Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1175

"Boom..." When the two fists collided, a black-and-white pie shaped radiance appeared between the fists, and then the radiance spread vertically, turning into a light wave of thousands of feet in size. Where the light wave passed, all the silver white light columns were cut, and the so-called doutian Geng gold array was also cut to pieces.

With the light rushing around, Wu Zhan's fists also gave birth to "Ka Ka..." The sound of a crack in the sound, toward Wu Zhan arm rapid spread!

The arm of the immortal on the star dome is in this fist, which is broken by Xiao Hua!

"You..." Wu Zhan's eyes were about to fall. He looked at his broken arm turning into a thousand swords, and cried out in a low voice, "what's your law?"

Wu Zhan really can't think of any rule more sharp than the golden rule!

"The cheeky rule!" Xiao Hua cried haughtily, "let Xiao have a look at the second move of the immortal on the star dome!"

Wu Zhan was both shy and angry. Without hesitation, he patted his eyebrows and cried, "as you wish! I'll take an arrow from you

"Whoosh..." But see Wu zhanmei heart between two immortal mark open, a green one red two short arrows fly out!

As the short arrow flies out, two silver sword shaped light and shadow fall on the short arrow like a star in Wu Zhan's immortal trace!

"Wuwu..." As soon as the short arrow flew out, the pale golden light bands that were swimming around Wu Zhan immediately separated a short arrow that rolled towards him. The short arrow was shining. As the light band fell, the luster immediately disappeared, and the power of the short arrow was reduced by three points out of thin air!

"Damn it Wu Zhan scolds him. He is quite helpless to urge the short arrow. He knows that the short arrow is the peak power of hualingxian at best. I'm afraid it can only compete with Xiao Hua!

"Hey, hey..." Seeing the two short arrows, green and red, attracted each other and stabbed at him with the help of yin and Yang, Xiao Hua sneered and patted the immortal mark in the center of his eyebrows Flying star, thunderbolt and attack wind are in the shape of goods. Welcome the short arrow together!

"Three "Three rules?"

Seeing the power of the flying stars and the moon, the thunder carried the law of thunder, and the wind was almost invisible. Wu Zhan lost his voice again and whispered, "you How can you practice three laws? "

In Wu Zhan's low voice, the immortal utensils collided with each other, and the square space was disturbed by the force of the law. The air currents and waves that ordinary Qi immortals could not resist collided around Xiao Hua and Wu Zhan, and the broken doutian Geng golden array was completely torn apart!

Chang Yue, Bao Shan and LV Zhong all show their bodies from the light of swords everywhere!

"Good, good! Good Wu Zhan couldn't hang on his face any more. He called out in a low voice, "my last blow, you Be careful... "

With that, Wu Zhan slapped himself on the top door with his backhand.

"Boom..." The silver light rose like a flame, and a fairy baby with strange runes all over his body stepped on the silver light and flew out!

This fairy baby has not yet fully revealed his figure, "brush..." This is the pale gold light band wrapped around Wu Zhan's body, which is divided into nine light bands and pours on the immortal baby, but it will bind the immortal baby in the blink of an eye!

"Hum..." Xianying is cold and bright. The rune on his body is instantly bright. It condenses into an immortal array like a huge sword. The immortal array holds up the light golden light. Xianying looks at Xiao Hua like electricity.

"This This... " Xiao Hua sensed the strong soul power of Xianying, and was surprised. He said in secret, "real immortal is different from Qi immortal's attack Is it really soul power

Xiao Hua himself is a true immortal. Naturally he knows the secret of true immortal cultivation, but he is good at soul cultivation, so he doesn't pay special attention to the cultivation of soul power. Now when he sees Wu zhanzhen's use of soul power, he pays some attention to it.

"No..." Seeing that Wu Zhan's immortal body was covered with light debris under the immortal baby, and a silver light column rushed out of the immortal scar, Xiao Hua was surprised and said in secret, "this This is definitely not pure soul power, it is a mixed power with soul power as its root, immortal body power and immortal trace power as its supplement! My God, the ancestors of daomen are so talented, ju To merge these different forces together to This is the real fighting power of the real immortal

Sure enough, fairy baby pressed on his eyebrow again, and a totem which was not clear but had some sword like outline appeared. A strong sword light rushed out of the totem and slowly stabbed Xiao Hua.

Sword light is not sword light, not only the outline is not very clear, but also the light is very dark. Wu Zhan is still trapped in the realm of real immortals, far from breaking through the immortals!

But even so, where the sword light passed, all the rules were annihilated, and the light could not escape. Xiao Hua's body felt powerless to resist the sword light!

Xiao Hua naturally can't release yuan baby. His yuan baby is still condensing the spirit. He has no ability to resist this kind of soul power!

However, Xiao Hua is not nervous, watching the sword light approaching, his immortal body silver light broken, he urged soul sword!

"Whoosh..." A crescent moon flies out like a hook, and the lightning and flint cleave on the sword light!

"Ka..." The sword light is split, but the crescent moon also disappears in the sword light!

"Ha ha..." Wu Zhan laughed and said, "it's just a little baby who has just set foot in Zhenxian. He dares to challenge me..."

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua laughed and asked, "is that right?""Why?" Wu Zhan suddenly had a bad feeling and blurted out, "you What else do you have? "

Without waiting for Wu Zhan to say something, there was a fuzzy fairy baby flying out of the top door of Xiao Hua. The hook between her eyebrows flashed one after another, "whoosh, whoosh..." One by one, the crescent moon came out, "poop poop..." It's like rain beating banana on Wu Zhan's sword light!

Wu Zhan looked at the broken light of his sword and the dim totem of Xianying's eyebrows. He lost his voice and said, "how How is that possible? You What are you doing? "

"Ah..." With Wu Zhan's scream, Xian Ying screams and shrinks into Wu Zhan's top door!

Wu zhanxuan turned pale!

Xiao Hua was about to speak with a proud smile All of a sudden, a violent shock came from the heads of Xiao Hua and Wu Zhan.

Two fierce breath swept by uncontrollably, one was extremely hot, the other was extremely cold!

Xiao Hua and Wu Zhan turned pale at the same time. They looked up and saw a round of red sun rising wildly. Next to the red sun, a round of blue moon slowly rotated!

As soon as the sun and the moon came out, the space around Xiao Hua and Wu Zhan was completely confined, and the law of heaven and earth was as powerful as a hand to hold them tightly!

In the distance, Bao Shan was pushed upside down by the power of this law, and the whole hall of xuantianfu collapsed in the sun and moon! Looking at the light, Bao Shan exclaimed, "Bao Bao Gong You Are you going to die? You Do you have your Majesty's consent? "

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Sorry, sorry, Tanhua has something to do in the morning. It has been outside and can't be updated!

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