Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1176

However, since Dou Tian Geng Jin's great formation was urged, there was no Bao Qiong around. Where would he answer at this time?

"Bao dome!" Wu Zhan was also a little flustered. He let out Yan Nian and realized that the killing array was designed to deal with real immortals. However, he tried his best to urge the immortal power. The immortal power of his whole body was imprisoned by the pale golden light belt on his body. He couldn't resist with all his strength. "What do you want to do?"


With Wu Zhan's cry, the red sun bursts, and the crazy law of fire burns everything down!


The silver moon also burst, the water Dharma array was submerged, and other laws also rushed to Xiao Hua.

The fairyland, or even the law of water and the law of fire, which are common at the interface, is now a sharp weapon to kill the real fairyland. The two laws are just edge contact, and the strong annihilation force is mixed with the destruction of all the laws, which is like a sea wave

"Damn it The two rules are to attack Xiao Hua, but Wu Zhangen couldn't avoid them. He scolded, and his whole body was shining with silver. The nine pale golden light bands were roaring at the same time. They were rising rapidly, blocking Wu Zhan's surging immortal power!

"Hum..." Xiao Hua snorted coldly, and said, "Zhong Xiao, you're a little fanciful just because you want to kill Xiao!"

With that, Xiao Hua's pale golden light and shadow appeared all over his body, and countless totems like the sun were all over the place in a strange array. At the same time, Xiao Hua looked at the two rules, rubbed his hands to activate the method of diurnal surplus, and two pale golden oval totems appeared in his palm!


Xiao Hua's hands trembled, and the pale gold totem disappeared immediately. At the same time, "boom..." At the same time, the two law centers produce a pale gold totem, which rotates rapidly and inhales the power of crazy law!

"You..." Wu Zhan looked at the power of the totem to transcend the law of heaven in the world of desire, and then saw that Xiao Hua was not imprisoned by Tianzun mansion at all. He exclaimed, "you You Xianli How can we not be bound by the law of heaven

Where does Xiao Hua have time to pay attention to him?

He can only fight against the two laws, but he can't kill them!

With a low roar, Xiao Hua raised his hand, took out his wishful stick, lifted it with all his strength, and cried, "fight, fight!"

Or the original physical strength is powerful, "boom..." The shadow of the two sticks fell and hit the center of the pale gold totem. The fire law and the water law array were broken by the law of power, and were immediately inhaled by the pale gold totem



More than a thousand miles of space is shaking violently, and the unspeakable light gold, red and silver are flowing in the surging space waves!

In the wave shadow, the whole Xuantian mansion is affected, hundreds and thousands of immortals will fly out in panic, and more Yannian and will sweep from the distance!

"Where to go!"

Xiao Hua gently brushed his eyes, the light gold color gushed out like fog!

"Xiao Xianyou..." Chang Yue was also very excited at this time, and called, "you You just said Zhong Xiao? So Is Bao Qiong Zhong Xiao? "

"Odd?" Xiao Hua urges the secret skill to explore for a moment, but he doesn't see the trace of Zhong Xiao. He says in a low voice, "is it the secret skill given by the adult that's wrong?"

"You You can't be mistaken, can you? " Chang Yue looked at Wu Zhan, who was a little embarrassed in the distance, and reminded him in a low voice, "if Zhong Xiao, how could the immortal in the star dome not be aware of it?"

"Hum..." Xiao hualeng snorted, "although I can't see through Zhong Xiao's disguise, I'm listening to Tian Xue saving Bao Qiong, and I'm still the hunting base of the team. Bao Qiong can't kill me! Don't forget, if he kills me, it will affect the celestial beings in the sky! Can xingqiong and his team spare the kingdom of Kun

"Yes, yes..." Bao Shan also flew over and said in a hurry, "master Xiao is very right. I want to come now, but Bao Qiong has been wrong for a long time..."

Xiao Hua ignored Bao Shan and continued to say to Chang Yue, "now I know why the adults sent me!"

"Yes Chang Yue sighed and said, "my Lord must have sent someone to come, but nothing. Let you come It's a bait

"NND, it's more than bait!" Looking at the mess around, Xiao Hua scolded, "I can't say someone has fallen here!"

"Certainly Chang Yue nibbled her lips. "After all, Zhong Xiao can escape from JieChong. The demon alliance is also powerful..."

Chang Yue's words awakened the dreamer. Xiao Hua held his hand to his forehead and said with a smile, "Oh, how can I forget this?"

Then Xiao Hua urged the spirit casting skill of the demon League!

Sure enough, Xiao Hua could not see where Zhong Xiao was hiding, but he could vaguely perceive the location!

"Go..." Xiao Hua waves to Chang Yue, urging him to fly away.

"Xiao Xiao Xiaoyou... " Seeing that Xiao Hua was about to leave, Wu Zhan, whose face was always green and red, rushed over and said, "I'm really ashamed that I was blinded by that evil..."

When Xiao Hua looks at Wu Zhan, he has a hard feeling in his heart. He doesn't like Wu Zhan's strength very much. However, when Wu Zhan faced Zhu Ding, although he pressed the seven spirits, he only said that he would make a deal. If Zhu Ding really took out the seven spirits, Xiao Hua believed that Wu Zhan would make a deal at a price.The immortal in the star dome should be faithful.

As for Wu Zhan's dealing with himself, it's really Zhong Xiao's arrangement. Wu Zhan is only used by Zhong Xiaoli because he is eager to get the seven spirits.

"That's all!" Xiao Hua said faintly, "they are all feisheng immortals. Why care so much?"

"Ah?" Wu Zhan was overjoyed and said, "is Xiao Xiaoyou also an immortal? Too Great

"Xiao has something important about the military plane at this time..." Xiao Hua looked at the distance and said, "I'll see you later."

"Little friend..." Wu Zhan quickly took out a messenger and handed it to Xiao Hua. With a smile, he said, "this is my messenger. When you go to dese Jietian, you must send me a message. I will make amends!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua is not wordy, took the messenger, turned and left.

"Xiao Xiaoyou..." Wu Zhan seems to have thought of something again. He catches up and says, "don't I help you too..."

"No, no!" Xiao Hua looked at Wu Zhan's light belt and said, "it's enough to have a certain Xiao. You'd better go back to recuperate the spirit quickly? I'm already hurt. I'm still fighting with Xiao... "

"Yes, yes..." Wu Zhan rubbed his hands and said in a low voice, "I'm really sorry!"

Xiao Hua ignored Wu Zhan and continued to fly forward. After more than a hundred miles, he whispered: "Master Wu, you should go back to the mansion for meditation first. Xiao has other methods of casting spirits here, which are similar to the seven spirit fragments. When Xiao has time to go to the color world, he will give it to you not too late!"

"Ah Wu Zhan was so overjoyed that he could hardly believe his ears.

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Xiao Hua wants to find Cang prodigal son. Naturally, he has to start with xingqiong fairy

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