country..."

"Bao Yi?" Xiao Hua turned his head and looked up, a little surprised.

"This is king Hu Jin..." Chang Yue quickly reminded, "Uncle Huang of Kun state!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua understood, but he did not meet the past, but Ji Shoudao, "it was king wat Jin, Xiao is impolite!"

"Lord lielei..." Wat Jin Wang flew in and said respectfully, "Xiao Wang just got the urgent report from Shaoying mansion. He knew that the LORD was almost plotted by the demon clan in Xuantian mansion. Xiao Wang rushed to ask for a pardon. It's really that the defense of Kun kingdom is too lax. He was taken advantage of by the demon alliance demon clan, and he didn't know that the emperor of Xuantian mansion was taken away..."

"Hunting base?" Stupid way in the heart can't help but is a groan again, "this Xiao Hua tnnd, is still a person?"? Why doesn't he fly to heaven?? Just a few days after joining the team, I got to the hunting base! "

Liu Yanyu's ordinary face was full of wonderful eyes. Xiao Hua gave him too many surprises.

Xiao Hua is most considerate of others. How could he embarrass others when he saw the emperor's uncle of the state of Kun in person?

He said with a smile: "the king of wat Jin has said his words, and you kunguo are also the victim. Bao Qiong, the king of Xuantian mansion, had a meeting with Xiao before, and Xiao had a very good impression on him. In xuantianfu on the first day of this year, his performance is unusual. Xiao has already felt strange. Unexpectedly, he has fallen. King Wat and King Jin can rest assured that Xiao will tell you the whole story of this matter. "

"Thank you, thank you..." King wat reached out to hold Xiao Hua's hand, shook it hard, and said, "I hope Lord lielei can tell us about the difficulties of our country And bring back our country's deep friendship to the team.... "

Xiao Hua could feel the naxu ring in King wat Jin's hand, and his smile was also very bright. He said, "yes, yes, although Xiao met his Highness for the first time, his Highness's enthusiasm has infected me. I will certainly bring his Highness's respect to adults to you! But now, Xiao has captured the demon League, and he has to return to the team quickly, so he won't stay in kunguo for a long time... "

Watching Xiao Hua pull out his hand and take away the three naxu rings, King wat felt relieved. However, he said tentatively: "Lord lielei, there are some special channels in Kun country that can actually communicate with JieChong. May I have a try first?"Xiao Hua understood what king wat thought and said with a smile, "since that's the case, your highness will lead the way, and Xiao will also hand over this job!"

"Good, good..." Wat chin Wang Mei opened his eyes and laughed. Xiao Hua could win over him, but he was not sure. With Xiao Hua's summons, he didn't dare to know what happened. Could he always let the king of Kun sleep well?

"Master..." Xiao Hua stretched out his hand to Bendao, "can you give this demon alliance demon clan to the younger generation?"

"Well, well..." Stupid Taoist quickly handed the purple golden ball to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment and asked: "are you sure

Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "yes, I discussed it with my fourth uncle. That's it!"

Looking at Liu Yanyu's smiling eyes, Xiao Hua understood that It's selling well, it's also a kind of trial. As soon as Xiao Hua was about to reach out, a tiny voice came to his mind: "hum, do you dare to take it..."

"I'll go!" Xiao Hua is silly, Liu Yanyu Is it the roundworm in my stomach?

No, no, no, is she the worm in Liu Yanyu's stomach?

"Good!" How can Xiao Hua show weakness? I'm going to tell you, oh, by the way, if you don't want to come here, can you wait here

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Liu Yanyu's trial, stupid Taoist's trial It's different!

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