Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1177

A moment later, Wu Zhan returned to his senses, restrained his impulse to catch up, and whispered: "yes Can we do it now? "

"No!" Xiao Hua refused without hesitation.

"You What did you want? I I'll give it to you... "

"Master Wu thinks too much!" Xiao Hua said faintly, "your spirit is deeply damaged now, and it's not suitable for cultivation. Moreover, you are in an urgent mood. If I give it to you, you must understand, this It's not good for your cultivation! Don't forget that there is a story about people who are extremely tired and thirsty You can't give him hot water! "

"Good, good!" Wu Zhan raised his eyebrows, bowed to Xiao Hua's back and said, "I'm taught!"

"Master Wu, what's the matter?" Lu Zhong looks at Wu Zhan and really doesn't understand what happened.

"This Lu Zhong..." Xiao Hua is also a messenger, "too attached to the trend of inflammation, but also snobbish tight, don't let him again under the banner of the star dome It's a disgrace to Fei Sheng Xian. "

"Yes, I understand!" Wu Zhan answered and got up, looking at LV Zhong's eyes!

"Master..." LV Zhong was startled and flew back.

Think about the words that Lu Zhong denounced Xiao Hua in those days, which were really domineering. Now, Xiao Hua can beat LV Zhong down with just one word!

Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, is that all?

"Xiao Xianyou..." Chang Yue followed Xiao Hua, looking at the immortal generals flying around, and said, "where is Zhong Xiao?"

"Don't worry..." Xiao Hua said, "that guy is nearby. He thinks I can't find him..."

"Great!" Chang Yue understood and said in a low voice, "are you attacking the West with the east?"

"Well, I'm going in a slightly skewed direction..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'm sure..."

Just now speaking of this, Xiao Hua's smile was stiff, and he roared: "where to go!"

Seeing Xiao Hua's body turn and fly to another direction, Chang Yue also smiles. If Zhong Xiao is confused by Xiao Hua's hard to get, how can he escape the capture of other immortal generals?

Xiao Hua can only blur the direction of perception, and Yan Nian can't be sure who it is even if he has scanned it! And now many immortals are flying in the clouds. Xiao Hua has no way to distinguish them!

Seeing this, Chang Yue urges her body to fly high. She raises her hand to sacrifice the seal. With a little finger, "boom" the bronze light and shadow on the seal shines. Chang Yue looks around and yells, "I'm Hu Jiao of the chachong team. I've come to capture the demon Alliance that has been mixed into the kingdom of Kun. You stop flying immediately and wait quietly!"

Most of the immortals in moyitian are above the realm of five element immortals. They were a little flustered before. At this time, Chang Yue roared and all the immortals stopped.

"Where to go!" Xiao Huayan immediately locked several flying immortals!

Feeling Xiao Hua's Yan Nian, several immortals stopped in a hurry, leaving only one immortal in immortal armor to escape!

"Hum..." Xiao hualeng hums a, will urge day surplus of skill!

"Peng..." Just at this time, the immortal's body suddenly burst, blood and flesh flying, a fuzzy animal shadow from the air

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua laughs and is urged by the art of Riying.

"Pa..." The blurred animal's shadow burst from the middle!

"Ah..." With a scream, the beast's shadow fell apart!

But a moment later, "BAM BAM..." A few immortals close to the shadow of the beast in the distance also burst open!

"Damn, Zhong Xiao wants to take away the immortal bodies of these immortals, but these immortal bodies can't bear this guy's soul..."

"No, the immortals began to panic again, and they also fled everywhere. They were also afraid of death!"

Although the immortal is escaping, the sound of "puff" is still heard. More and more immortals are supported by Zhong Xiao!

"Ouch..." One after another, the shrill scream is that several fairy babies are swallowed by Zhong Xiao!

"Damn it Xiao Hua low scolds, just about to urge the death nightmare, suddenly the scream disappears, the immortal body explosion sound also does not see, only the panic scattered immortal!

"This guy is too cunning..." Xiao Hua was helpless and said with a bitter smile, "maybe he has found the right body..."

If it's someone else, it can't be said at this time that he will use the powerful magic to kill all the immortals around him to prevent Zhong Xiao from escaping, but Xiao Hua really can't do it.

When Xiao Hua was at a loss, he suddenly thought of some faint voice in his ear: "I'm afraid Records of the state of Kun Jingchen sound is really abnormal Fourth uncle... "

"Sister Yu Er?" Xiao Hua was puzzled, and his heart felt warm, "she Why is she here? "

Xiao Hua quickly looked at the voice, and at this time, the voice suddenly accelerated "who?"

"No!" Xiao Hua is surprised to know that it is Liu Yanyu who meets Zhong Xiao. He urges Guangdun without thinking. At this time, Xiao Hua's Guangdun technique had been completed. After finding the feeling, he saw two ordinary looking immortals who looked like two immortals!

Alas, Xiao Hua always flies around like a headless fly. He didn't get lost at the critical moment. Is it Telepathy? Or is there something in your heart??The figures around the two immortals were sparse, and they were all in panic. Only two of them seemed to be whispering. What were they discussing!

The fairy looked down in surprise and saw that some purple and gold light on her body rose suddenly, blocking a dim animal shadow

Xiao Hua suddenly flew out, and another male immortal was facing the enemy. His left arm was not raised, and a purple and gold spot like a star disk appeared. In his mouth, he roared: "who?"

"Sister Yu Er..." When Xiao Hua saw the animal's shadow, he couldn't stand still and immediately cried, "that's..."

"Xiao Xiao Hua Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, the fairy exclaimed, "you What are you doing here? "

After exclamation, a kind of suddenly appeared on the fairy's ordinary face and nodded: "OK, I know!"

Said, Liu Yanyu backhand a lift body surface purple gold light and shadow, that light and shadow into a net pocket head toward the beast shadow fall!

"Haw..." The animal's shadow screamed and turned to escape. The figure disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"Hum..." Naturally, the male immortal was the fourth uncle of Liu Yanyu, a stupid Taoist. With a cold hum, the purple gold spot in his left hand, which was originally to defend Xiao Hua, suddenly fell, "hum..." A thousand feet of space around the animal shadow immediately freezes, and a beast shadow like a big head doll stagnates in it.

"Take..." Stupid people denounce the truth. The light spot turns into a cage to cover the animal's shadow. Then he raises his hand and grabs it. The cage condenses into a purple gold ball and falls into his hands!

Then he opened his eyes, looked at Xiao Hua and asked in disbelief: "you You Are you Xiao Hua? "

At this time, Xiao Hua was thousands of feet tall, and his light golden flame moved with the wind. He was standing there with great power. The sundial was shining on him, and the light made Liu Yanyu feel dizzy. In the eyes of stupid Taoist, this was an enemy who could attack him at any time. How could it be the poor little fairy baby before?

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Xiao Hua meets Liu Yanyu again and gradually changes her impression

In addition, Tanhua's new book, six-year compulsory education of Chinese runes, starring Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua's son, is still serialized at the starting point https:book.qidian.cominfo1014281512 . You can have a look, help put forward an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! New books are relaxed